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Pixel Art WIPs/Small Things Thread

Template I just started, planning on using it for the anniversary contest. I know it's small, but that's just so I'll actually be able to make these quick enough to meet the December deadline ^_^ C&C?
My attempt to make fighting poses for my template. So far, it's trying to simply punch. Still, it's a work in progress needed for both NetGame Crisis Saga and DESU! (Dangerous Extraterrestrial Suppression Union)
@Eriol: When you punch someone (or something), most people twist their hips and move on of their knees forward. Perhaps your sprite should as well ^^.
LucyBomb":6vs771h4 said:

I changed the wings but it still doesnt look like it goes together.
Your problem is the huge difference in contrast and brightness. There are a couple things you want to do to make it look better.

1. Unify the palettes. Instead of gray, make the wings gray-brown. Also, purple shadows are much more aesthetic than brown shadows for both of those, jsyk.
2. Make the outlines similar. Right now, you have very dark outlines on the wings but not on the wood, which is the main thing making them look separate.
3. Pick a different font. At a glance, it makes the sign look like it's at a much lower resolution than the wings even though that's not true.

I'm brand new to custom graphics and am attempting to make some of my own for an RM2K3 game. My goal is to achieve a style somewhere between FF4 and FF5.

These are made 100% from scratch

I'm really liking that map, jacob. The graphics look pretty good. Everything is really saturated, but it all fits together well. I"m just used to looking at RMXP graphics so it kind of jumped out at me.

A small thing I see is that little slope on the left. I like it, but the path makes it look weird because the angle of the path is the same on the slope as everywhere else. Technically the grass is too I guess, but isn't noticeable. If you don't think it would be too much trouble or work, I think if you made some path tiles to match the slope that would make it look great.

Looking at it again the rocks kinda stick out. Maybe lighten the outline a smidgen on them, if even just the highlighted side of it.
Dustin":2l5vxsce said:
I think if you made some path tiles to match the slope that would make it look great. The rocks kinda stick out. Maybe lighten the outline a smidgen on them, if even just the highlighted side of it.

I see what you mean, I will have to fix that. Thanks for your compliments and criticism! It's fun to be able to make your own graphics, even if they cant compete with modern day games.

Here's an update. I changed the rock but havent tried to make a sloping walkway yet.

:thumb: Looking good! The turnips look kind of weird though. Like the bottom shouldn't be a straight edge or there's too much of the turnip root showing or something.
im finally back to rpg making after a long absence due to tests and other stuff, i'm done with the template i've been working on for my game, this is a private template, atleast for now.
before i left rpg making [about 6-7 months ago], this one took me 50 min to make [even if it's without shading [my animating skills kinda suck :/]:

and this one i made today, went for a chibi style just cuz i love it :D :

took me about 6 hours to finish this template ._.
all critiques are welcomed.

edit: added imgzoom.
Working on making a character with a "Badass Longcoat".

Pretty much everything other then the longcoat is taken from the RTP. I'm finished with the line art of the coat, and I'm working on shading it.

(Man, that IMGZOOM is fuzzy. Is that normal?)



don't use IE7, use Opera 10
Your palette really needs more contrast btw.
Nice animation, but again a bit more contrast wouldn't hurt.
Also, why does only the head have those black outlines?
@dust it doesnt have enough contrast? i didnt notice it :/, i gues my eyes got screwed up again.
and there's a black outline on the head so it'll separate from the other parts of the body, im removing those lines when making the sprite itself so it doesnt bother me much.
and here's a sprite i made of a character in my game + a portrait made by tweaking green raven's breeze face template:

what do you guys think?

EDIT: forgot image zoom again >.>

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