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GTBS v1.5.1.4 - A FFT Styled Battle System (5/19/2010)

Sorry, if I was too vague in my earlier post. What I meant was counter attacks as firecross stated.

I think it's great that you're in the process of updating and making this script even better! I have one minor worry, though. Will it be easy to implement the updates of the script into projects that I've already begun working on?
It should be easy to implement the updates, just replace the scripts.  So unless you have manually changed them to something else yourself then there shouldnt be a problem.
I finished implementing the updated attack hit % and damage amounts based on target direction for physical attacks.  I dont think that I will do this for skills, as they generally dont apply to a direction, although that may be able to be done in the future.
Help...When I tried to create a test battle
I've got an error  it says:

Script '-Scene_Battle_TBS-' line 529: NameError occured.

undefined local variable and method `update_selected' for #<Scene_battle: 0x3bb1d78>

the error will appear next after the -Battle Start- Defeat all enemies appeared, tanx!!
How is progress coming on the Jump ability (the typical Lancer skill), or have you not been working on it? Do you see it as a feasible skill?

Also, is there any way right now to make skills only work from a certain direction? I can't think of any SRPG examples at the moment, but in World of Warcraft skills like Backstab are only useable from the side or behind an enemy. This isn't a big desire of mine but I was just wondering if it was possible.
undefined local variable and method `update_selected' for #<Scene_battle: 0x3bb1d78>
Well, That is the method that updates the status window to the current selected person.  It should be part of Scene Battle... so if you only copied part of scene battle that would cause it.  The only suggestion I have is to recopy it from the demo to your project.

Jump Ability - I havent been working on it, but I dont know why it wouldnt be possible.  Just need some special stuff in there just for them.  I dont have time to add this to the current update, but I will put it on the slate for the next update.  I havent done much for special skills such as this or the backstab.  It wouldnt be hard, now that I implemented from_back and from_side calculations into attacks... being from skills it would take just a quick mod.  I will see what I can do, cannot guarantee anything though.
A little more information.  That line exist in the system in at least 3 places.  1 in AI, and 2 in the Player stuff.  When did the error occur?  Is this only using the new demo?  What line specifically?
Wow. This lags a lot more than the old one! Is there any specific reason?
Oh. Nvm it was because I had this up in the background, with the snow.
I tried implementing the move variable system I had for the old one in this version, but it doesn't work. The characters do not move.  :'(
Thanks a lot Gubid :)

However, as I was playing through the demo for the new update, I ran across a few problems.

1. I'm really not sure how to add more than one character to the battle. After placing Aluxes I seem to find myself unable to place any other party member.

2. There is a bug it appears with placement where if you place Aluxes (and the panel below him turns red) you can then place him anywhere else on the map.

3. I got this error when Gloria was (I think) about to cast a spell:

Script '-Scene_battle_TBS-' line 3194: NoMethodError occured.

undefined method 'scope' for nil:NilClass

I'm not a scripter so I'm not really sure what that means.

4. Everything with the second fight went pretty smoothly except for the scene after. I didn't see a Battle call anywhere so I'm assuming that this doesn't really matter.

Anyway, hope these bugs get straightened out. Thanks again Gubid!
Syv, why dont you send me a copy of your game with the old system + your mods and I will try to implement them.. Then they can also just be a standard feature in the future!  This version should be faster than the older one.  There have been a couple of speed enhancements that should help. 

tofurkey?  That is such a funny name.  :)
1. Just place an event labeled actor# on the map. Where # should increment from the previous. (actor1, actor2, actor3.. etc)
2. I didnt even realize.  To fix that find... def follow up and look for the if Input.trigger?(Input::C) and add an in_range? and that will fix it.  ( will be sure to fix that in the next update )
3. She is trying to cast a spell that is not in your database.  Ensure that your skill database has at least 110 listed.
4. Yeah, I didnt really test the next scene, I just slapped it together and hoped it worked.  Hopefully it doesnt look that tacky.

Velz, I think you were encountering tofurky's #3 problem.  Just make sure you have the the skills database expanded if you copy stuff directly from my demo.

And thank you all for your comments.  Do you like the new tutorials section?  Was it helpful?  Do you like the new features? 
1. Just place an event labeled actor# on the map. Where # should increment from the previous. (actor1, actor2, actor3.. etc)

I think you misunderstood my question  :-\ What I meant was that with the new starting position script, I have no idea how to add the character before the battle.

For example, your demo starts out with them running into the forest and subsequently starting a battle. When I enable the starting position script, I am only able to place Aluxes and nobody else. I cannot place Hilda; I only receive an option for Aluxes. When I try to place someone else, I run into problem 2.

Also, for problem 3, I'm playing straight out of your demo, so I don't exactly know what happened there. I'll take a look at that again.

The new tutorials section is helpful, though I think most of those questions have been answered in this thread or the CA one :P I haven't tested the immobilize skills yet, but I will do so soon. Can't wait for the next update!
Guess I didnt give instructions for that.  It uses the same method as Nicks TBS for assigning parties to their positions.  L&R... press F1 if you dont know what keys those are. (Should be pageup and pagedown) to switch between characters, and place them in empty spots.  Otherwise select a currently placed character and choose another location for them.  And.. great find on that bug.  I am embarrassed that I released it like that!  :eek: 

If you can come up with some steps to duplicate #3, please let me know.
Gubid, I will send you a demo of the movement system. I am having a serious problem though! I cannot reduce movement! When I add the if state == ... statement, then All of the characters move is set to zero. I have been able to make it so you can move, attack, move though, but not on the new one.

You should make a better end on the demo. There is not even another battle.
I am still working on range deduction. Maybe I will finish. Please help with the state bug on the movement! I need help badly.

I have pmed you on CA. I will send you a demo...

EDIT: I like the knockback, but where do you define it? I cannot find it anywhere. Maybe I just have not looked hard enough. Also, can we make the starting squares a different color? Should not be too hard.
Knockback is just a state.  The attack stuff checks if that state is applied, and if it is, moves them back and removes the state.  I think it is state 22 in the demo.  Anyway, take a look.  But the gist of it is simply when setting up a skill, etc just mark the check box for add state "knockback." and that is it.

Please resend a link to your demo, I didnt receive it.
Update!  Animated Battlers demo available!  Also did a couple of bug fixes.  I found the problem with the "undefined method "scope" for nil class."  I reset a variable when I shouldnt have.  Also fixed 2 placement bugs.. can place outside defined place area, and cannot replace correctly.

Both new demo's can be accessed from the first post or...
None Animated
I transferred the script to my own project today and encountered a few problems (not so much errors, but...)

1. Self-buff skills don't seem to work. I have a skill useable by a character that gives him and only him a buff, but when trying to use it in the battle system, not only does it not give me a panel set, but it also does not let me select myself as a target. Is there a way around this?

2. Is there any way to implicate skills that affect an area around the user? Examples include Spin Fist (the Monk skill from FFT) or Arcane Explosion from World of Warcraft. I tried setting the range as 0, but then it just doesn't let me cast period.

3. How exactly do you configure Don't Move and Don't Act? I encountered a problem while I was testing my skills where I gave one of my characters a buff that had nothing to do with Don't Move/Don't Act and was subsequently rendered immobile. However, the skills that I do have marked as causing Don't Move/Don't Act don't seem to be triggering it. Is it a certain state number, and where would I change that?

4. I know that Doom skills are being worked on at the moment, but is there a way to limit the number of summons available at a time?

Sorry about all the questions, but I'm really interested in this TBS and unfortunately I don't know how to script to work out my problems  ::)


Also, when EXP_PER_HIT is enabled, I get experience even when I miss with a skill. Is that supposed to be that way, or is there some way to disable that?

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