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Penumbra Cielo - Supernatural Ghoul-Hunting: OOC [FULL!]



Because Damian saw the direction Jo and Aster ran off to when they all escaped.  He's not really trying to "find" Aster so much as get to safety and get Kasumi medical attention of some kind.  

Tame, it's Teloch's B-day.  The staff are making a lot of fake admins in order to celebrate for one real admin.



I have power in lots :3

Tame, feel free to tell me if I go too far with Aster's botany knowledge. I figured that if medicine is more advanced then a lot more stuff would be clear/obvious to someone with her interest in poisons. Also feel free to tell me if I go too far with convenient plant placement.



Akinari":3g41u4cj said:
Because Damian saw the direction Jo and Aster ran off to when they all escaped.  He's not really trying to "find" Aster so much as get to safety and get Kasumi medical attention of some kind.

Since he said he was heading to where their wepons are, and where Aster might be, I took this to mean the camp, since their weapons are there, and Aster might be there for one reason or another.

Plenty of botany knowledge is perfectly reasonable, Wumpi, and plant placement isn't a problem in such a dense forest as this, which, more importantly, has had lots of animals and plants put there by Penumbra Cielo which wouldn't normally exist in such climates.  (Take that, Darwin!)



Wouldn't Lucian be in some pain at having just been shot, Yggy? Not that it matters, I only put that in because it seemed the quickest way to recapture him; I wanted to avoid shooting them if possible.

Now that Lucian, Damian and Kasumi are back in the hole, they won't be escaping until the last day. (They'll be let out for toilet breaks. :P) All that's left is for them to notice Jo's message, Viv's lot to fall for the trap, and to recapture Jo and Aster.  Then we really will skip to the last day, and I really will reveal their plan.



Yeah, sure Akinari.  Depending on how long the move takes, it might not be necessary though; I probably won't be posting until next weekend, since I have exams pretty much all next week.  Sorry. :(



I have to set up an exhibition by friday and I sortof havn't actually done half the art I'm supposed to be displaying yet (oops). Then on the tuesday after I'm supposed to be displaying 12 sketchbooks, 9 of which don't actually exist (!).

Just incase I disappear on ya'll, that's why.



Sorry there's not been an update recently. Last exam tomorrow (Hurray!!!!) so I'll be posting Saterday or Sunday.



Alright!  The accursed internet at my new house is fixed!  I'm going to read up on what's happened over the last week and a half or so. 



Sorry again about the long wait time.  If Cry and Wumpi would kindly allow their characters to be captured quickly, we can get to the end of this exam quickly, and see the end of Viv and his increasingly annoying troupe.



To Jo's question regarding the days in the RPG post, it's kind of confusing, I often confuse myself with it.  When I put 'Day X' that means its that number of days since they started the exam, so they started on Day 1, and once midnight passed, it became Day 2.

'X days since the exam began' is just that - the number of full days since the exam began.  However, here it gets confusing: The exam began at 6.30pm, so at midnight it was 0 days, 5 and a half hours since then.  But, at midnight it becomes Day 2 without one full day having passed.  So we end up with most of the time 'Day X' being two more than 'X number of days since exam began'.

Hope I explained that clearly enough.  I would have had 'Day X' as the full number of days since the exam began, in which case it would now be Day 3, but someone early on started doing it the other way, so I ran with that for consistency.

Since Cry and Wumpi have both posted, and Damian, Lucian and Kasumi aren't doing much in that hole, I'll post again in a bit.  Is it okay if I recapture Jo and Aster and skip forward a couple days to the game? I want to get through this because it's taken a lot longer than I thought it would.



Doh!  Right after I had finished my post (A pretty large one, too), my power went off for a minute or so.  I'll have to type that all out again!

Oh, and sorry that I still haven't posted.  That was nothing more than my desire to play GunZ:The Duel all day.
So yeah, what are we going to do? Although the game seems interesting to me, Jo is in favour of killing the bunch right away, I mean she was practically dying in that hole and shifts her fear into anger very easily. So anyone up to do the game or decide to plain out murder Viv's team, I'll just jump on the bandwagon :x



Sorry about my extended abscence, thanks all of you for posting. Update will be hopefully today, if not, tomorrow.



I'm soooo sorry about not posting.  I've been very lazy recently and don't have any excuse.  But, I've posted now, finally, and I'm not going anywhere for a while yet.  It'd be good if we can get this game over in our next posts, so abuse your opponents as much or as little as you want, and include the poison setting in if you wish.

Hopefully if we can get the game over with, you'll have passed the second exam by the end of my next post.

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