Areo X;233080 said:
How are you/did you get past trade mark(TM) law? Because there is a possibility that the Creator's of Pokemon could sue you. Correct me if i'm wrong.
You're a very silly person. lol
Nintendo can't do squat.*
It's free, made by the fan community for the fan community.
The only way Nintendo could touch this is if it were sold for real money.*
*Note: They COULD issue a "cease and desist" order, but they're not Squaresoft, so I'm sure that won't be a problem. lol
Now back to the topic:
This looks freaking amazing!!
Ya'll better not give up on this, 'cause it's looking SO good, and I'd love to play!
The only thing I don't like is some of the pokemon are kinda...
Well, to put it nicely, they're cheesy. >.<
...But hey, so are a lot of the REAL pokemon, so don't sweat it! lol
I agree with the person who said that "hell" is too strong a word, though.
Normally I'm one to support strong language in games, because seriously, not EVERYONE is a nicey-nice person with a pure heart who speaks only nice words. There are assholes in the world, and they cuss.
Hell, I'm a nice guy in my own opinion, and I cuss a lot!
But I think that a great deal of fans would be offended by the use of strong language in the game. Not because they're offended by the language, but...
It's like... Defacement. o.O
It's like having Nurse Joy hit on Brock.
As funny as that would be, it's totally wrong.
But hey, that's just me.
The voice of one (or in this case two) can usually be ignored,
but the voices of many are those which you should pay attention to.
And as I recall, most of the voices are praising this game, so good luck, and I hope it turns out well!:thumb
I'll play it regardless of the language used, but I thought I'd voice my opinion.