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Venetia!":2jnnlt0w said:
how do you do something romantic on halloween??? that's the ultimate anti-romance (unless you love vore i guess? idk)

I don't know I was trying to figure that out myself.

ixis":2jnnlt0w said:
Did you ever think she has a short attention span and doesnt respond well to innuendo because you're boring and have a severe lack of player skillz?

@Wyatt: lol

No she just has a short attention span. I think she has ADD. But I love my girlfriend because of it. :] Well not because of that but because its a part of her. Flaws and all like the beyonce song is labeled.

Venetia!":2jnnlt0w said:
also what the hell good is a bitch if she wont give head?

Hrmm I don't know. I haven't actually asked her to give me head yet...I should try though!
And I know plenty of girls who wont' based on the fact that they think its disgusting. I tell them don't knock it till you try it but they refuse to. Meh.

Killface":2jnnlt0w said:
In Belarus, women who don't give head become spinsters.  No one will marry a girl who won't face fuck.

Your repsonses to non serious topics always make me laugh.
Commander Wyatt":2jnnlt0w said:
tell her you want her to suck your dick until you come, and then she can do whatever she wants with it?

idk, you want her to suck your dick, just ask her to suck your dick

Thats a good one as well. Noted.

moog":2jnnlt0w said:
this is getting stupid

Arr matey >P-]. I guess I should've labeled it better as Des put it. :/

Blacula":2jnnlt0w said:
Suck her blood and throw away the corpse.
If by blood you mean clitoris and by throw away you mean spit not swallow...
Makasu":16ep5kn5 said:
Hrmm I don't know. I haven't actually asked her to give me head yet...I should try though!
And I know plenty of girls who wont' based on the fact that they think its disgusting. I tell them don't knock it till you try it but they refuse to. Meh.

oh i forgot your dating a teenager lol

yeah i thought it was gross until i was like 16, some girls take longer to come around to the idea

if your lucky you'll get one that realizes oral > all other forms
Trust me, get to at least third base, and then suggest the idea every now and then.

NOT everyday, but at least once every other week when you both get in the mood and you both start deciding the things you're going to do for the next 45 minutes.

Also do a lot of stuff for her. Warm her up to the idea, offer to go south on her, etc etc etc.

Or do Wyatt's idea, I personally like that better.
Play find the soap with her.

Put some soap on the floor, tell her to grab the soap then when she bends over to grab it BANG!! you have her,
and all she can do is enjoy it. lol

[serious]How about you take her out to dinner and a horror movie? and pay for everything and then later go trick or treating with her :) hope that helps [/serious]

Or you wait till she is sleeping then she is all yours :P
moog":29v6lo66 said:
Commander Wyatt":29v6lo66 said:
wait for her to yawn then BAM

best reply yet

XD I just now actually got it. Hahaha.

Venetia!":29v6lo66 said:
Makasu":29v6lo66 said:
Hrmm I don't know. I haven't actually asked her to give me head yet...I should try though!
And I know plenty of girls who wont' based on the fact that they think its disgusting. I tell them don't knock it till you try it but they refuse to. Meh.

oh i forgot your dating a teenager lol

yeah i thought it was gross until i was like 16, some girls take longer to come around to the idea

if your lucky you'll get one that realizes oral > all other forms
I R teenager 2. :[

And oh really now? Hrmm thats something I never knew! Well see. She's mentioned it before but then her ADD or whatever it is kicks in and she forgets. :[ although I will keep these things in mind.

ixis":29v6lo66 said:
Trust me, get to at least third base, and then suggest the idea every now and then.

NOT everyday, but at least once every other week when you both get in the mood and you both start deciding the things you're going to do for the next 45 minutes.

Also do a lot of stuff for her. Warm her up to the idea, offer to go south on her, etc etc etc.

Or do Wyatt's idea, I personally like that better.

Also solid. But thats if I want head. Which like I said she has a kill switch and I need to put some tape over it or something. Hahaha.

But yes for Wyatt to not be posting serious some of the best ideas have come from Wyatt.

Joshisme123":29v6lo66 said:
Play find the soap with her.

Put some soap on the floor, tell her to grab the soap then when she bends over to grab it BANG!! you have her,
and all she can do is enjoy it. lol

[serious]How about you take her out to dinner and a horror movie? and pay for everything and then later go trick or treating with her :) hope that helps [/serious]

Or you wait till she is sleeping then she is all yours :P

Oh yeah she loves horror movies! I forgot all about that. Didn't Saw V come out? Although last time I went to the movies with her I was forced to see Beverly Hills Chihuha. Which was horrible all itself. :/
We'll see. Maybe I'll just play sick and skip out? Nah. Especially since its halloween. And the trick or treating thing might work except the fact that I'm a 6'2'' guy and she's 5'6' and most people where I live won't give candy out if you're past a certain height...But I do like that for reals!

Maybe I can pay someone to act like they're going to mug her, I kick their ass and get rescue sex! >:3
It worked on that one show with Jennifer Garner. I think it was called Alias?

Dawne":29v6lo66 said:
Joshisme123":29v6lo66 said:
Or you wait till she is sleeping then she is all yours :P

My boyfriend did that to me once=[
:[ It'll be okay.

moog":29v6lo66 said:
Commander Wyatt":29v6lo66 said:
moog":29v6lo66 said:
yes cause rape is legal


*rapes moog*


No one can hear your cries! Shhh go to sleep...go to sleep. It'll all be over in a little while. Shh go to sleep.
I'm actually serious about the whole femdom thing. Buy like a collar and handcuffs and er... I dunno, that sort of stuff, tie yourself up in an undignified position ready for her to walk in from work/school/whatever and find you like that

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