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GTBS v1.5.1.4 - A FFT Styled Battle System (5/19/2010)

Thanks zammy for helping out. 
I also answered your question on CA lisker..
and hungery12, please provide me a demo. 
First of all, I would like to say that this is a brilliant script, with an even more brilliant demo. Excellent work, and thank you for sharing something so amazing with the community.

Although, I seem to be suffering from a very strange problem with it...anytime I add in a form of the SDK script, the entire event processing is scrapped and it tries to open the regular battle instead...has there been any history of such incompatibilities with the SDK? There's so many scripts requiring it nowadays that it's tough to be without it, even though your script is far more important...

Also, in the most recent version of the demo the starting location seems to be in the port rather than the wilderness...just a note that might need fixing, that's all...
In the first version, SDK should be compatable, although I have not tried with the new one. I will see if I can get that bug too...
Thankfully, I managed to find the solution I was looking for...which is ironic primarily in that I've been suffering from this problem for over a week, yet once I posted it finally became clear...it was just a simple script ordering issue, apparently. Sorry for the false alarm.
Yes, this script is compatible with the SDK, but this script must be placed below the SDK and above main in order to work.  Otherwise, the SDK rewrites some of what I have already re-written and causes it to use the default Battle System.  The instructions in the SDK actually said that it(the SDK) should be the first thing after Scene_Debug.. and that all other scriptes you are using should go below it but above main. 
Please read the -GTBS_Help- section before asking questions on how to setup a battle or whatever.  If you encounter any errors, please report them here or PM me.
That's the problem. I can't find how to add new monsters and actors to the game. I mean, I know about the enemy1 and actor1 thingy, I'm talking about, like... uhh...
Right, I just can't find the instructions for that. I'll tell you what happens...
I have some custom character spritesheets here and I want to use them for the battles. But, one problem, when I start the game, it starts as absolutely another spritesheet. Example: 023-Gunner01, which is absolutely nothing about my character's spritesheet. And same thing about monsters, how can I make new ones?</s>

FOUND OUT! Here is how to make new actors/monsters without breaking up everything.

Here's it.
Export your wanted-to-put-in actor/monster. But, one thing, you should call it something like 001-Fighter01, 002-Fighter02, or any other EXACT title of a sprite of the battlers. Then, import it back like you import anything else. Then, when making the character/monster, choose as the battle sprite, the one with the name you copied. But for making characters, you should use as the spritesheet, the one you saved as the same name of the monster. There is it!
<s>I'm not sure if it works with monsters but I'll try it out soon.</s> WORKS WITH MONSTERS!
Well, I have to say, I played with your demo a bit, and I was VERY impressed. You completely transformed the RPG Maker I was used to and opened up a huge amount of possibilities for future games, so kudos!

About the demo itself, I assume that you're supposed to move the start position to another map or something? If you don't it has a little dialouge for about fifteen seconds, says thanks for playing and closes. I figured that was intentional though. ^.^

I am having an error, however, when I try to implement it in another project.
I did as instructed in the script tutorial thing itself, made sure to copy the scripts and edit what it told me, and imported everything required. I also searched the preceeding six pages and didnt find any error like mine, because I really, reaaaally hate feeling stupid when it's my fault or has been answered already...
Anyway, the error I get is here;
http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z254 ... /error.jpg[/img]

Do you know how I can fix this? Forgive me for my ignorance, I am not a fabulous scriptor so I have no idea what to do here.

Thank you very much in advance! Keep up the great work, I'm impressed!
Ah... some bug just happened with me, too.
It happens after I kill all enemies. A regular screen appears, and, in it, it says...
Script '-Scene_Battle_TBS-' line 769: NoMethodError occured.
undefined method  `end_battle' for nil:NilClass

And more: You know, the conditions for winning/losing? Could you make a losing condition like... "killed all enemies"? Because I want to make some battle where you can't kill your enemies because they're your friends in a curse. And also, I tried the "reach" win condition, didn't work...
Valentine... the problem encountered his is because the Window_Config is required while the scene_config is not.  This is because the Window_Config is access during battle if you select the config screen, but it is initialized when you first enter the battle so it doesnt have to be done later.

Are you running a comment event to end the battle?  I wonder exactly what is occuring due to that method only being calling in the system, so... demo?

As for the victory/failure conditions.. doesnt that kinda contradict it self?  You would morph them into an enemy or something.. i dunno.  Anyway, yeah its really easy to add new ones and as for the reach command. I havent tested that since I implemented it months ago.  I will take a look and see what is wrong.  (i believe you had to stand there for 1 full turn?)

I'm one of the GTBS user

I have something to ask you

After the new version of GTBS was shown

I was impossible to read <<EVERY>> forum about GTBS..

If I just click the subject the internet is end..

Also I was trying to play the demo but It happened the same situation.

And even I loaded the scrip from the RPG Maker Tool It happened the same situation again !

Do you know something about this situation ?

I really want to use your script ,, ToT

Even I format my computer and restart it happens same thing !

IF you know something about this please tell me

Thank you ~!


I'm using my friend's computer..
Gubid":2axpan3i said:
Valentine... the problem encountered his is because the Window_Config is required while the scene_config is not.  This is because the Window_Config is access during battle if you select the config screen, but it is initialized when you first enter the battle so it doesnt have to be done later.

Are you running a comment event to end the battle?  I wonder exactly what is occuring due to that method only being calling in the system, so... demo?

As for the victory/failure conditions.. doesnt that kinda contradict it self?  You would morph them into an enemy or something.. i dunno.  Anyway, yeah its really easy to add new ones and as for the reach command. I havent tested that since I implemented it months ago.  I will take a look and see what is wrong.  (i believe you had to stand there for 1 full turn?)

Actually, I would put them as enemies. Only detail's that It won't be permitted to kill them, or the game would be over since you killed your friends in a curse, but yes, get them a cure.
But, what do you mean, comment event at the end of the battle? No. I don't even know how to add one at the end of the battle... 'cuz, somehow, if I try to add a variable to make that event, It'll end up having the event at the start of the battle. Oh yes, and in the line of the error, it says:mad:common_event_q += @common_events[GTBS::VIC_COM]. #Victory
Can you tell me how to solve this?

EDIT: Never mind. I'm going to send you my game file, so you can fix it yourself.
Hmm. I am having a strange problem that has no error message.

Basically, I'm using v1.0 (or whatever the prior release was) and added only a few featues of v1.1 in, and the game ran fine. However, I then added a "death" failure and some extras to the map (labeled correctly). The battle would run well until somebody had to move (enemy or player) and then it would just freeze with the moving battler flashing white. I deleted the failure condition call script command and the extras. The problem keeps continuing.

Is there anything I might have forgotten that I changed in the script to cause this? I'm decent enough with Ruby to modify a lot of the program, so if you just give me a few pointers I can probably solve this myself. I might resort to completely re-copying the scripts, but I've changed a lot of little things I'd rather not have to redo (the status window, window sizes, some AI stuff, nothing major... and you're credited in the intro already, of course!).
Hmm. I am having a strange problem that has no error message.

Basically, I'm using v1.0 (or whatever the prior release was) and added only a few featues of v1.1 in, and the game ran fine. However, I then added a "death" failure and some extras to the map (labeled correctly). The battle would run well until somebody had to move (enemy or player) and then it would just freeze with the moving battler flashing white. I deleted the failure condition call script command and the extras. The problem keeps continuing.

Is there anything I might have forgotten that I changed in the script to cause this? I'm decent enough with Ruby to modify a lot of the program, so if you just give me a few pointers I can probably solve this myself. I might resort to completely re-copying the scripts, but I've changed a lot of little things I'd rather not have to redo (the status window, window sizes, some AI stuff, nothing major... and you're credited in the intro already, of course!).
The reason you are encountering that is because you are calling the battle with a autorun or parallel event that then... recalls the battle while its already there, this causes it to abort without explanation.  To correct this simple set a self switch on the battle calling event and another page requiring that self switch and it will resolve it.  That is actually in the help files as a problem that can be encountered. (maybe also in the tutorials section?)

Actually, I would put them as enemies. Only detail's that It won't be permitted to kill them, or the game would be over since you killed your friends in a curse, but yes, get them a cure.
But, what do you mean, comment event at the end of the battle? No. I don't even know how to add one at the end of the battle... 'cuz, somehow, if I try to add a variable to make that event, It'll end up having the event at the start of the battle. Oh yes, and in the line of the error, it says:mad:common_event_q += @common_events[GTBS::VIC_COM]. #Victory
Can you tell me how to solve this?

EDIT: Never mind. I'm going to send you my game file, so you can fix it yourself.
I receive the demo and will take a look at it to determine the problem.  But just guessing, you likely havent expanded your common event db past 1 yet, this means that all other numbers are actually nil, thus the error. Try changing the max common events to being like 20 or so.  As for the end_battle thing, I need to look at the demo to figure out what is happening there.

If I just click the subject the internet is end..

Also I was trying to play the demo but It happened the same situation.

And even I loaded the scrip from the RPG Maker Tool It happened the same situation again !
I am sorry, but I dont know exactly what you are talking about.  I need some more information regarding the problem.  Are you encountering any errors?  Can you play all others games but mine?  Where you have formated your computer, I cannot think of any reason for a conflict, but without the above questions being answered I dont know what else to tell you.
Ah, I was calling a switch but it was after calling the battle. I didn't know that events continued processing after calling a blank page, so....

That's why the troubleshooting guide didn't help me. Maybe you should add a quick note about that? I only figured it out by going through the demo maps. =P

Thanks for making such an excellent engine, though! I've tried several RMXP TBS's, but this is my favorite by far.
This is the first problem listed in the Tutorial section and how to resolve it, but yes, I think I am going to move that to the help section and make it more apparent.
Thanks for your comments.

Larynni, it looks like all, but 1 of your problems are setup.
1. the end battle problem is due to a modification to line 769 in the Scene_Battle_TBS, you need to readd the .list to the end of the line
2. the common event it is calling doesnt exist.. change the max common events to resolve that.
3. Already resolved bug... VIC_COM in GTBS module is set to failure event. update to 1 to resolve.
4. victory condition must be set prior to battle, using the tbs_victory script command.  See the Victory/Failure events for more information.
I had a problem with the demo.  It ran fine, but during the battle against the Blood Mage, it sort of glitched up.

One of my characters (Hilda) died, and I res'd her on my next turn.  However, the game began to calculate my turn as being over after three (not four) characters had waited.  No problem really, I just did my moves and actions without waiting.  But then one turn came where my turn ended after three actions anyways, the opponent went, and Aluxes' status screen was still up (I didnt get a chance to make him wait).  Then I couldn't do anything after that when it was my turn.

I've only tried the demo once so it may have just been by chance, but I dunno.


EDIT:  Also, it seems that if an attack is going to kill someone, the animation is not played as a result. :-\
The first problem is because of a bug in the 1.1 release.  I have already fixed this, but the problem was that the actor wasnt being added back to the "group" in which they belonged and hence they sat in wonderland!  Anyway, 1.2 will resolve that.

I have noticed the attack thing as well, and I think it has to do with the downsets by nick, because when its animated(not using the downsets) it works fine.  I will look at a way to fix this... may be a little bit, so give me time.

and thanks Kyo651/SuperXero for using my TBS!
Question for you, Gubid. =)

Have you played Final Fantasy Tactics?  I hope so, cause it's a rather great SRPG.  Anyways, I was wondering if it's possible to edit a character's move/reaction/support ability, the way you can in Tactics. (ex.  Teleport or Walk on Water)

Thanks for any info,

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