Don't worry about it.
Onto to stuff concerning my latest post. Don't bother reading this before you've read that one - it'll all be very boring and not make much sense.
First, a recap of the rules, so you don't have to scour my post for them for their details.
1) Examinees have five days to get from the southern beach of the island to the island on which the Penumbra Cielo headquarters stand.
2) They must first get through the six-mile deep forest, without being killed by wildlife, disease, starvation, or each other, to reach the northern beach.
3) On the northern beach they will find the six yachts, each of which can carry up to ten people. They must pilot these to the second island, at which point they pass the test.
4) Examinees may not destroy, damage or set out to sea, any boats but the one they take themselves.
5) Each boat can arrive with more than one person on it, in which case all on board still pass.
6) Attacking one another, and even killing each other, is permitted for this test.
Next, if there are any unanswered questions concerning this test, post them here, and I'll answer them.
Also, for this test, I will control all NPCs' actions. This includes all dangerous beasts and other examinees. For inconsequential things like "Player A killed a wild boar to eat," then thats fine to do it yourself.
I'll make an exception in the case of Kasumi Kyoko. Akinari may control her dialogue (what she says) and mundane actions (such as walking through the forest) if he wishes, if she is with him. At other times, I will control her. I will also control other actions such as fighting.
Finally, please don't move the time on too far! Include your character's actions for up to a couple of hours, but don't post a whole five days' worth in one go.
On a last note, I will say in advance that I will allow no PCs to pass the test before three days have passed, so don't try and pass on the first!
As always, post any questions or complaints here.