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GTBS v1.5.1.4 - A FFT Styled Battle System (5/19/2010)

Ive found another bug...of the same type as the other I reported. When placing actors on the map, if you overwrite the place occupied by Hilda (for instance) with Aluxes, Aluxes will start animating faster and faster and as well as more frequently.
Overwriting placed actors cause the overwriting character to move faster, for each character he/she replaced.

I placed 7 heroes on the map. When placing the eighth, I overwrote each of the seven with this last one, and this one was animating incredibly fast and playing very frequently.

Also, the casting time animations and state animations on these characters are much "stronger", brightier, less transparent

A request:
For the next version, would it be possible to make battle maps be related to the tileset, with variations.
Like, for the tileset Ruins, there are 3 variations of battle map ID's (indicated in the script), and if you are walking on a map with this tileset and you encounter a battle, you will be teleported to a random variation of the maps indicated for Ruins Tileset and the battle will start. That's way more practical than the current system to do it. Thank you.
Thanks Lestat.  I will look into it.  As for the enhancement, I cannot guarentee anything.  I would expect most people to use this battle system in a more planned maner, but maybe some more options?  I dunno, I dont want to make this took bulky, because then it will have so many features it sucks.  You know?  Anyway, I will see what I can do.

It's its own section in the script editor.  Just look in there for it and you will find what you are looking for.  Use I believe I quoted approx line numbers above, or you can just wait for the 1.3 update, which will have it.

Just an update for you all, I just finished adding gravity effects to increase overall bow range if your shooting down hill and reduced if you are shooting up hill. It uses hight change/ 2 + weapon_max_range, so if its a negative amount it simply decreases the max, while the min is not changed. I also updated battle events for the ability to be triggered via tile entry. Although it only does it if the actor actually stops on the spot. This can eventually be part of a find items skill or something, or trigger a tileset change or something. It could be many different things. Anyway, just wanted to let you in on my progress.
Thankyou for your reply..

I have another question..

I need the method of battle event which appears when one enemy dies.
I copied the center of the map on the krones forest but that method was about turn.

and another question how do I change the message 'Deafeat Leo' like this ?

probpe":xl9ofdj7 said:
Thankyou for your reply..

I have another question..

I need the method of battle event which appears when one enemy dies.
I copied the center of the map on the krones forest but that method was about turn.

and another question how do I change the message 'Deafeat Leo' like this ?

This is the death events feature. 
  # Check Death Action
  # This section allows you to identify common events upon death for what map 
  # you are fighting on by the id of the actor/enemy
  def self.check_death_action(map_id, type = 0)
    case map_id
    when 1
      return {1=>6} if type == 0 #actors
      return {} #enemy death
    when 3
      return {1=>7} if type == 0 #actors
      return {36=>8}
      return {} if type == 0 #actors
      return {} #enemies
So what that means is that when you place a WHEN #, the number is the MAP_ID in which you are fighting, and then enter.. {ACT_ID => COMEVNT_ID} if type == 0 then {EN_ID => COMEVNT_ID}
You mean..

   when 1 <b> <- Map ID</b>
      return {actor ID -> Comevnt ID} if type == 0 #actors
      return {enemy ID -> Comevnt ID} #enemy death
Right ?? But nothing happened..;
Is there any problem ??

<b><2></b> And another one.. I tried to move enemy and actor by event.. So i add the movement of the actor and enemy.. but it didn't worked.. showing the sentences were only able to do... can't I move the battlers by event?

<b><3></b> and can I set the netral battlers not to attack ? I just want to make a netral battler just like normal citizen.

Thank you I'll wait for your help..
It means that you have not imported the necessary graphics from the GTBS original demo file.


EDIT: YOu also need a few new folders-graphis/pictures/ and in there make a folders for enemy and actor faces...
probpe":1fdemthn said:
You mean..

  when 1 <b> <- Map ID</b>
      return {actor ID -> Comevnt ID} if type == 0 #actors
      return {enemy ID -> Comevnt ID} #enemy death
Right ?? But nothing happened..;
Is there any problem ??

<b><2></b> And another one.. I tried to move enemy and actor by event.. So i add the movement of the actor and enemy.. but it didn't worked.. showing the sentences were only able to do... can't I move the battlers by event?

<b><3></b> and can I set the netral battlers not to attack ? I just want to make a netral battler just like normal citizen.

Thank you I'll wait for your help..
1> that should work just fine.  Are you sure that your Map_ID is correct?  Does the common event has something in it? (I know that is a dumb question, but someone had that problem before)
2> Not using a standard move event.  This is all managed outside of the normal eventing and so you have to use a little script to move them.
actor = $game_actors[ID]
actor.run_route([2,4,6,8]) #where each instance of 2 is down, 4 is left, 
#6 is right, and 8 is up and move s the character using that defined route.
3> The only way to have Neutrals not attack would be to remove their weapon and ensure they have no attack skills.  That will set them in the retreat mode, so be careful they dont just run off.  Perhaps something that will teach them a skill at a certain point?  I dunno, either way, no not directly possible.  Its either attack/retreat, although with 1.3 view_ranges are working, so if you outnumber the enemy and the enemy is outside of their "view_range" then they will NOT approach the enemy, but stay in their current position.

Itapthat741, the faces thing is because the Faces folder doesnt exist under the Pictures folder in the project directory.  Just creating it should be enough to resolve it.

vvX-Crisis , thanks for the support!
Another way would be to give them an item that forces Don't Act status on them, which I think might be a little simpler, but that may also force them into retreat mode.
Thanks .. But I still have too many questions T.T

Last time I asked about changing the messages like 'move''attack'...

And I changed everything as you said.

But the message was changed but I was not able to click them;;

What do I have to change exactly ??
But the message was changed but I was not able to click them
I dont understand what you are saying.  If you are trying to change the title of each COMMAND (Attack/Move/Status) and not just the skill you will have to make changes in more than just Window_Base.
1. To change the COMMANDS.. open -window_battle- about line 34-48, just update each of those to reflect the new command name. 
2. Then update Scene_Battle_TBS with these new words as well..
Line 1939 - when "Move"
Line 1951 - when "Attack"
Line 1964 - when @windows["actor"].get_class(@active_battler.class_id) #dont worry about updating this one.. you updated it in the base class then it should be good.
Line 1979 - when "Item"
Line 1994 - when "Wait"
Line 1999 - Wait text if Wait Confirm enabled.
Line 2021 - when "Status"

Also find window_battle
Line 105-115 for help statements that will appear in the window according to selection.

You have made me realize how annoying it is to change this to another language.. because of that, I think I will move much of this into the GTBS module under a Words section.  This way, you just need to update one spot and call it good.
I'm sorry for my low comprehensive faculty..

Everything was done , but moving the battlers and the enemy death events were failed..

<b><1></b> Moving battlers

The script you told me was..

Code:actor = $game_actors[ID] actor.run_route([2,4,6,8]) #where each instance of 2 is down, 4 is left,
#6 is right, and 8 is up and move s the character using that defined route.


but I still couldn't understand how to use this ;;

what is the number inside [    ] ??  Can you please make a example ?

<b><2></b> Enemy death event

You told me

  # Check Death Action
  # This section allows you to identify common events upon death for what map
  # you are fighting on by the id of the actor/enemy
  def self.check_death_action(map_id, type = 0)
    case map_id
    when 1
      return {1=>6} if type == 0 #actors
      return {} #enemy death
    when 3
      return {1=>7} if type == 0 #actors
      return {36=>8}
      return {} if type == 0 #actors
      return {} #enemies
( I checked the map ID and common event. there was no problem but it still didn't worked..;;)

this script to make an enemy death event. But in your tutorial I didn't see that script anywhere but there was a enemy death event like death of leo and ibors. How did you do that without that script above??

<b><3></b> Animated Battlerset

I saw the animated battler tutorial and it was great..

I want to make some animated battler set. I have lots of animated battler motion

but I don't know how to change it for GTBS.

Do I have to paste the charset to the sample frog charset ?

and Thanks for your many replies..
I don't really understand what you have just explained.
The bug I get is a window at the beginning of the game with "Script '-Window_Status-' line 206: SyntaxError Occurred.
And here are the lines around unless actor.is_a? (Game Enemy)
      unless actor.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
      draw_actor_hp(actor, x, y+24)
Heya Gubid!
First off, let me say thank you so much for releasing this! I had been obsessed with FFT for the ps1 way back when it was released, that obsession lasted for several years, and returned when the PSP version was released.

The project I'm currently working on (Im new to ruby, so im slowly trying to learn as I go) is having an error with the first battle. I know its because of me doing or not doing something correctly, just curious as to if you can tell me what it is im doing wrong:

          "Script '-Spriteset_Battle-' line 82: NoMethodError occured.
          undefined method `+' for nil:NilClass

Any response would be greatly appreciated, and I hope you continue to work on this project!

Something I'd like to see added to this project is a formation screen (tho I don't know how difficult that would be to code) and a KO'd character turn counter (again, like in tactics) that, after a set number of rounds, the character will disappear, or turn into an item/crystal or variable.
Regardless, keep up the awesome work!!

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