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GTBS v1.5.1.4 - A FFT Styled Battle System (5/19/2010)

Soulcube.. The reason you would generally encounter any errors in that section of code is because the events you "didn't" place on the map.  This is generally because you either skipped a number when placing events or that they dont exist on the map.  Use the demo template, and try again.

wow! it worked! i was lacking some events on where to place the player :D hihi thanks! but i have this new error :(

http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh77 ... r/ouch.jpg[/img]

every time victory strikes this happens..:(
I have a few suggestions on what might make the GTBS better...
1)Be able to change jobs from start menu
2)Make so you can walk in water but,sink.
There just some ideas i had.
soulcube, that error is because your common event that is being called for victory is number 2 in which doesnt exist in the default blank game.  You must expland the common events and set a victory music and text or whatever.
Infact I would recommend you go through the database and setup...
Elements\States and common events before starting your game.  After than, just make sure the script is configured to your stuff.

oh and black shadow.  I am working on a job changing system as well, but in the mean time use sephs.
Gubid":uybo7nzb said:
Valentine... the problem encountered his is because the Window_Config is required while the scene_config is not.  This is because the Window_Config is access during battle if you select the config screen, but it is initialized when you first enter the battle so it doesnt have to be done later.

Ah, sorry it's taken me so long to see this was here, I've had college classes going and not a lot of time to be online anywhere.
I -think- I understand the concept of the error, but I'm still at a loss at exactly what I have to do to fix it. If it isn't too much trouble, could you please explain...?
Thanks much in advance. ^.^
Would it be possible to add in 2-playermode? In other words, assign two sides to 2 different players without an AI in the game. I'm designing a TRPG that resembles chesslike strategy which would never work with normal AI. It's a completely transparent system though so it's not a problem that the other player sitting next to you would be able to see your every move and stats/abilities.

If this is too much trouble, don't bother as it's probably not a feature many people would actually use.
You know what i thought would be cool?
Well, have you ever played Fire Emblem for GBA?
Well there battle consist of high numbers of enemys so they made it to where you dont scroll for the enemy or even wait for there turn to compleat, you just go but when there attacking you it scrolls over to them. but when you fight it kind of goes to a CBS type scene where you just see the fight played out. understand?
here's a link to a video to help you understand.
This is excellent!  Some suggestions when/if you update it -

Make it so the action menu (wait/status) after performing an action only appears once the action is complete.

Make it easier to edit some of the spells. After some searching I found out how to edit the summon spells and everything, but I know that there are some people who don't even know where to place a script, so it would help them.

One more question - How is the exp per hit determined?
something's not right with mine, this is the least problem i can't solve properly...

after winning the victory it lands the actor to the right TOP Upper part of the area (which is an impassable tile that is) so it can't be moved... i tried moving the "actor1" event to the lowest part of the screen but it still doesn't apply...

and one more thing, how do i change the character set when the enemy or hero dies? and stop the victory sounds after the battle? coz it kept playing afterwards :) i appreciate your work gubid it's really really cool!!! :D

i also have actor death problem,

@common_event_q += @common_events[@death_actor[battler.id]].list

if the actor dies it show that..???
@soulcube-You can look in the Module, but I think that if you have another characterset with the same name  but with _down tagged onto the end it will use this.
Are you using the exit battle map in the GTBS Module?

@soulcube-You can look in the Module, but I think that if you have another characterset with the same name  but with _down tagged onto the end it will use this.
Are you using the exit battle map in the GTBS Module?

i didn't s ee any exit battle map in the GTBS? or i just didn't look well? where is it found? in the maps? events? database? what do you mean with another charset but with _down tagged on? you mean by creating a new actor named actor_down and in the event actor_down? ???
theres a cupple things i need...
can you make the move interface like how it looks when you press Esc twice when its a players turn?
i really like the way that looks...

And even an arow to where you pointing from the player to the cruser when your moving, showing the path you would walk to get to that area.

And is there a way to play different music when its your enemys turn?

those are things i really need for my game.
just asking =]
No, there is no way to do this.  It would have to modify the battle scene heavily and also make it work in net+ and the other scripts.  I dont plant to do that at any point in the soon future.

Copy the script -Menu_Config- from the demo to your project just below the other parts of my system that you have already copied.

I have had many people complain when that is the way it was done, so I changed it.  I dont know how difficult it would be to fix that, but I am guessing this is just because you have a large map.  One thing you could do is update a line in the AI that tells the scene not to proceed if the screen is not centered.  At the top of def tbs_phase_7 there is a line that says "return if update_screen", just comment out the line and it wont do that.

You have asked me to fix it a number of times, but I dont see a problem with it.  You need to provide me with some more information as I have asked for in the past.

Yeah, I have been trying to find a way to make it do that, but nothing that wont affect other areas can be done immediately.  Its just a timing issue.. I will continue to try and find a way to fix it... As for your other question, do you want me to break apart the module GTBS so that you can have each section to setup separately?  Many people were annoyed with doing that in other battle systems like ZTBS, and so I combined it all in one central location.  I suppose I could regroup them a little, but I dont want to break them up as this is what the majority of people have requested.
And the exp per hit calculations is 10 +-(your lev - enemy lev)

Search for "def self.battle_exit_info(map_id)" and make sure that it is set correctly for the map in which you are fighting on in the script editor
Search for "Why do the enemies always turn into a "soldier" when they die?" for more information within the -GTBS_Help- section in the script editor
I am guessing the problem with the death is "NoMethod Error 'list'" right? See the GTBS_Help module for help, but the problem is because you dont have enough common events yet.

If I changed it to that, we would have to redo a number of things regarding the movement during your turn to ensure that they are not trying to move outside of the defined move range.  It is setup to do it based on the tiles displayed, which if there are move than you can actually use, then it could bug out.  I agree that that would be a nice, feature and MAY be added in the future.
I never intended the system to do that and it would require big changes to code in the movement area that I dont want to play with.  I dont mean to be immovable about things, but this was not intended to be a exact replica of the FireEmblem battle system, but more so a FFT one. 
As for the battle scene's of the attack, it can be done but is not planned at this point.
Thanks, i understand.
Well good luck, your systems really progressing.

p.s. i tryed commenting out that line you said, but it still moved to the enemy, but didnt exactly center on it. but thats okay, i can work with it.
Well, maybe I'll try getting the newer version .-.
EDIT: Alright, I got the newer version, but the random encounters are still failing. It points to line 397 of Scene_battle_TBS.

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