Guys I am really excited for this Unity contest. I needed a fire lit under my ass, and this is that fire.
I can't believe you even tried this...Juan J. Sánchez":1virnhuv said:After several failed experiments, it seems as though Corona SDK isn't powerful enough to do realtime Gaussian blur. Heck, even my computer is lagging when I run the simulator.
I tried it on an iPhone 5S running at 60 FPS and it would overload the memory after 2 or 3 seconds and terminate the app. I was actually surprised it lasted that long.Xilef":nchafrke said:I can't believe you even tried this...Juan J. Sánchez":nchafrke said:After several failed experiments, it seems as though Corona SDK isn't powerful enough to do realtime Gaussian blur. Heck, even my computer is lagging when I run the simulator.
I did some pretty crazy stuff with Corona SDK back when I had to use it for my first job. Per-pixel operations were impossible back then, even a ray-caster was incredibly slow (was effectively 1-dimensional per-pixel image op).
I'm personally all apped-out.coyotecraft":3kund0w0 said:Do any of you have favorite "apps". Heh, I can't not say that un-ironically.
Declaring any object in Java and then immediately setting it to null does not free the memory, it will stick around for a while. Never declare temporary objects within the render-loop, only use raw ints and floats as temporary variables.ZenVirZan":l39mdpup said:Right so in Java, everything is working fine, but watching the memory, it uses up all the free memory, GCs and lags for a fraction of a second, and then continues again with a bunch of space free. This is all ok, but the part that bothers me is that the total memory reserved goes up one megabyte each time, which means it will eventually run out of memory. I mean, sure, 1MB every 15 seconds isn't immediately game-breaking but it's enough to bother me.
It appears to be using ~30MB per second, running at 500-800fps.
Would this be caused by me declaring too many temporary variables, or would this be more likely a problem with my OpenGL calls? What are the primary causes of Java using memory like this? Do Object[] being created and set to null constantly cause this behaviour? What can I do to avoid this? ;_;
EDIT: alright so i think its my floatbuffer fuck im bad at this
EDIT2: yeah it was, it doesn't play well with the GC for some reason(?) so I have to create them and then only update from there.
EDIT3: oh hey and i managed to get ogg files to decode as well. im on a fukn roll today