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Mapping Improvement Thread 4


Awesome Bro

Is the middle section of the elevated house supposed to be taller than the rest or set farther back? The way you have the wood supports now makes it appear to be taller than the rest of the house, meaning the player will have to walk up some stairs when transitioning to that area. If you just meant for it to be set farther back then you should just ground the supports one tile higher than they are right now.
Oh wow, thank you for pointing that out, I wouldn't have ever noticed it xD

Is this one any better?



The middle house on the left, the bump-out where the door is should extend another tile down based on the roof line

the house on stilts, pay attention to where the left door is, it doesn't match any of the other houses, try to be consistent.
I would have noticed that map error either. Thanks for pointing that out for me xD

Hm, do you mean one more tile down for the house left of the one standing on the wood structure? This one?
meh, i wouldn't say okay. a bit farther away, like hot the trees are at the bottom. and the trees at the top end abruptly (if it's meant to be like that in the finished map)

sometimes it looks like a tree's overshadowing another and some weird stuff, as you try to make the forest look thick. you shoudl try and mess around with that.
Some of the trees are a little higher than the others. Personally...I don't see anything really wrong with the trees that close to the house. I live next to a forest (huge one) and the trees are so close, they hang over my deck and part of my house...


Awesome Bro

LiquidMetal91":3pygka83 said:
The top tree's trunk is over the house...
But trees next to a house is normal...

Ya, thats because The tree is on the third layer and the house is on the second. Don't forget that each part of the tree from the editor has a layer so even though the Tree is on top of the house in the Editor (Where I took the pic) it'll be Behind it while playing.

Ok, this is what it looks like in game...
Eventing_Guy":34wvj98t said:
Im doing this in my game... Do you think its OK that the trees are this close?


(map not done)

The trees look great to me, just a few mapping errors. Overall though it looks like the start of a decent map, compared to most we see.

I really should read this thread more, there are some great works here!


Awesome Bro

Very nice style. I especially like the natural and varying stagger of the boxes. I don't know if you can see the rest of the houses below, but if not this would make a great alley map because you show just the right amount of house. There are just a few things I'd like to point out:

There should be some grass showing through the tiles where the bush-like thing is growing.
The fence might look better if it were pulled one tile forward to the edge of the street.
I don't think there would be a windmill on a house in a street like this. [Right-most house] Maybe up at the top of a hill or something. Of course, that might just be my American ignorance.

But honestly, this map has a really great feel. Good job with the fog and tinting effects as well!
Some good tips, Isaac :) It is meant as an alley. I try to stay away from the generic rtp village lay-out as much as i can.
About the windmill, i had the idea of a town full of windmills, big and small. You're right that this doesn't exist in the real world, but after all, it's set in a fantasy world.
That is a beautiful looking map, gRaViJa! :33

Everything doesn't look to cluttered or anything!

I only had what Isaac had to say about the fence and the grass, but either way, I love it! Great job! :P
I hope it's okay to put something here since the last post was in December...

This is a random woodsy area I made just for practice.

Right now I'm just playing around with mapping so I can improve. Any comments?

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