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Penumbra Cielo - Supernatural Ghoul-Hunting: OOC [FULL!]



Tame, what manga site do you go to?  I always use onemanga.com and they're pretty up to date on their HxH issues I think. 

Also, I need you to make sure my post is ok.  I tried to control Lucian as little as possible, but seeing as how he's not been here recently, I thought it was time to go on.



TCoFA (I dunno what to call you. :P), I've got the rest of this test more or less planned out, but I won't say anything else about it yet.

Akinari, yup, I go to onemanga too; I think that they have all Hunter x Hunter chapters that have been released in Japanese there.

As far as you're post's concerned, it's really up to Yggdrasil how much you control his character. If it were me I'd be fine with that, but maybe he wouldn't want to team up, or had other plans so he might be different.

On little thing, I'm guessing the character you had appear at the end was Huw? If so, is it cool if you edit out him showing up? Sorry about this, its just I've got the next part thought out and it sorta relies on him being kept on the ship by Alex.
I meant the first exam, the forest survival thingy, but s'pose that's an irrelevant question ;)

And it's usually TCoFA or Cry over here, usual interwebz alias is Autumn, which shortens to Aut if you prefer that.



Yeah, I only meant this exam too. I've got the rest nearly thought out. Just the last test needs some details thinking about.

I like Cry, Cry it is. :)
I'm waiting for devon to reply about the red eyes crap and want to know why Billy can read my character's mind. I assume he wants to explain it all himself, but I want it figured before moving on with this thing. If neccesary I can write it myself, but be warned that if I do I will take full control of Billy, mr. Red eyes and choose the direction of the river.
My house flooded recently and I haven't been able to do anything with the internet inside my own house. Phone lines and such are down. Hoefully it will be up soon, so I can post up something.
A few things Devon, I know I originally started with the controlling the other's character thing, but you're beginning to do my character's personality denvelopment. If you have problems with me chosing Billy's actions let me know, I've tried to keep them logical for Billy to do for the most part (Though I might have gone a little far letting Billy slay the chimeracat). Plus I kinda twisted some of your writing, such as the meeting and the ocean thing. The meeting was because Jo is always on her guard, I mean, they both enter a clearance, she sees a strange figure, another contestant which may have the intention of killing her, what do you think she does first? ;p As for the ocean thing that was because Tame had posted it would have to take the participants a minimum of 3 days to reach the other beach.

Secondly, Billy's alter ego called Jo a kid, while she's 6 years older than Billy. I don't know what or who mr. Redeyes is, but it's a strange sentence to come from Billy's lips if y'understand what I mean. I really want to know, as a writer, what I can expect from him. I don't want to wait till later, whether you explain it in the RP or the OOC, I don't care, but I want to know what or who it is.

Thirdly, Jo's using a revolver, as I've mentioned several times, revolvers use gunpowder, with the gunpowder wet, Jo cannot use her fire-arms. As you know she doesn't trust Billy and likes to keep him as harmful as possible. In other words, if she can't use her guns and only her knives and Billy picks up his katana (which is pretty strange because it wouldn't fly out of it's hold that easily would it?) even though Jo hit the shore before him, well that would mean she would have left it just layin' around for a few minutes. Not to mention she is not very happy being launched without such an action being announced, whether Billy saved her or not, she is not happy with that either and she's running out of patience, which I will come to in my next post.

Lastly, the mind-reading thing was because you had been using some of Jo's thoughts to reply to as Mr. Redeyes, which severely annoyed me. I mean, Jo didn't know Billy's name till she heard it and the rest she knows about him is because she has observed him and heard a vague story or two. I mean he swam to the island, ships broke, sank, etc. And he just made it swimming! That has to have been quite the story. I hope you can take some more time taking other's posts in consideration before writing your own, if you need any explanation, just ask me.

I'm not trying to shoot you down or anything, but you're making it quite hard for me to write like this.



To Yggy: Sorry to hear about your house, hope you can sort eveything out soon.  Until you can return I'll try and control your actions as best you can.  As it stands, however, not much will be happening for the moment that is absolutely necessary for you to be controlling Lucian for, ie. I won't have him do anything uber big without you.  If there's anything at all you want him to do/not do, post here, or PM, if you can get the chance.

Okay, on to the topic of Billy, I'm going to try and sort this all out once and for all here, so that everyone can see the outcome and hopefully everyone's satisfied without compromising either my position as Game Master or the RPG itself.

First, Billy's red eyes.  Devon PMed me, and I understand Cry as well, about the source of these.  It is due to Billy's stomach housing a young (50 to 100 years-old) Leviathan (giant sea snake) which his family defeated years ago.  The red eyes signify the Leviathan taking control of Billy's body for a short amount of time.  I have told Devon that this is unfair; to seal a monster inside another person is something I hadn't considered within this universe until he suggested it.  However, to do so would require some sort of spell or ritual involving powers that no OCs may yet possess.  Nor may Billy's family possess them; I had already decided that very few people within this universe know about such powers. Apart from those in the guild, a handful throughout the world know about them, much less possess them.

Devon suggested it being more of a leech attached to a host.  This still would require some magic, so I am going to disallow it.  Not only that, but there is presumably some great advantage to having a bloody great sea snake in your belly, an advatange that would be unfair to give only to one player.  Therefore, I am going to entirely rule out the idea of anything being within Billy's stomach, or possessing Billy in any way.  As Devon did not include any of this information in his Character Sheet, I feel myself justified in doing so.  Devon, if you can think of another explanation, please put it forward.  Otherwise, we can just ignore all 'red-eye' incidents as having never occurred.

Thanks Cry for your suggestion of the leviathan being released into the river, but my decision kinda makes it a moot point.

Next, the complaint of Cry's that Devon is controlling Johanna's actions too much.  I think Cry is right here; Devon, large parts of your posts are devoted to controlling someone else's character, to their disadvantage.  As Cry agrees, control of other's characters is impossible to avoid in this kind of RPG.  The degree to which you control someone else's character, however, is entirely up to their player.  As Cry has now voiced complaints, you really must cut down on this.  Personally I've not been happy about your controlling other people so I entirely support her (I'm assuming your a girl Cry, if I'm wrong I apoligise. ^_^;).

I'm sorry, Devon, I don't want to make it seem like we're ganging up on you, but as long as you cut down on controlling Johanna, and rule out any red-eyes stuff (unless you come up with an alternative solution that we can all agree on), then there won't be a problem.  I won't ask you to go back and edit previous posts, what's done is done and to do so will just make a mess.  But, if you don't do as we ask, there will be repercussions for your character within the RPG - the punishment could be a beating-up, or being wounded in some other way.  If after even that you continue to break rules, I will have to ask you to leave the RPG, though I would really, really like to avoid that situation.

If you have any objections or comments Devon, or if anyone else would like to say anything at all, please don't hesitate.  Everything is always up for discussion and I like to think I am reasonable enough to listen to the wishes of the Players.
I leave who or whatever is aboard the ship up to Tame, or even Yggdrasil/Akanari if they please. Devon, I ignored the little discussion you had written on the end of your last post. Since Billy doesn't seem to have slept much pushed him around a bit (or well, a bit? More like a lot). In the mind of Jo, ignoring the red eye incidents, Billy has been a bit unaware of her being the dominant of the two and is now forcing her view on him with violence.

And yes. I have an obsession with using trees.
I sent tame an alternate to the red eye/leviathan thing that is more realistic and will keep the red eye'd part. As soon as I make sure hes cool with it I will let you know, unless he does.
Don't worry about the long post ;) There's just a bit of comment, you mentioned Johanna drawing a knife as a weapon, perhaps I should have been more clear about the usage of her knives in her bio, but she mainly uses them for quick/silent killing, or as throwing knives. Not as if letting her draw Billy's katana instead would have made much of a difference in your post, just to note in case you plan to make her duel again.



Okay, thanks for telling me.  Was going to have her use fists first, but then thought of the katana. then I reread her bio and went for knives since I assumed she'd be more at home with her own weapon.  I'll bear it mind in case such a situation comes up again.



Yeah, also, Devon, where have these branches appeared from?  And how is seaweed supposed to tie anything together, let alone three medium-sized boats?  Finally, please post the reason for the red-eyes we agreed upon here so everyone else knows what's going on there.

On a seperate point, I've decided to operate on a five(three seems a tad harsh)-and-out basis; break the rules five times and I'll ask you to leave the RPG, and write your character out.  This is starting now, so any posts up to now don't count.  Stuff that count towards a strike include:
Controlling another person's character too much
Doing something completely out of character and unrealistic.

You get the idea, pretty obvious stuff.



Do pacemakers exist? As far as I know even the earliest prototypes used electicity, ones pracical enough to be wearable certainly do and I thought there was no electricity.

I'm going to have Aster ignore the thing about the pacemaker until I know they exist and write off everything Billy says/does as delirium because I honestly don't see any reason for tieing boats together then walking off (especially since that would in theory leave everyone free to grab seperate boats and dump him)



Well, Devon's left.  He doesn't like how everything he does I claim is unrealistic while everyone else can do anything (apparently).  His latest explanation for the red eyes was that he had a pacemaker (while as you rightly said, Wumpi, wouldn't have existed in this time) which gave him shots of adrenaline.  When pumped enough with enough of it, he changed into almost a completely different person, including having red-eyes.  I allowed him to have it basically because I wanted to get on with the RPG and not get into a never-ending argument about it with him.

I'll write him out next post, just ignore him for now.  I'll go with Wumpi's idea that he's delirious, and that he's only imgaining tying any boats together.  In actual fact he's just wandered off into the forest.

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