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GTBS v1.5.1.4 - A FFT Styled Battle System (5/19/2010)



Using diagonal movement, would it be possible to turn this into an isometric tactics system, or would it be way too much work? I haven't thought out the logistics of it, but the more I think about it, the more I realize that we'll never see an isometric battle system unless some company produces an RPG maker specifically for that purpose.
I have a slight problem - can't make a battle which does'nt have neutral1! If I take her out, I automatically win. If I keep her in and also have another neutral, I get this error:

Script '-Scene-Battle_TBS-' line 349: NoMethodError occured.
undefined method 'x' for nil:NilClass
Sometimes enemies when dying turn to other graphics for a second before changing to their dead sprite. e.g one soldier was a dead dog for a moment.
Yeah, The best way to resolve that is to create your down sets for the enemies etc. The next update should have some of those in it.

Using diagonal movement, would it be possible to turn this into an isometric tactics system, or would it be way too much work? I haven't thought out the logistics of it, but the more I think about it, the more I realize that we'll never see an isometric battle system unless some company produces an RPG maker specifically for that purpose.
Did you notice that one of my script request is an isometric view? The method in which I am rendering it is simply to take the existing tiles and "angle" them. But I havent bothered going to much further as I havent had time. But to make this work with a "isometric" tileset that isnt really iso. You could modify the move stuff, but you will also need to make changes to the images that are created in the sprite_range section.

Script '-Scene-Battle_TBS-' line 349: NoMethodError occured.
undefined method 'x' for nil:NilClass
This error is caused by there being a gap in the numbers given. As for the instant victory that is because of the victory event you are setting. I am setting up a method so that this wont error on this prob in the future.
Gosh there are lots of comments on this completly awesome script!

But my question is if there is any way to set the area effects to like a big line or something and not just a large spread area?
I searched area in this script and I dont think it was asked before.
So thanks :)
And great job!
Is this script right now compatible with games to make?
I mean by, making a game and using it. Or is it not fully complete? :D
Is there a way to include a transformation method into the script in the same was as the summon was incorporated such as making a new class, state, weapons, character sprite, etc.?
But my question is if there is any way to set the area effects to like a big line or something and not just a large spread area?
No, there is currently no way of doing this for spells. Weapons that are 'not bows' default to that, but can only affect a single square. I am looking at doing this in the update.

Is this script right now compatible with games to make?
I mean by, making a game and using it. Or is it not fully complete?
It is majority complete, if you are not looking for any of the new features in the updates, then go ahead. Although, please do not use it in any commercial game without first asking my permission etc.

Is there a way to include a transformation method into the script in the same was as the summon was incorporated such as making a new class, state, weapons, character sprite, etc.?
Yeah, actually the default transform method will work just fine. Although if you want to transform an enemy that was "added" to the group, you must do it with script instead of using the events... cause they dont technically exist in the group until it is setup.
I've never used a script before and I want to put this in my game (with your permission of course) but I have no clue where to find the script nor how to put it in. Could anyone tell me?



Just download the demo,open it as a project (the icon with the cogwheel),press F8 to open the scripts window,and copy all the scripts you want (the last ones separated by ---) to your project,in the same order,and above the scrip Main (wich HAVE to be the last one,always).
WooX;332030 said:
Just download the demo,open it as a project (the icon with the cogwheel),press F8 to open the scripts window,and copy all the scripts you want (the last ones separated by ---) to your project,in the same order,and above the scrip Main (wich HAVE to be the last one,always).

Okay, thanks. So like all of them from Menu config to enemny detection script? do I also need to get things like ---GTBS---?

EDIT: Is there a way to make it teleport you to a random map to fight on? I want it to make it so I can fight normal bad guys on a random arena type map and I want boss battles to be fought in the room you see the boss in. If it's possible.
Yeah, you can configure it to call a specific map from the current one. You can control that in the GTBS::battle_map def.

  def self.battle_map(id)
    case id
    when 1; map = 3   ##when on map 1, call map 3, or reverse it, when calling
# battle from map3, call battle map1.. you get the idea
    else; map = id
    return map
Gubid;332090 said:
Yeah, you can configure it to call a specific map from the current one. You can control that in the GTBS::battle_map def.

  def self.battle_map(id)
    case id
    when 1; map = 3   ##when on map 1, call map 3, or reverse it, when calling
# battle from map3, call battle map1.. you get the idea
    else; map = id
    return map

I'll try that. EDIT: How do I put that in, and I couldn't find GTBS::battle_map def.

Now I have another problem, I put it in but when I try to hit wait it says: unable to find file graphics/pictures/wait2. What should I do?
That means that you didnt copy the wait graphics that are required from the demo graphics folder.  Just copy them to your project.  By GTBS:: I mean the -Module_GTBS- code section... then look down for self.battle_map(id) and you will see what I pasted.
Gubid":2zktvhgt said:
That means that you didnt copy the wait graphics that are required from the demo graphics folder.  Just copy them to your project.  By GTBS:: I mean the -Module_GTBS- code section... then look down for self.battle_map(id) and you will see what I pasted.
Okay, I have another question (sorry!)  Can I have multiple battles on one map?  I tried but it didn't seem to work.  Also can I have random battles or do i need tp do an event on every square that I want a battle to happen on?
So now I'm getting a new error.  It takes me to my new map fine but then when I beat the bad guys it says:

script '-scene_battle_tbs-' line 769: NoMethodError occured

undefined method 'list' for nil:nilclass
script '-scene_battle_tbs-' line 769: NoMethodError occured

undefined method 'list' for nil:nilclass
You havent setup your common events on your game yet.  The victory and failure events are events 1 and 2.  If you only have 1 displayed and you lose, this error will occur.  The demo actually required 6 common events 1-6 as on of the defeat variables is a quick "Dying words" from both Leo and Aluxes if he dies, but they must exist in the database, otherwise, error.

Okay, I have another question (sorry!)  Can I have multiple battles on one map?  I tried but it didn't seem to work. 
yeah, as long as you know you will all fight in the same positions again.  If you are ok with that, then go for it.

Also can I have random battles or do i need tp do an event on every square that I want a battle to happen on?
You can do this with random battles, but if you are going to do it that way, ensure that in the Module_GTBS that you have the exit_info set to [true,1,[0,0],0] otherwise you will be teleported somewhere else when the battle is completed.

Hey it looks like the update might not release this week and will be pushed to next week.  I have been working long hours at work and hasnt provided me much time to focus on this.  I will let you know.
im not sure if this was reported or not but i had the neutral girl was 1 square away from my character then she went to go cast a heal spell then she moved away and the spell (animation) kept playin, it didnt stop the game but my character never got healed and the girl kept playing the spell animation

oh and is there a way to make the game so the players dont have a choice of there colors and what type of battle?
I've tried the transformation about 6 different ways and I can't seem to get it to function with your battle system, Gubid.... I've tried common events three times, battle events twice and then I even tried adding it into your script, but nothing was working. For now I'm leaving it out, but hopefully you can find a way to integrate a transformation skill. 
im not sure if this was reported or not but i had the neutral girl was 1 square away from my character then she went to go cast a heal spell then she moved away and the spell (animation) kept playin, it didnt stop the game but my character never got healed and the girl kept playing the spell animation
Its a wait skill and thats how they work.  You are welcome to change the "casting" state animation to whatever you would like.
I've tried the transformation about 6 different ways and I can't seem to get it to function with your battle system, Gubid.... I've tried common events three times, battle events twice and then I even tried adding it into your script, but nothing was working. For now I'm leaving it out, but hopefully you can find a way to integrate a transformation skill.
Interesting.  All I did in the demo was open the troop setup in the database, removed the current "battle event" contents and replaced it with transform enemy "leo" into leviathan.  It did that exactly.  I tested it again just now and it seemed to work fine.  Let me know if you have continued problems with this or share you project with me and I will take a look at it and try to decide why it doesnt work.

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