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Pokemon Acanthite: The GSC Prequel

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Um Fangking Omega I was wondering if you could get me your team rocket char sets please I'm making a pokemon game so I search the net and I had no luck but if you don't want to give them away thats fine but it would really help my game if you did but your choice.
As part of the Pok?mon design phase which is currently undergoing crucial acceleration, we are producing interesting material featuring better images of the new Pok?mon rather than the old sketches. Thanks to the team for putting this together!

http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/687/ ... olops9.png[/img]

We're working on COMPLETING the Pok?dex now. Cipher, Plateface, PhantomGannon and Shadowshocker's work is all going into the complete Pok?dex. Cipher is putting a webpage together with the information, Plateface and PhantomGannon are doing the artwork, and ShadowShocker is the genius behind the Pok?dex entries and some of the new names we're getting. Expect to see more of this in the future.

For the first time, I can also reveal the names of the evolved forms of the starters.

Frondilo > Jungilo > Dilophrill
Kindlejou > Coatoast > Solaccoon
Reptide > Iguaqua > Tidalisk

I will also be so kind as to show:
http://www.freewebs.com/acanthitepokede ... ondilo.png[/img]

http://www.freewebs.com/acanthitepokede ... ungilo.png[/img]

http://www.freewebs.com/acanthitepokede ... phrill.png[/img]

Expect to see the others in due course!!

In other good news, Baskinein has completed his finals, allowing him to work on the scripting some more, and KangasKid likewise should be able to do more spriting, so we're getting past this stagnant period invoked by examinations. Grr!

noobo, if you want me to fix you up with charsets, PM me your email address :)

Thanks for your support people :D



Your Artist is great, honestly that looks professional, Nintendo would be proud. Game looks alright, just wish all this effort would go into something original, but Pokemon's an alright game to.
Ya there is one. Go to the home-page and you can download it.

Speaking of the Demo, I've played it. It is really great, except for the folowing

-Random freezing up during Battles
-the strong LAG out-side of houses
-I don't think the phrase "What the Hell are you doing!?" fits pokemon very well.
-a script error after defeating the Thunder Gym Leader.

but other than those, its awsome.
Thanks for the rundown :)

The new system takes care of a LOT of the problems experienced in what I think now is actually a fairly POOR demo, looking back. What we have in place now is much more efficent thanks to the superb Baskinein :D

Something we're aiming to look at in this game actually takes it beyond the kid-friendly nature of the official games - we're aiming this particularly at long-term fans of the series who grew up with it, hitting them with a story-intensive game with a strong dark side to it, exploring deeper characterisation and the angst of Kamon which fuels him to act as he does in Gold and Silver. Not to mention the brutality of main characters such as Argus, and the ability for the player to choose to do good or evil. This is something a bit different to what we've seen in the past. While we're not going to have strong swear-words and blood and guts, the darker, more mature angle probably qualifies words like "hell" and issues such as death can be covered (there is reference to a catastrophic war, and human death in the form of a graveyard and more). I appreciate what you were saying there, but I do think our intentions differ from those of Nintendo.

Now then...


New and MUUUCH improved Bambotta City - perhaps my best map to date.

Watchtower by Pyro, Fangking Omega and Mateo
Bridge by Pyro
Bell by Kyledove
Clan towers and all other custom buildings by Fangking Omega

The caves dotted around lead to underground passages. These were in fact created by Pok?mon thousands of years ago when this was their habitat. Now it is the epicentre of a clan war, and Team Rocket are set to intrude... Bambotta is also home to an ancient legend.

Just for fun, let's compare it to the original concept from some time ago.

Click to see the OLD Bambotta City
How are you/did you get past trade mark(TM) law? Because there is a possibility that the Creator's of Pokemon could sue you. Correct me if i'm wrong.
I don't know if anything on this line has been said or if you've considered it (i didn't finish reading the main post either btw) but i think it's important.

Snag a visual equipment script or something of the kind and holy hell ADD CHARACTER CUSTOMIZATION X_X

it's been lacking form Pokemon since day 1 and it NEEDS it SOOO badly. They could have easily done it in D/P and they didn't and i for the life of me cant figure out what's stopping them aside form laziness >< good LORD it needs it .. .. .. ok I'm done ranting,
Mascarpone;234608 said:
I don't know if anything on this line has been said or if you've considered it (i didn't finish reading the main post either btw) but i think it's important.

Snag a visual equipment script or something of the kind and holy hell ADD CHARACTER CUSTOMIZATION X_X

it's been lacking form Pokemon since day 1 and it NEEDS it SOOO badly. They could have easily done it in D/P and they didn't and i for the life of me cant figure out what's stopping them aside form laziness >< good LORD it needs it .. .. .. ok I'm done ranting,

This would make sense only if we'd picked to use a brand new protagonist, but we've elected to follow the backstory of an already established character, so i'm not sure we'll be able to change his look so much... great suggestion for the future though! There'll be more games from us lovely people at Silver Glance after all.
Areo X;233080 said:
How are you/did you get past trade mark(TM) law? Because there is a possibility that the Creator's of Pokemon could sue you. Correct me if i'm wrong.

You're a very silly person. lol
Nintendo can't do squat.*
It's free, made by the fan community for the fan community.
The only way Nintendo could touch this is if it were sold for real money.*

*Note: They COULD issue a "cease and desist" order, but they're not Squaresoft, so I'm sure that won't be a problem. lol

Now back to the topic:

This looks freaking amazing!!
Ya'll better not give up on this, 'cause it's looking SO good, and I'd love to play!
The only thing I don't like is some of the pokemon are kinda...
Well, to put it nicely, they're cheesy. >.<
...But hey, so are a lot of the REAL pokemon, so don't sweat it! lol

I agree with the person who said that "hell" is too strong a word, though.
Normally I'm one to support strong language in games, because seriously, not EVERYONE is a nicey-nice person with a pure heart who speaks only nice words. There are assholes in the world, and they cuss.
Hell, I'm a nice guy in my own opinion, and I cuss a lot!
But I think that a great deal of fans would be offended by the use of strong language in the game. Not because they're offended by the language, but...
It's like... Defacement. o.O
It's like having Nurse Joy hit on Brock.
As funny as that would be, it's totally wrong.
But hey, that's just me.

The voice of one (or in this case two) can usually be ignored,
but the voices of many are those which you should pay attention to.
And as I recall, most of the voices are praising this game, so good luck, and I hope it turns out well!:thumb
I'll play it regardless of the language used, but I thought I'd voice my opinion.



If theres one thing I know its that all series of pokemon had some special pokemon to be released a bit later. Series one had Mew, Series two had Celebi, series three had Jerachi and Deoxy's, and Four had Darkrai and that hedghog thing.

Now, Looking at your list of pokemon, I notice that there are convienently 149 pokemon, perfect for having a last secret pokemon to fill up that space.

By now, the pokemon series has some predictbility in it, especially after seeing the fourth generation. That is why you must now confess and tell us what the #150 pokemon is.

I have to admit you did good making continued evo's for certain pokemon. But in some cases you also broke some, erm, Pokemon Laws. Thats right. I said it.

I noticed you have two new versions of Porygon. I would like to know how they are going to fit in the porygon evolution chain. I can assume Porygon 0.5 is a baby pokemon to Porygon, but already that would break the chain, as there is already Porygon -> Porygon 2 -> Porygon Z. The rule is no pokemon can evolve more then twice. This rule has not yet been broken, but in all respect to the franchise, it should not be broken within a fan game.

Their's even more that pulls my weiners about this game, but I would rather not spoil a good thing.
:D It looks REALLY nice, ur drawings are amazing! I especially like the fact that you've kept to the general trends of the pokedex.

IE. There are some legendaries, starters, the powerful one at the end that has 3 stages(dragonite, tyranitar, salamence, metagross, garchomp) in your case Talisking. You've got the bug types at the beginning and there are no pure flying types! Perfect.
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