1. I thought I resolved that... hmmm. Well, the skill casting stuff is all contained in the tbs_phase_3 section. At this point the skill has already been selected and the area drawn, but you must select your target. If you look at the if Input.trigger?(Input::C) section you may be able to find something that says unless occupied_by? == @active_battler or something. Just comment it and and the END statement that is coupled with it.. might be a number of lines down. Otherwise, hold tight and I will get an update.
2. I didnt think of skills like that, that will probably come with the "line skills" update in the near future.
3. Dont Move and Dont Act are simply states that are applied to the character. So if you would like to apply them to a character, set a skill to apply them. The AI for these characters should handle it correctly, as for actors (your party) it should just disable the appropriate option before the "turn" is technically started. See set_active_battler for the if statements that check the current "state" for 21 (dont move) or 22 (dont act) and see that they simply mark the "moved" or "perf_action"(performed action) for the character. Please let me know if you cannot figure it out.
4. Again, not technically. There is no limit to the number of summons that can be called to the field and being, unless they die, they will not be removed from the field. I suppose the only method to stop this would be to create a new group specifically for summons. You would need to modify many lines of code to have AI and other grab the appropriate groups for skills etc to have it not affect too many things. I suppose one other way is to search for members of the main part that are neutral and limit that number. To do that on a skill I would modify the def can_use_skill? function from Game_Party. Right about where you start to see "return true" statements.
Do this...
That annoyed me also, I already have it reported as a bug and am trying to figure out how to prevent them from gaining exp if they are missed. I also eventually wanted to enable gain of job points to work with my job system I am working on, but that is a ways down the road.
It has come to my attention that the animated demo the main character doesnt run his "attack" pose when he is told to. This is because the bronze sword in the database is not set to the correct animation id. Change it to ANIM Attack! (I think that is 105 or 106) and it will work after that. Sorry about my little messup.
2. I didnt think of skills like that, that will probably come with the "line skills" update in the near future.
3. Dont Move and Dont Act are simply states that are applied to the character. So if you would like to apply them to a character, set a skill to apply them. The AI for these characters should handle it correctly, as for actors (your party) it should just disable the appropriate option before the "turn" is technically started. See set_active_battler for the if statements that check the current "state" for 21 (dont move) or 22 (dont act) and see that they simply mark the "moved" or "perf_action"(performed action) for the character. Please let me know if you cannot figure it out.
4. Again, not technically. There is no limit to the number of summons that can be called to the field and being, unless they die, they will not be removed from the field. I suppose the only method to stop this would be to create a new group specifically for summons. You would need to modify many lines of code to have AI and other grab the appropriate groups for skills etc to have it not affect too many things. I suppose one other way is to search for members of the main part that are neutral and limit that number. To do that on a skill I would modify the def can_use_skill? function from Game_Party. Right about where you start to see "return true" statements.
Do this...
count = 0
for battler in $game_system.tactics_actors
if battler.neutral
count += 1
if count > 3 #this is the magic number!
return false
That annoyed me also, I already have it reported as a bug and am trying to figure out how to prevent them from gaining exp if they are missed. I also eventually wanted to enable gain of job points to work with my job system I am working on, but that is a ways down the road.
It has come to my attention that the animated demo the main character doesnt run his "attack" pose when he is told to. This is because the bronze sword in the database is not set to the correct animation id. Change it to ANIM Attack! (I think that is 105 or 106) and it will work after that. Sorry about my little messup.