Fangking Omega;191477 said:Striktoil has been kept for the list of ideas for the future. We've not got room in Acanthite, but we wouldn't waste a good ideaIt just isn't Starter material.
Thanks for the good commentsIn good news, I've tested a battle demo, and it's extremely promising!
EDIT: STREWTH! The server move has screwed over the "e acute" character yet again :|
Baskinein;191614 said:to answer your question jayjaykirby. The catching system is actually already completely incorporated and was simply programmed like anything else that is going into the game. I could go into details, but that'd take awhile since there is so much :P
Baskinein;191736 said:well, since we are not using any of the original scripts that RMXP provides, it was actually fairly easy. Didn't have to work around a bunch of stuff and manipulate everything. It was pretty straight forward and only took a few minutes to really do it. It was the animation of throwing the pokeball and having it shake around and everything that was the time consuming part. :P
Baskinein;193201 said:That is actually the next feature I'm going to add. So it will be fully implemented probably tomorrow. It will fairly easy and wont take too long. The most time consuming thing will be programming the animations in. Check out the Acanthite Forums for the most recent updates on everything, including the coding. ^^
EvanCross;193873 said:Mm... I'm getting more and more interested in this game with every update, Keep up the fine work, Gentlemen!