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GTBS v1.5.1.4 - A FFT Styled Battle System (5/19/2010)

Is it possible to have events, like shops, during battle? For example, in FE, you could go into shops during battle or talk to some NPCs. I understand if it is not possible, I was just wondering.
Kaze950, you can but there is a catch.  Instead of just changing scenes, you have to save mine first, otherwise it will reset the battle.  You could do they by doing a script..  @prev_scene = $scene.. then on the next line call your shop or whatever.  Once done $scene = @prev_scene, and it SHOULD resume from where it left off, although I could be wrong. 
I am guessing you mean about the '.class' error.  It actually goes in the status window.  That would be -Window_Status- line 72.. just add unless actor.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
is there a way to make an flying character. one that can move over all terrain and be above it? Is there also a way to have terrain limit ground characters movement?

Also, is 8 the max number of enemys that can be in the battle? When setting up a new troop in the datebase, the max it allos you to add is 8.
trainspotter":16z6rh7x said:
is there a way to make an flying character. one that can move over all terrain and be above it? Is there also a way to have terrain limit ground characters movement?
Yes characters can be made to fly.  To do this
1. Give them an armor that sets an autostate of flying (i believe its state 19 in the demo, must stay whatever that number is) 
2. Set a terrain tag of 6 or 7 on all items that normally cannot be passed over, but when flying can be.  (I set water to 6 so the walk on water stuff would work, and 7 on all other objects that they can fly over)
3. Use a graphic that makes them look like they are flying.

The recommended use of the flying state is similar to that of Vandall Hearts 2, where you have a flying armor and at all times during battle (unless dead) they would be flying. 

As for characters to reduce move based on tiles,  Set a terrain tag of 0-4 and it will automatically reduce movement by using 1+TT = required move to enter square unless > total_move.  At least that is putting it nicely.  You can see this in the animated demo.. the sand in the middle requires 2 move to enter vs the standard 1. 
trainspotter":16z6rh7x said:
Also, is 8 the max number of enemys that can be in the battle? When setting up a new troop in the datebase, the max it allos you to add is 8.
You can create troops with as many enemies as you want regardless of the database limit.  See -Extra_Troops- script in the script editor for instructions.  The system will also support any number of actors being placed.  So you can have any number of actors/enemies/neutrals on the map.  There is no limit.

Valcrist":16z6rh7x said:
Hey, I was thinking... Could you make a multiplayer script for this script?
I wont be making one, but if someone else wants to undertake the task I would be willing to help them out with what I can.

Larynni":16z6rh7x said:
Oh sorry, I misunderstood you, I bet you told me to put unless actor.is_a? in Game_Enemy... xD Sorry me!
No problem.
I have a few questions..

1. How can I add allies or enemies during the battle ? Like, If I kill one enemy the boss of the enemy appears. And also new ally.

2. How can I make a event during the battle ?

3. How can I change the word like 'move' 'attack'...?

Thank you
probpe":1nl4k3nz said:
I have a few questions..
1. How can I add allies or enemies during the battle ? Like, If I kill one enemy the boss of the enemy appears. And also new ally.
2. How can I make a event during the battle ?
3. How can I change the word like 'move' 'attack'...?
Thank you
1. $scene.set_character("actor", ID, X, Y, ENTRY_ANIM_ID = 0).. also accepts "enemy" and "neutral".  This is the summon method, but I expanded it to have the ability to add whatever type you want.  This is partially for the Advance Wars addon for this... eventually.
2. See the events in the center of the map on the krones forest (not the frog) mimic them.
3. Menu commands start in -Window_Battle- on line 43.. then do a search for "Move" with case match and update each of those to the new entry to the new one as well.

Tylord_lol, gonna need some more info.  In the test maps they are healing, is the skill missing?  When it misses, do the target tiles display?
GubiD, try meddling with the multi-slot script so that we can come up with dual-bladed swordies or even gunners... please... I've been dreaming and thinking how would your TBS play if it has G-something 777's Multi-Slot script...
Well i attack them till they need to heal, then when they try to heal, you can see the target tiles that they can select from are yellow instead of green (there set to one ally and only in battle, no changes to the skill have been made) and when they select themselves or another enemy they just miss and it shows the missing animation...
I haven't changed anything so i have no idea why it just stopped working...
Gubid":1wymb4l5 said:
1. $scene.set_character("actor", ID, X, Y, ENTRY_ANIM_ID = 0).. also accepts "enemy" and "neutral".  This is the summon method, but I expanded it to have the ability to add whatever type you want.  This is partially for the Advance Wars addon for this... eventually.

Where do i have to add that method ??
Is there another way to add enemy or ally during the battle ? Not by using summon.
Something like ZTBS, normal events turn into battler. Is this able in GTBS ??
probpe":183u0ndf said:
Gubid":183u0ndf said:
1. $scene.set_character("actor", ID, X, Y, ENTRY_ANIM_ID = 0).. also accepts "enemy" and "neutral".  This is the summon method, but I expanded it to have the ability to add whatever type you want.  This is partially for the Advance Wars addon for this... eventually.

Where do i have to add that method ??
This is the method to add character/enemies/neutrals to the map if you desire.  To use this.. open an event.. battle event or whatever.  tell it to run a script and put the above code you quoted in the script.  It will add the actor/enemy of the ID you specify at the x,y and use the animation you specify.  If none, they will simply appear.

you found something I missed.  There is no way to do this for enemies... I guess we will have to setup something... probably in the enemy class/level section to define if they should have the flying state applied when they join the battle.  Would be fairly easy to do.  Just add a

def can_fly?
  case @id #(this being the enemy_id)
  when 1; return true
  else; return false

Then you will need to have it check the enemies as they are added...

search "def battle_begin", then find "$game_system.tactics_enemies.push(enemy)", in mine its line 333, but I have made adjustments.. might be close to there though.  Add a line right before this saying...
enemy.add_state(18,true) if enemy.can_fly?

Now if you want to update also the above method that probpe needs to use... about line 3749..
if actor != nil
        $game_system.tactics_enemies.push(Game_Enemy.new(@troop_id, index))
        $game_system.tactics_enemies.last.moveto(x, y)
        @spriteset.battler_sprites.push(Sprite_Battler.new(@spriteset.viewport1, actor))
and replace it with
if actor != nil
        en = Game_Enemy.new(@troop_id, index)
        en.moveto(x, y)
        en.add_state(18,true) if en.can_fly?
        @spriteset.battler_sprites.push(Sprite_Battler.new(@spriteset.viewport1, actor))

That should handle it.  actors should be able to have auto states, which means neutrals are ok, but these are the only 2 places that an enemy is added to the map or any similar method is used. 
Please let me know if you have any questions or problems.

I have to know what error you are receiving to be able to help.. but I think you likely added the unless right above the line instead of after it.  This means that it didnt close.. you have to add an end after you finish the "unless" statement.

When i have some time I will give it a look.  You are looking for dual wield and 2 sword abilities, right?

It might have been a change in the get_targets method that might be malfunctioning.  I will look into it. 

Thank you for viewing

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