Syv, for the move range... dont worry about it until I release it. I almost have it, but I need an alternate way of reseting the move since you can cancel the move complete and reseting at that point doesnt restore "full" move for the turn, although it did stop extra moves from happening. I also need the move stuff to use it in cost for the tile, not just per tile.
As for the iso view, there is a switch to use it or not. Just like all features in my system. As stated in the first post I am looking at using "Mousie" by DerVVulfman for the mouse script. We will see though.
Lestat I think I know what you are saying... You want to lay the tiles and have the height auto figured based on the tile and to draw the "cliffs" if they are raised. The system doesnt work that way, you simply draw a 3d iso view map, and setup a 2d map. The 2d map is used for passibility and settings, such as height. So you will be able to be in the spots behind the cliff "hidding" as I cannot do much about that. Just make sure you setup your height (which off sets y,z to make them appear heigher) settings and passibility for each tile in 2d and it shouldnt matter.
Dung_Beetle, thank you I have already corrected that bug in the next release, just didnt get it release in 1.2, hold tight and it will be fixed soon. You can also just disable the "hide inactive menu items" in gtbs module to set it back to the old method.
valcrist, I think I know what you mean and I could set it up to use graphics for each of the menu items, but havent had the desire to do so yet. I was thinking a cross menu like BoF3 or something. to be placed at the bottom of the screen and moving the help to the top and the status to the bottom when that is enabled. Anyway, that may come eventually.
Thanks everyone for you comments and support. I really appreciate all the comments.