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GTBS v1.5.1.4 - A FFT Styled Battle System (5/19/2010)

what is new in your update? because the projectiles, the special abilities and the tile movement restricitions appear as "future plan" since 2 or 3 updates...
Im using your system in my game, it is really good, but I would need these features to keep on...
keep up good work
Here is a list of the planned features and their progress..

DONE! Bug Fix (undefined method 'place' for nil:NilClass)
DONE! Bug Fix (NoMethodError '[]' at line 4473) 
DONE! Bug Fix (Undefined method 'x' for nil:NilClass)
DONE! Bug Fix-MACL compatibility(Script '-Battle_Cursor-' line 63 NoMethodError)
DONE! Bug Fix Failure Event wrong
DONE! Faces in Status
DONE! Animation occuring during scroll
DONE! Scroll Going too far
DONE! Choose battle starting locations
DONE! Flying characters
DONE! Remove Battlers
DONE! "Knock Back Skills"
PARTIAL! Bug Fix Kill Self with skill etc, doesnt end turn.  Need testing is all
PARTIAL! EXP for all (window and levelup sounds etc) #need to pull EXP from 10+/-(level-level) or exp val
#Feature Dont Move, Dont Act states
#Feature Attacks affected by direction(calculation and percentages)
#Feature Single Application of animation when skill set to 'All'
#Feature If return to calling map, memorize bgm
#Feature [BUG]Cannot Heal with not Attack Allies
#Feature Animated Battlers <- Using example sprites on CA (MAYBE!)
#OTHER Expand Demo
#Tutorial How to rename abilities(skill names)
#Tutorial Help Info, Why when battle starts does the music stop, then nothing at all?  #Event calling is set to autorun,
#Tutorial Help Comments regarding error (NoMethodError 'list' for nil:NilClass)  #common event not established
#Tutorial How to create a battle? Tutorial
#Tutorial DownSets explained
#Tutorial Create Skill/Summon/Weapon tutorials

That should cover it, Anyone want to write the tutorials for me?  I would like to release this sooner rather than later. 
Is it possible to add some kind of counter-ability into the next update? That'd be awesome!

Edit: Also, I seem to have trouble switching sprites on my characters. Even if I choose a different spriteset, it will use the default fighter01 sprites.
Are you changing the characterset? Because the characterset that is used in battle calls the battler name and searches for a characterset of the same name. If you have Figher1 as the battler the Fighter1 characterset will be used in battle. You need a file that has the same name as the characterset in the battler slot.

Is it possible to add some kind of counter-ability into the next update? That'd be awesome!
Sorry but that is a very vague request and I am not going to program something I dont understand.  Please explain.
I believe he means counter abilities such as (and correct me if you haven't played Final Fantasy Tactics Gubid) hamedo, weapon guard, counter tackle, etc. Basically an ability that allows you to counter attack an enemy when attacked. Such as:

Enemy targets your character -> Your character has a 65% chance of performing a counter attack (percentage based on level, or maybe DEX) -> if attack proceeds, enemy is hit, if not, then no counter-damage is inflicted

Basically, a skill could be placed in the database and added into the script somehow as a counter attack that is activated whenever the enemy attacks and takes into account the hit rate of the skill. How you would add in something like hamedo (attack before being attacked), I have no idea.
Oh ok, counter attacks.  Sure I have played FFT and many others (FFTA, Bahamut Lagoon, Tech Wars(NES), Vandal Hearts 1&2.  I was planning something for that eventually, but havent decided how that will play out.  I am working on animated battlers now.  Working on getting each "other" animation to show correctly.  Its a bit of a pain.  I am using a 6 frame animation.  If you would like to see some examples, see the CA topic.
I get
Script '-Battle_Cursor-' line 63: NoMethodError occurred.

undefined method `*' for nil:NilClass
When trying to start a battle. Any idea why?
That is because you are using MACL.. just coment out that line of code that it is crashing on and it will go away.  Its not a big deal, its not even used right now.  I have heard that when this is the case, that it is really slow though, so take caution if you would like.

Syv, sorry I didnt noticed your question there... the character set is not changed as it still uses the battler name to determine the charset to be used.  I also made a bug fix that took care it just not showing when set to something special.
Oh, I know, I was asking the person who asked that question originally. I have enough expierence with this to know the implemented features! :P

Where is this CA topic I keep hearing about anyways?
Here I think you can view the topic, but to post comments/etc, I think you have to join.

As for an update here, I got animated battlers to work in mine using the latest sprite template.  I will provide more details when the update is released.
I have another question. Is there a way to make summoned characters have a duration? Like say if I wanted to summon Giltyr, but only wanted it to be present for 3 turns before it disappeared and must be resummoned.



hey, skill common events dont work, could you tell me how I could sort that?

/edit: Also, could you tell me how I can make a weapon range go Diagonally when the range is 1, so it makes a square shape, rather than a cross.
There is no way to do this right now, but that was the original intention.  I will be using a "doom" script to take care of this on summons and of course have it available as skill eventually. 

Your right, common events on items and skills dont work right now, that is in the process of being fixed. Weapon ranges where built in this system to not occur in diagonal places unless you had appropriate range (at least 2) and are using a bow.  This is something I will not make it do because it twurps all sorts of stuff in the system.  My recommendation would be to make it range 2, and set it to bow= true so that you can attack the diagonal squares.  The reason this is such a pain, is because everything is based on the number of tiles you are on/away etc.  If we disrupt that balance then nothing will make sense.  If you want to change this look at def calc_pos in the -Scene_Battle- section, but I will not assist with that, sorry.



oh right ok,
one more thing, is it possible to stop ranges from looping to the other side of the map when an actor is near the edge?
i have a question. my main characters skills are automatically set in the catagory "Earth" how do i change the name to like "Chivalry" or "skill" or something like that? <-- did try to look it up in the help but i still dont get it ' ';
also i cant get the victory music to work nor do i know how to add gil for the end of the battle.

2ndly its an awesome script :) ive been looking for something like this for a while ^^d

Show whenever your character levels up and what increases... as it is it doesnt seem to show that.
Yeah, that loop to the other side of map only happens for the spell area, but only when your checking it though I think?  Anyway, its a bug, just havent got around to fixing it yet.  You can check it out in the draw_ranges method of scene_battle.  Just add a check to see if it is valid by doing $game_map.valid?(x,y) where x,y is the tile it is creating.  That way it wont do that.    I think the reason I left it as is, is because sometimes if you are standing on the edge of a map and you start a skill the  area doesnt generate correctly(also something i need to fix) but when I update the target system for line skills and AoE for weapons, it should be resolved.

To change the Use Skill name from Earth to something else, just look at the -Window_Base- section and search for earth... change it to whatever you would like.  The levels thing has already been completed in the update... I should be releasing it soon. ::)

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