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Ideas/suggestions for a new CBS

Hi everybody!

Before I start, I would like to make things clear. I'm neither requesting nor taking request. I'm starting this thread to gather ideas for a new CBS for RPGVX.
I'm doing this because I'm not satisfied with the currently available battle systems and I've decided to make my own one based on your ideas, suggestions and opinions.

So, I'd like to know, what you would like to see in this CBS? What would be cool and/or useful, what do you like the most in a CBS, etc.
Note that I will not make an ABS, TBS or anything of the like. I want this battle system to be as compatible as possible with any other VX scripts.
Remember that it's for RPGVX ONLY!

For those who don't know what ABS and TBS means:
- ABS: Action Battle System (Zelda, Secret of Mana, ...)
- TBS: Tactical Battle System (FF Tactic, ...)

Go ahead, say everything you have in mind!  :thumb:
Thanks in advance!
Awesome man im definatly gonna use your CBS

btw is there any chance you can make it work well with Kaduki Battlers addon to the side view battle system?
cuz they look muchg more better then the regular fighters
and i cant make minkoff battlers to work with the rest of my scripts :P

i already made like 10 scripts to work together :P
all my knowledge is to edit so i cant really make my own scripts :P

(Golden Sun is one of my favorite RPGs as well :] )
I haven't done much yet. I had started an Advanced Equipment script before the CBS and I want to finish it before. (It'll be less long than to finish the CBS first! :P)

There's a lot of secret projects ;)



both avadan and skie fortress have a cool idea!! but, i just wanna add something, when player attacks, it goes to enemy places right? and, when the enemy attack, it goes to player place too? if so, when both of them attack(at same time), they met at the center, and they attacking each other... to make the player wins the battle, tapping the c or whatever button rapidly.. if one of them win, type "counter successful!!!" and give 2.0x extra damage... and do so to the enemy... hahaha, just give my idea to you...



revee":f6x5l7w0 said:
both avadan and skie fortress have a cool idea!! but, i just wanna add something, when player attacks, it goes to enemy places right? and, when the enemy attack, it goes to player place too? if so, when both of them attack(at same time), they met at the center, and they attacking each other... to make the player wins the battle, tapping the c or whatever button rapidly..? if one of them win, type "counter successful!!!" and give 2.0x extra damage... and do so to the enemy... hahaha, just give my idea to you...

the english on that is a little bad but i understood it and thats actually a pretty cool idea



hahaha, sorry rapid jack, i'm still learning english ^_^ i know my english sucks... by the way, i suggest the map used mode 7 that you improved, it's cool, and plus, skie fortress give field fonon system right? it will look cooler if the map based on mode 7, and the field fonon circle...
note : all of these used the turn bar like avadan!

those are my idea... sorry if it to messy ^_^

note: -field fonon appapear for 10 second , and in a battle, only one field fonon can appapear, if you want to make new         field fonon, wait the first one dissapapear... fof charge give 1.50x extra damage
        - the camera follows the attacking character too...
        - those are really active battle, need good reflect to play lol ^.~

(anyway, can you tell me a good website that allow you to upload image, and then show the image "full" like avadan and skie fortress? mine sucks, really small.. ==")
I like imageshack. These ideas are very good, but the only problems are:
It's for VX only,
I'm not going to use Mode7 (since the script is XP only),
I'm not making an RTAB (real time active battle), so actors/enemies cannot come across each other when attacking.

However, I'll add some dynamic actions like parry/block. When an enemy strikes you, you can hit a button to block it's attack. Things like that.



PvP (Two players control the fight, one for one side, one for the other.)

Using maps as battlebacks. (In the map the battle is to take place, you make an event when you want the players sprite/s to be postitoned, and do the same with the enemy.)

Enviromental kills (Pushing people off a tall building, before they have the chance to kill you, push them into lava, use a switch to make rocks fall on them, etc..)

Assistance where fighting (If you are a water mage and are fighting in water, you get a intel/spirit boost.)

Side boost (If you are a mean guy, then your mean powers will require less SP, MP, whateverP. But if you're a good guy, then your good pwers are easier. SWKOTOR I/II style. :) )

Parry effects.. (When parrying, there's sparks of something, according to what weapon is involved. )

Counter Fight (You know in the games they parry their swords and you have to keep pressing A or something to push him away? That. ^_^ )

Weather (If it's raining, water powers do more dmg, or are more accurate, that old chest nut. :) )

Some ideas there. :)
Doc Spoc":100ejyy3 said:
PvP (Two players control the fight, one for one side, one for the other.)
I don't see the point of having PvP in a single player game :/

Doc Spoc":100ejyy3 said:
Using maps as battlebacks. (In the map the battle is to take place, you make an event when you want the players sprite/s to be postitoned, and do the same with the enemy.)
Nope, I'm not going to use a map.

Doc Spoc":100ejyy3 said:
Enviromental kills (Pushing people off a tall building, before they have the chance to kill you, push them into lava, use a switch to make rocks fall on them, etc..)
I don't know. Since I'm not making a full-motion CBS (ala Tales Of), actors and enemies will stay where they are except when they perform an action.

Doc Spoc":100ejyy3 said:
Assistance where fighting (If you are a water mage and are fighting in water, you get a intel/spirit boost.)
I'll do that ;)

Doc Spoc":100ejyy3 said:
Side boost (If you are a mean guy, then your mean powers will require less SP, MP, whateverP. But if you're a good guy, then your good pwers are easier. SWKOTOR I/II style. :) )
No, I'm not going to add a good/evil system.

Doc Spoc":100ejyy3 said:
Parry effects.. (When parrying, there's sparks of something, according to what weapon is involved. )
You mean a battle animation? Sure.

Doc Spoc":100ejyy3 said:
Counter Fight (You know in the games they parry their swords and you have to keep pressing A or something to push him away? That. ^_^ )
Good idea!

Doc Spoc":100ejyy3 said:
Weather (If it's raining, water powers do more dmg, or are more accurate, that old chest nut. :) )
Yes, I'll do that to.

Thanks for the suggestions!
Probably  most of these have been asked before but I,d just like to suggest some stuff
- My number one thing is being able to summon, FF Style and transforming into more powerful forms (Both of which, I need for my dream game)
- Side view of course :grin:
- The ability to make attacks like Draining HP and MP and mimicing the last move used.
- Limit breaks
- This ones a little far fetched but, Maybe if your going to raise stats by background, you could also let us be able to do spells that could change the background!
- One last suggestion is to be able to let the game creators, assign spells to weapons!

Thanks in advance!
-RyanKoopa :wooper:
I have already done most of the things you said. Not for the CBS but as seperate scripts. The rest (like Limit Break, Mimic, etc) is also beging worked on as seperate scripts.
Rupture bar, like in Xenosaga 3. The bar increase with each attack and when it is full, the character is stunned for x turns.
Soul bar,. At the end of the turn, it goes down by a certain amout, then when is empty, the character become berserk.
He can, lose consciouness, use randoms items, use radoms attack or skill on random ennemy or friend.
And maybe the boost bar from Xenosaga too. You can full to bar by atacking to have boost and use them to have new turns,

Of course, the bars would also affect monsters.
Hey, are you still looking for someone to do sample art? I'm a spriter, and I'd be willing to help make new sprites for your engine (PM me if you're interested. I can also send you samples of my sprites right now.)



i think he means party vs. party, you can travel through the game as it were a normal rpg then when you go to a certain place (something similiar to the pokecenter in a pokemon game) and then you'll be able to go into certain servers and fight other players using your party. then again i think that would be a whole other script

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