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GTBS v1.5.1.4 - A FFT Styled Battle System (5/19/2010)

I have a quick question... how is the EXP calculated when EXP_PER_HIT = true?

Edit: Also, I have decided I want to use the alternate exp method... that is the one that does it by party and gets the exp value from that in the database... but the problem is that when the final hit of a battle aslo triggers the character(s) to level up, I get this error:

Script '-Scene_Battle_TBS-' line 6077: NoMethodError occured.

undefined method 'visible=' for nil:NilClass
Gubid":keazqswk said:
send me a demo, I will get it working. *evil laugh* ;D
Lol, thanks! I really feel kind of slow right now:P
Could you just upload a demo of it in action? I'm sure I could figure it out from the demo. I'd send you a demo, but my game only consists of an intro, a test battle and a lot of resorces making it a lot bigger in filesize.
Hey, I just have to start with your scripts are amazing, and im very glad you took the time to make them! =]
But im in a bit of a tangle...
i have v. 1.2 and im making a game were the player is escaping a castle jail, but you have to fight guards that roam the halls, if your spotted, and there would be many guards, but the aspect im going for is to; get spotted > fight (on the same map or different whatevers easyer) > beat enemy > return to regular map > get spotted >... and keep going, but the map is quite large so when it scrolls over to the character it takes a long time, to long, but when i turn off the scroll, it just jumps around and around and makes me dizzy =]]
and its way better when it scrolls, so is there a way to only scroll when it switches characters but not to the scene of the fight?
Tylord_lol":j3dckss8 said:
Hey, I just have to start with your scripts are amazing, and im very glad you took the time to make them! =]
But im in a bit of a tangle...
i have v. 1.2 and im making a game were the player is escaping a castle jail, but you have to fight guards that roam the halls, if your spotted, and there would be many guards, but the aspect im going for is to; get spotted > fight (on the same map or different whatevers easyer) > beat enemy > return to regular map > get spotted >... and keep going, but the map is quite large so when it scrolls over to the character it takes a long time, to long, but when i turn off the scroll, it just jumps around and around and makes me dizzy =]]
and its way better when it scrolls, so is there a way to only scroll when it switches characters but not to the scene of the fight?
Why don't you make it so that if you get spotted, you get teleported to a smaller map? You could just copy a portion of your map and paste it into a smaller map.
Yeah i tried that, but because you can only have it teleport you to one other map when your on one map, and the actors and enemies are in the same place they where the last fight and the map would have to be the same, so it gets repetitive =/
(please correct me if im wrong) but thank you =]
Celvin":251xhuu4 said:
Tylord_lol":251xhuu4 said:
Hey, I just have to start with your scripts are amazing, and im very glad you took the time to make them! =]
But im in a bit of a tangle...
i have v. 1.2 and im making a game were the player is escaping a castle jail, but you have to fight guards that roam the halls, if your spotted, and there would be many guards, but the aspect im going for is to; get spotted > fight (on the same map or different whatevers easyer) > beat enemy > return to regular map > get spotted >... and keep going, but the map is quite large so when it scrolls over to the character it takes a long time, to long, but when i turn off the scroll, it just jumps around and around and makes me dizzy =]]
and its way better when it scrolls, so is there a way to only scroll when it switches characters but not to the scene of the fight?
Why don't you make it so that if you get spotted, you get teleported to a smaller map? You could just copy a portion of your map and paste it into a smaller map.
I can see your problem. I think the easiest solution is to divide the big map into smaller maps. There is a function that allows the engine to "remember" where the events were last placed after teleporting, but my memory's a bit hazy on that one. I even think I saw this function in an rm2k game.
you just gave me an idea, if i used a map link script that links all the maps that you select seamlessly together, then if your spotted in a map it will only use the map that your on for the battle, right?  and then when it takes you back to the map, you could just continue without even knowing that the maps where separated in the first place.
get what i mean?
ill try it and edit this post to see if it works ;]
Celvin":1bwm36so said:
I can see your problem. I think the easiest solution is to divide the big map into smaller maps. There is a function that allows the engine to "remember" where the events were last placed after teleporting, but my memory's a bit hazy on that one. I even think I saw this function in an rm2k game.
Hmmm, not sure why you would get a =visible error.  formula... (enemy level - your level + 10)x2 if dead = exp

As for the map thing, I suppose I could create you a method that would allow you to set a different battle map per battler (if desired), but i would think that your map link script should do the trick.  Let me know if you need more help.

As for a quick update for 1.3
Check this out!  In 3d! (well kinda)
http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc20 ... Metric.jpg[/img]

I have put in some code to animate the tiles as well, works great.  I just need a couple more tiles to work with.
Each tile frame is 61x33 (width of the square is 59 and height in 31) with 4 frames.  We can increase it if needed, but this will be the next main feature. 
Let me know what you think!
Gubid":1lzi1c5x said:
Hmmm, not sure why you would get a =visible error.  formula... (enemy level - your level + 10)x2 if dead = exp

Ah thanks for the formula... but just one thing: where do you get the enemy level from? Is it something you have to edit in the script for each enemy id?

Also about the error... it happens in your demo when the only thing that is changed is the way EXP is accumulated (well, apart from I increased the amount of exp given by the enemy to assure that the final death would cause a lvl up, but obviously that shouldn't make any difference)... so I think it might be inherent to the script rather than a problem specific to me.
Yeah, ill let you know once i can find the script X]
i submitted a script request so hopefully i can work with it after school.
BTW thx for the offer Gubid your really generous =]]

I like the iso tile set idea, but from what i know there's not many iso tile sets to work with disappointingly, if only someone will make one like Inquisitor did with his tile set.
(hope i don't get yelled at for mentioning that  :-\ )
Hey JiayoJames, how about some steps to duplicate the problem in the demo.  I will check it out once I can duplicate it.

This Iso script isnt fully mine, but I translated it from french and made some modifications to it. To make it work with my stuff, plus huge other modifications to display and stuff.  I also wish there were more tilesets available, but as that is the case, I plan to make some via rips from Vandal Hearts and FFT.  Problem is that I have to play those to get the correct rips and so on. 

Tylord... I will look at just making it a main feature as you are not the only one who has requested it.  Dont worry about it.  I will get it figured out.  (keep in mind that all "random" encounters will all be faught on the current map instead of switching... hmm or maybe have both... if an override is in use it, otherwise use the settings in the GTBS module.  That should be pretty easy to do. 
Gubid":1bx8a6um said:
Hey JiayoJames, how about some steps to duplicate the problem in the demo.  I will check it out once I can duplicate it.


1. change the exp accumulation from EXP_PER_HIT to EXP_ALL in Module GTBS.
2. Go to the database and beef the frog dude's exp right up to like 1000 or whatever.
3. Beat it in the battle template map.

ps. how do I edit enemy lvls for the per hit EXP method?
Find -Enemy Level/Class- in the script editor.  It should be self explanatory.  Anyway, let me know if you have any other questions/problems.
Gubid":ydkioke6 said:
Find -Enemy Level/Class- in the script editor.  It should be self explanatory.  Anyway, let me know if you have any other questions/problems.
Oh wow, now I feel stupid. Haha yes it was very obvious and I have no idea how I missed it... sorry for the stupid question, and thanks for answering it anyway. :D
wow, I like your battle system, one question did your battle system support Large party Script by fomar or what you call on it
My script to my knowledge is compatible with all large party scripts available.  That can be contested on sure, but I havent had time to test with all large party scripts, but I tested it with my own mod with 10 chars and it worked perfectly.  (fighting 20 enemies)
GubiD, I want to thank you for this script. It is really, really awesome! I have almost finished the move thing and will tell you if I get it to work. I just have a problem drawing move range...

For the isometric grid, will we have to find iso tilesets for our game? Or can we use our normal ones, but just have isometric in battle? Also, what mouse system are you planning on implementing, or are you writing your own?

I have just dumped the range reduce and weapon sp. I do not need them for now.

You will be at the top of my credits in my game!

Thanks for all your help!

Unless GudiB has heavily modified the script the game will also be in isometric, not just the battles.

Isometric tilesets are pretty simple to draw, getting them in the right positions for tiling is the hard part!

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