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Penumbra Cielo - Supernatural Ghoul-Hunting: OOC [FULL!]

I'm torn here. Yes, CoFA has a very good point, but I know from experience that statistics give a lot of help, especially for the GM. The issue of balance is what really arises here, and since there hasn't been any fights yet, I personally don't see why to implement it yet. At least go through a test fight and see how it works out. Some RPs are excellent with stats, some are great without them, and some work either way. Try testing both systems, I say.



Sigh, we'll go without then, but thanks, Yggdrasil, for your openmindedness.

Right, well ignoring that blip, let's continue onwards! I shall proceed to post part two! :)
That is easily countered. It's easier to stop uber players when you control exactly how strong they are. Uber enemies, on the other hand, is a problem. Knowing exact stats allows the GM to make enemies that are too powerful. Without stats, the game becomes much more balanced between enemies and players, but sets more of a tier system in between players.

All IMO, of course.
Summarising; it puts control in both the hands of the players and the GM. Besides if someone makes his/her character too powerful, it will be adressed in this thread right?

On a second note, I'll not be posting for a bit, friday at best, probably saturday. If it'll too long for you guys, just make Jo fall into the sea and die or something, don't wanna hold you up too much.



Don't worry about it.

Onto to stuff concerning my latest post. Don't bother reading this before you've read that one - it'll all be very boring and not make much sense.

First, a recap of the rules, so you don't have to scour my post for them for their details.

1) Examinees have five days to get from the southern beach of the island to the island on which the Penumbra Cielo headquarters stand.
2) They must first get through the six-mile deep forest, without being killed by wildlife, disease, starvation, or each other, to reach the northern beach.
3) On the northern beach they will find the six yachts, each of which can carry up to ten people.  They must pilot these to the second island, at which point they pass the test.
4) Examinees may not destroy, damage or set out to sea, any boats but the one they take themselves.
5) Each boat can arrive with more than one person on it, in which case all on board still pass.
6) Attacking one another, and even killing each other, is permitted for this test.

Next, if there are any unanswered questions concerning this test, post them here, and I'll answer them.

Also, for this test, I will control all NPCs' actions.  This includes all dangerous beasts and other examinees.  For inconsequential things like "Player A killed a wild boar to eat," then thats fine to do it yourself.

I'll make an exception in the case of Kasumi Kyoko.  Akinari may control her dialogue (what she says) and mundane actions (such as walking through the forest) if he wishes, if she is with him.  At other times, I will control her.  I will also control other actions such as fighting.

Finally, please don't move the time on too far! Include your character's actions for up to a couple of hours, but don't post a whole five days' worth in one go.

On a last note, I will say in advance that I will allow no PCs to pass the test before three days have passed, so don't try and pass on the first!

As always, post any questions or complaints here.



Not sure where Devon and Yggdrasil have gone, but I've updated before this RP dies.  Hopefully they'll return.

Akinari, I leave up to you for the time being, and Cry of Fallen Angels, the Jaggy Snake is your's to control completely.



Don't worry about it, its not the end of the world if you can't post for whatever reason.

Lol, I appreciate you guys' vigor with which you're killing off the competition, but if we carry on at this rate they'll be none left! So, for the time being, if you could keep killing to a minimum, it'd be appreciated. Thankies! ^_^



I don't know where Akinari and Yggdrasil have gone, but I don't want this RP to die, so I'm going to continue it. Until they get back, they'll be beaten up a bit. ^_^



Don't worry, I'm still here.  I'm just a bit stuck on where to go from here.  I need to kill some time before getting to the beach and getting a yacht.  And Kasumi makes it double the typing, but it's still fun having two RP characters. 



Well you don't have to RP them both if you don't want, I can do Kasumi if you wish. Just thought you'd like to, since your introduced her to your character on the beach.

As to where to go, they weren't mentioned by name in my most recent post, but they were there (Lucian came across them).

Anyhoo, they're both very much in my newest post, so that will give you something to do.  If anyone's character at any point is at a loose end, I'll give them something to do, don't worry.



Nah, I got them both under control.  I was just at a bit of a loss of words yesterday.  Anyways, I'll be available tomorrow all day due to the oh-so-wonderful weather days from school.  Same for Monday, there's another one then.

If anyone is wondering about my last post (The gun usage mainly, take a look at this.  Damian's gun is similar to the Webely Longspur Revolver, with a swing out cylinder.



Aw, ya found me out.  :tongue2: You're right, I am a HxH fan.  I'd only read up to part way through the Celestial Tower arc when i started this, but I carried on recently and have now nearly read all that's been released so far on the internet.  I didn't mean for so many similarities to slip in, honest. There's the obvious similarity to the Hunter Exam arc, which could also be said to be similar to the Chunin Exam arc in Naruto.  Also the usage of the word hunter to describe those in the guild.  I actually used hunter to describe them when thinking out the RPG, and I was planning to think of a better word for it later, but forgot and posted the RPG without making the change. I thought of a better word only today, so I might revert to that later on.

There's the similarity of Lucian and Damian's attackers to Tompa the rookie killer. When I thought up that scenario I noticed the parallel, but rereading it it seems even more close than I originally thought.  Weirdly I started out with the idea in mind that it might be too close to D.Gray-man, but I was so intent on that that I suppose I failed to think of other mangas.

On an annoying note, I've just reread for the first time the earliest chapters of HxH, and realised that the next trial is quite like one of the smaller screening tests in chapter 2 or 3. -_- And here was me thinking I'd thought up something really original.

EDIT: Oh, just remembered this.

On a completely different note, Devon, could you please explain fully Billy's red eye thing? Is he a long lost relative of Kurapika's (HxH j/k, sorry) or just stoned?  Something like this should really have been included in his profile to begin with, but I'm going to allow it, provided it has some reasonable explanation.

EDIT 2: Yggdrasil, my nerdy girlfriend likes your member title. ^_^ (She's awesomely nerdy)  <-Says her.
Oh yes Tame, I was wondering if you had something like a final trial/obstacle for this exam thought out, just wondering. Or maybe I can figure if I look a bit more at that hunter x hunter thing ;)

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