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Penumbra Cielo - Supernatural Ghoul-Hunting: OOC [FULL!]



In reply to Cry's OOC in her last post: Hmm, I think killing them is out of the question, since what I've got lined up is a five-on-five scenario.  You could escpae and injure them some though, but you'd have to get back in the cage after a bit.  This would be very possible, since Viv's team aren't individually very strong - any of the PCs could beat any one of them in a one-on-one fight.  However, they make up for it in teamwork and preparation.  What they've got planned in three days time pits their teamwork against your's.  They're testing their own strength as much as your's, and they're wondering whether you lot can hone your teamwork enough to beat them in such a short space of time.  Difficult when you're trapped in a hole, but hopefully it means you can't help but get to know one another pretty well.

Okay then, having thought about it, as many of you can escape as you want, but it'll involve a struggle.  Any that still break through their defences will be free for about a day before they're rounded up again.  Does that sound enough to alleviate Jo's claustrophobia, Jo?

Also, meant to say in my post, but I hope I got everyone's character right.



No worries.  I've updated but it doesn't include you guys - I'll leave that until you've sorted the escape plan and got it underway.
Well I wanted to wait for Yggdrasil to have a chance to post, as I've probably made very obvious by now, Jo is interested in him as he can prove to be very useful (powerhouse, excellent fighter, very much driven by impulses, or at least that's how Jo thinks about him now, so I wanted them to have some interaction)

As for the escaping, the large problem is getting out of the hole either unnoticed or very quickly, my first thought was to build a human tower, but if the hole was to deep that would be a futile effort, not to mention it'd take a little while. Plus to go from a rational point of view, I don't think it's logical to get Jo on top as Kasumi, Aster and maybe even Damian have a harder time lifting her than the other way around, but with a guard around I'd have to leave the post at a brief explanation of the plan and the excecution to wumpi/akinari. As they'll be out of the hole confronting the person on guard duty. If anyone thinks the human-tower-plan will work, I'll post my idea, or if anyone else has an idea to get out of the hole, let's hear it. If not I think we should jump to the last day.



Unfortunately, and through no fault of his own, I don't think we can count on Yggdrasil at the moment, though I agree that Lucian would be useful in getting out of the hole.  I trust your judgement and RPing skills, so I'll hand over shared control of him to you until Yggy can get back, and of course if I he doesn't like me doing this he can kick my ass when he does.  Thise should reduce the amount of go-betweening between us and will mean Lucian won't get side-lined.

As to the hole plan, one person on another's back is more than enough to reach the ceiling.  My suggestion would be to split up once you're out of the hole, increasing your individual chances of escaping.  Some will be captured almost immediately (those that the guards choose to follow) while the rest will be picked up later.  There'll be two guards in the immediate vicinity of the hole, two more a little way off and Amy on a treetop nearby observing the movements of others from above.  Also, they've set up various traps in the area around the hole, so they're to be watched out for too.  That sound okay?
OK then, I'll make the post tommorrow and try to control Lucian, but I'll keep it limited.

EDIT: Oh and Akinari, mind if I let Damian say a line or two and can I make Kasumi give Viv a straight punch in the face? It'd allow me to follow things up without you having to post things inbetween.



If it'll help move things along, that's fine.  I really don't mind controlling outside of your character so long as it doesn't go against the personality of the character you control.



Just posting to say that I have the first of some very important exams this week so I probably won't be posting until the weekend.



Cool, because I can't manage to control another PC without hesitation.  Good to have you back, Yggy!

Edit:  I'm not really sure what Ygg meant when he posted.  If Tame gets it, or anyone else for that matter, feel free to post for me.  I'll pick up later.



Hey tame, just as a useless piece of information for ya, but LaMont is my actual Middle name ^_^

How did you come to it?  I have never heard of anyone using it before...

Sorry, I was reading it all over (looks interesting I must say ^_^) and I saw that and was surprised ^_^

Anyways, keep on!  it looks fun ^_^




Welcome back Yggy, hope your house is okay now.

My first wave of our exams are over, so I'll be updating this weekend, probably tomorrow.

Kraft: Hey, cool, glad you're enjoying it. :) Can't remember how I across the name to be honest.  I wanted 'Alex de' followed by something beginning with L.  I think I was reading through lists of names and came across it there. That's how I came up with most of my names.



Hmm, isn't there an opening now that Devon left?  Should we not see about getting that filled?  It's probably not of the greatest importance, but just four people in a RP seems a bit...little.



Well yeah, but that would mean someone jumping in halfway through this test. If no one minds the new player having that advantage then finding a new player would be good.  That, or they could player a member of the guild who was already a part of it before this exam.

EDIT: Updated.  While this fight's going on updates will be more often to keep with the speed of it.  I had Viv go after Lucian and co. to let Cry get on with the plan that she has brewing.  (Cry, if knocking out/incapacitating Ted is involved at any point in your plan, go right ahead and do it.)
Maaaaybe this sounds strange but, how the hell is Damian supposed to find Aster? Jo didn't exactly gave him a map, moreso the command to go meet at the beach.

And Tame, I've yet to settle on what to do with Ted.

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