Happy New Year! I'm back! I'm sorry It's been so long since an update, but Christmas has got in the way. But now everything is pretty much back to normal, and I'm continuing work on Last Man's Stand. First off:
Cheeze":2gmi0702 said:
Hey, Just by looking at the character sets with the guns and whatnot, The machine gun needs to be fixed so it isn't up against his stomach, It needs to be on his shoulder like the side views show.
Another thing. People don't shoot pistols at mid-chest level. (Another Front view mess-up)
Thanks for pointing them out. I'll have to edit them soon. I couldn't get the angle right when I first started them, but I'll have another go.
saikyo765":2gmi0702 said:
My only gripe with the game is the hud. You should make it a little transparent or something. It's just too....idk just too much. maybe I am nit picking but I just feel there is alot of empty space on it. Maybe make it smaller or something.
At the moment, I'm in the middle of redoing the HUD. When I first made it, I used PaintShop Pro, and at the time I was rubbish with it. Now I'm making reeal gun drawings to fill up more space, and shrinking the whole thing a bit. I'll keep everyone posted as I progress on that.
LumberWarrior":2gmi0702 said:
Happy New Years Fox5, good luck with Last Mans Stand
Thanks, to you too.
Ok, I have afew things to update. First off, I've completed a new area of the city, so I thought I'd show a quick mock up map of everywhere that is playable at the moment:
Note: This map shows images of the real maps resized. This is only a portion of the city that is complete, and does not contain other mapped areas that do not belong. Think of this as just the taste of the game. It's about a 1/16 of the cities' complete size.
Lastly, I am pleased to say that we finally have gun animations and fire, thanks to Zekallinos. The guns are starting to look a lot more powerful. Here is an example of the pistol firing:
(The quality is quite low, sorry, that is the recording devise I used)
So, I think that's all. Please comment on everything, and I hope 2009 will be a good year for game making!