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GTBS v1.5.1.4 - A FFT Styled Battle System (5/19/2010)

I'm talking about transforming characters, not the enemies, although that was easy enough to do.

What I've done so far is made a skill that gives the state "Transformed" to a character and in a common event I have it set in a conditional branch to change the current character to a demon form when in that state and back again if not in that form. One of my main problems is that the skill, for whatever reason, cannot be used on the caster. I've tried every combination I could think of, and it won't permit me while in you battle system to use it. Is there any reason you can think of that would prohibit this?



I'm about to fall asleep right now but, is there an easy way to make the dead battler image just not appear at all? I like having the option of a "down" battler, however they are getting in the way of some of my more cramped scenes. I know I know, just map better, but I like my maps the way they are (better ambiance).

In summation, is there a way to make the enemies simply dissapear when they die? Possibly with an animation effect from the database?

Sorry for my sleepy-typing-ness. I need sleep...

Oh yeah, awesome system, I love this one so much that I would marry it if I weren't already engaged  ;D
sixdd, Please wait for the update.  It will have "remove from map" option.

firecross, player transformations?  I suppose I may be able to pull something off for that.  I am still working on the re-write of the skills section, cause it was given me major headaches, but when I complete I will take a look at this.



Some more suggestions. Hurray!

Directions - I'm not sure if this is implemented or anything as I had a rather difficult time checking, however since you have already set it so players could choose where to face, perhaps the direction where you're attacked in should affect damage. For example, you'd have better chances of hitting harder and more accurately if you struck from behind than in front.

Movement - It's really annoying how the "Do you want to move here?" window pops up as the character moves. Perhaps it would look better if it comes up either before or after the character moves.

I was thinking a better display window for the character's stats too, but I think that should be easy to fix and personalize.



Just a thought, it would be nice to have an option to gain items from enemies "as" you kill them. For example instead of gaining items after the battle is over you could set it so items are gained instantly, if at all. It would make it more like looting for need rather than looting for greed, kill a guy and then "Oh crud I'm gonna die!" "Guess I'll see if he has anything on him... oh boy! A Potion! Now I won't die!"

Just a thought.
Directions - I'm not sure if this is implemented or anything as I had a rather difficult time checking, however since you have already set it so players could choose where to face, perhaps the direction where you're attacked in should affect damage. For example, you'd have better chances of hitting harder and more accurately if you struck from behind than in front.
This is planned, should be part of the update.
Movement - It's really annoying how the "Do you want to move here?" window pops up as the character moves. Perhaps it would look better if it comes up either before or after the character moves.
If you dont like it, disable it from the -GTBS_Module- Although once you move, your done. 

I was thinking a better display window for the character's stats too, but I think that should be easy to fix and personalize.
Yeah, I am updating the status a little, but why dont you give me some examples and that will guide me better. 
Faces are already implemented in the updated status screen, but nothing else has really changed.  I do plan to update it some though.

Just a thought, it would be nice to have an option to gain items from enemies "as" you kill them. For example instead of gaining items after the battle is over you could set it so items are gained instantly, if at all. It would make it more like looting for need rather than looting for greed, kill a guy and then "Oh crud I'm gonna die!" "Guess I'll see if he has anything on him... oh boy! A Potion! Now I won't die!"
Wouldnt be too hard to do, but I have never liked gaining items from them right then.  I was thinking that I would do it like FFT, and set a state on them once they die, and once their "state turn" had expired that a treasure chest would appear, and getting that you would collect an item or as in FFT, a skill if they were human.  I havent figured out how I am going to do that yet, but I hope to do that soon.
Sorry for so many queations, but I have another one  ;D

So when I go to attack on the menu it says "Earth" and in it are my abilities.  I just want it to say "Special Attacks" and I cannot figure out how to do that.

Look at the Window_Base edits, you will see right there the settings that control what is displayed in the system.  Just change it to whatever you would like, or set it, and add a else statement and set them all to it.
Gubid":3saihip9 said:
Look at the Window_Base edits, you will see right there the settings that control what is displayed in the system.  Just change it to whatever you would like, or set it, and add a else statement and set them all to it.
Thanks, that worked.

In your demo your hunter can shoot in this big circle around her, how do I set my guy to do that?

Thanks for answering all my questions, sorry.
When setting up your weapon, add true to the end instead of false.  It should use the long range stuff and enable the surrounding squares.  Let me know if you have any other questions.
Gubid":304l0gco said:
When setting up your weapon, add true to the end instead of false.  It should use the long range stuff and enable the surrounding squares.  Let me know if you have any other questions.
In the database or in the script editor?  Where in the script editor would I do that?
Script: -GTBS_Module-

  # set range from weapon
  # [max_range, min_range, is_bow?] - is_bow? is only used when "LSHAPE_BOWS"
  # is enabled.
  def self.w_range(id)
    case id
    when 2; range = [1, 0, false]
    when 4; range = [1, 0, false]
    when 5; range = [2, 0, false]#lance
    when 17; range = [4, 2, true]#bronze bow
    when 20; range = [5, 2, true]#mythril bow
    else; range = [1, 0, false]
    return range

just add a when statement define the [MAX, MIN, and BOW?]  Thats it.
Gubid":28dp0yzn said:
Script: -GTBS_Module-

  # set range from weapon
  # [max_range, min_range, is_bow?] - is_bow? is only used when "LSHAPE_BOWS"
  # is enabled.
  def self.w_range(id)
    case id
    when 2; range = [1, 0, false]
    when 4; range = [1, 0, false]
    when 5; range = [2, 0, false]#lance
    when 17; range = [4, 2, true]#bronze bow
    when 20; range = [5, 2, true]#mythril bow
    else; range = [1, 0, false]
    return range

just add a when statement define the [MAX, MIN, and BOW?]   Thats it.

So do I put the when statement beside [max_range, min_range, is_bow?]?  Whats a when statement?  Sorry, I don't get it.
look at the script snippet he gave you. Do you see the line:
when 20; range = [5, 2, true]#mythril bow

That's a when statement. You type in:
when (insert weapon id here); range = [max_range, min_range, is_bow?]#(name of weapon, this is optional as it's only for reference)

so for mine I type in:
when 1; range[2,0,false]#short spear
How do i make the enemies fade away instead of using downed character sprites?
I have no clue how to add new downed sprites, even after reading the comments in Module_GTBS..
Yes that is correct, the remove_dead option will be available when I release the update.  Sorry it is taking so long, just ran into some problems and need to work them out before I release, otherwise, it would be buggy.
Just wanted to say that this is an amazing script and I'm very excited for the next release. I have a couple of questions that I'm not sure have been answered yet.

I'm assuming that this script supports large party scripts. If so, do I just add actor5 events on the map and adjust accordingly?

How do I adjust skill AoE and skill casting time?

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