What I meant regarding the first point was the following. Suppose your pixelmovement script is activated. When I am walking right, and then walk right/up, there is a slight frame skip, or so it seems. Try it yourself to see if it does that. At least, it seemed to happen that way for me. If you can add those functions to the pixelmovement script, you rock. By the way, when I'm in iso maps, and the 8-dir is activated, I would like to press up and go up, not press up and go right/up (if you know what I mean). And since I'm requesting so much things, I'll add another one... the passability zmaps. Because, with pixelmovement activated, there are some tiles where you are supposed to go around a tree, but you have to go fully around the square (even if you don't see the square, it's there, right?). So, that is a little thing I also require for te pixelmovement function... I would probably do these things myself, but I'm too bloody n00b. If you can do these things to me, great. If not, well, it's your call. Anyway, if you can incorporate all of this, and script activation and deactivation of functions through events, I'm pretty sure even more people will use your script. I guess... xD
Oh, and as for the SDK thingy, it works as a whistle. Thanks!