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GTBS v1.5.1.4 - A FFT Styled Battle System (5/19/2010)

awesome doing an isometric script but, anyway, the tiles with more height will cover the others, as well as covering their passability. A way to do it, is doing a squary crappish map with the tiles in level 3 in the layer 3, level 2 in layer 2 and level 1 in layer 1, and let the script draw the cliffs and isometric tiles. A bit complex, but functional. Im sure you didn't understand! maybe i come up with a more elaborated suggestion... :P

Anyway The script is awesome!
Lestat.br":3ro232bw said:
awesome doing an isometric script but, anyway, the tiles with more height will cover the others, as well as covering their passability. A way to do it, is doing a squary crappish map with the tiles in level 3 in the layer 3, level 2 in layer 2 and level 1 in layer 1, and let the script draw the cliffs and isometric tiles. A bit complex, but functional. Im sure you didn't understand! maybe i come up with a more elaborated suggestion... :P

Anyway The script is awesome!

You mean like an auto tile but to switch it to Isometric? view? I don't know if they'd work, but right now It's just 2 maps, one is the default map were you lay your passability tiles and the other is sort've super imposed onto that map but at an angle, like how a minimap works but at full scale and in an Isometric view.

So you need to create Isometric tileset for it, however if you didn't want isometric I'm sure you would be able to use 1.2 then add any extra scripts like the upcoming mouse add-on to it and keep it normal.
THAT will NExT GEneRatIOn Battle System, EXCELENT WORK i test it with 20 actor and workin so fine here, ThAnK YoooU VeRy MuCh To CrEaTe ThIs awesome ScRiPt
GubiD, there seems to be a bug about the command description window where let's say I moved one of my charas and wanted to attack an enemy, the description window displayed "move to an available location" even I pointed it on attack command.

How can I fix this?
Hey, Gubid. Why don't you make weapon icons as character's attack animation, like Rye.jp CBS Starter Pack? If you don't understand what i'm saying, i will give a sample picture.

Arrrgggghhhhh!!!!! I don't know how to insert a picture in here!!!! Somebody help me!!!!!
Isometric! Awesome Gubid! I used to have all the backgrounds for FFT back when I was going to make an isometric game. I'll give you a link if I find them again.
Syv, for the move range... dont worry about it until I release it.  I almost have it, but I need an alternate way of reseting the move since you can cancel the move complete and reseting at that point doesnt restore "full" move for the turn, although it did stop extra moves from happening.  I also need the move stuff to use it in cost for the tile, not just per tile.
As for the iso view, there is a switch to use it or not.  Just like all features in my system.  As stated in the first post I am looking at using "Mousie" by DerVVulfman for the mouse script.  We will see though.

Lestat I think I know what you are saying... You want to lay the tiles and have the height auto figured based on the tile and to draw the "cliffs" if they are raised.  The system doesnt work that way, you simply draw a 3d iso view map, and setup a 2d map.  The 2d map is used for passibility and settings, such as height.  So you will be able to be in the spots behind the cliff "hidding" as I cannot do much about that.  Just make sure you setup your height (which off sets y,z to make them appear heigher) settings and passibility for each tile in 2d and it shouldnt matter.

Dung_Beetle, thank you I have already corrected that bug in the next release, just didnt get it release in 1.2, hold tight and it will be fixed soon.  You can also just disable the "hide inactive menu items" in gtbs module to set it back to the old method.

valcrist, I think I know what you mean and I could set it up to use graphics for each of the menu items, but havent had the desire to do so yet.  I was thinking a cross menu like BoF3 or something.  to be placed at the bottom of the screen and moving the help to the top and the status to the bottom when that is enabled.  Anyway, that may come eventually.

Thanks everyone for you comments and support.  I really appreciate all the comments. 
Isometric resources are pretty scarce these days, but I found two sites that has some backgrounds for both FFT and FFTA.
This page should have ALL the backgrounds for Final Fantasy Tactics: http://dotchan.com/fft/maps.html
And this one has a lot of maps for FFTA: http://sdb.drshnaps.com/BackgroundsGBA.htm

BTW.. I hate to bug you with this again, but do you think you could just throw the sunlight script into the new update somewhere? Hopefully, someone else will find it useful as well :P
2 Bugs Report
After reviving the allies, they start walking faster and faster than they would. (aesthetic bug)
The serious but was, that after reviving hilda, she couldn't perform neither of the casting time skills she had. I couldn't "re-summon" the Glythyr after Hilda's death. This ain't any game of mine, it is in your demo.

The System, as if it could, is much better as the updates go on. Good job



Lol I finished playing Final Fantasy Tactics advance and found this straight after xD
But yeah its a very nice built script, good job.
Thanks for the resources! I will get you an update as soon as I have time to do it.

Lestat.. I thought I had that problem fixed... You probably noticed that they werent only walking faster, but they went more often as well.  Its because they were duplicated in the tactics_actors array.  I will add something quick to see if they are already there and to not duplicate to resolve that.    As for the other problem I need a little more information.  Was the skill greyed out in the skill window or would it just play the miss animation when it shouldnt?  I have been trying to track this one down, but its quick tricky. 

I will try to get those fixed quickly and get 1.3 out soon, but some of the other features might hold me back for a bit.  I will let you know. 

Thanks again everyone else for you support of this script. 
Alright, thank you. I do not want people saying something like 'what the heck, that guy's sprite changed... weird'

EDIT: Can't find it.
All right sounds good, i think it will help a lot of people. So sorry, but one more thing, if you where to put in the random encounters idea on only one map, then i still have one problem, the scrolling in to the scene of the battle, on large maps it takes a very long time you know what i mean? try a battle on a large map and you'll get what i mean but im sure you know.
I didn't know if you meant that you where going to resolve that or something so forgive me if i misunderstood you.

p.s. I really like the random encounters idea! that would be great! but could you make and option to where you can turn off the scroll to battle scene, but keep the scroll to other characters, and this is just a minor suggestion maby you could make some preset formations for the enemy's so there not scattered randomly around the map if you make the random encounters, and maby kind of close to the players so you dont have to travel a long way to fight if your on a large map.

Thx  ;D

Gubid":2ebzfrq0 said:
Tylord... I will look at just making it a main feature as you are not the only one who has requested it.  Dont worry about it.  I will get it figured out.  (keep in mind that all "random" encounters will all be faught on the current map instead of switching... hmm or maybe have both... if an override is in use it, otherwise use the settings in the GTBS module.  That should be pretty easy to do. 


Awesome Bro

Hey there!

Nice system Gubid, but I'm kinda stuck on using a custom sprite. I don't have a clue how to change it so my sprite is used instead of a blank image.

I'd really like some help please :)
thank you!
@Injury-The script finds the name of the actor battler, and then looks in the characterset folder for a characterset with the same name. You need to set the battler to a file with the same name as your character set.

yourcustomsprite.png is your characterset
You need a sprite called,
yourcustomsprite.png as the battler. The script uses the battler graphic name to find the characterset for battles. If that makes any sense.

An easy way to do this is to import the charactersets as battlers so you know which one you are using.

@Gubid-Heh. I thought when you said "Mousie" you were directly referring to the mouse. Silly me.

Do you have any idea why the game crashes when I add "Actor Customization 5.0" to the scripts? I haven't an idea why...

Ok tylord, I officially dont know what you are talking about.  I get the map assignment stuff, but after that you start mentioning a scrolling thing.  What I gather is that you want it to scroll, but not to ?  You can always disable the scroll, or increase the scroll speed (max of 6), but outside of that you need to make clean maps.  There is only so much I can do regarding maps, and if the map is huge, you should look at making it smaller if you dont like the scrolling.  That is my only suggestion. 
Injury.. Syv is correct. If you would like to use a custom graphic, just import that same graphic to battlers, and assign it to the character and it will be used from then on.
Syv - no idea.. link maybe or even what the error is?

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