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GTBS v1.5.1.4 - A FFT Styled Battle System (5/19/2010)

If I'm gonna use animated battler, do I have to make all the enemy's set ?

I just want to give motion to important enemy.

Can't I just use normal set to unimportant monster ??
Its all or nothing for the animated battlers.  Although you can expand the default template of your existing enemies to fill out the anim template.  speaking of which... here is a blank template that I created.

I will look at a way of only using the animated method if the name includes something like ANIM.
Everything is working great for me now.
One minor issue im having tho, when I use a phoenix down type item (a revive target item) on one of my allies, that ally that is revived has their walking animation sped up by a good bit. Any idea what may be causing this and/or if theres a fix?
Thanks Gubi! :D
Slightly simple question here.
Where can i get more animated battlers like you use in your script, i have the two you use but thats not enough to make a game with sadly D:

Thank you for your Time
That is a noted problem in 1.2 and has been resolved in 1.3.  I hope to be releasing the update by next week.
I would too!  I need more animated battlers, but because this is yet, still a new system it might be awhile before people start sharing their works!  Anyway, thanks for the interest.  My recommendation would be to find a site that has ripped them from other games... such as Vandal Hearts, FFT, Tactics Ogre and resize them to work with XP in my template.  If you need a template for the anim.... use this.
Anyway, please let me know if you need any further assistance.
Quick question about your new animation system, will it be required or optional for those who can get the animations required? As in can it be turned on and off?
Ok after reading through nine pages of this I'm just going to proceed to assume that no one else is having my problem.

I have battles running fine... up to four in the party... the problem is when I try to add more only 4 show up. I have the -Game_Party- section set to 10, 2 above the default of 8. I'm only tring to get 8 members at the moment (about 50 on each side once this test phase is over and I start on the war-based combat.) Anyway, just a pointer in the right direction would be appreceated.

Events are placed actor1 - actor8, and the script is
  def add_actor(actor_id)
    actor = $game_actors[actor_id]
    if @actors.size < 9 and not @actors.include?(actor)
Thanks for your help.
Ok tinkering around alittle more, I notice that enemy charsets are NOT derived from the enemy name. I can't find anything about where these charsets are being pulled from, and what indicates which charset to use. So my problem (and this is starting to feel like a real noob problem, i'm sure it's easier than im making it) is that I want to use custom enemies, and can not figure out how to set them up. I'm using your standard charsets, just like you would for an actor and would just like to know how to set that up. I checked the help and tutorials and found nothing.

Sorry if this is a complete noob question, because something this simple should have an answer as simple, but for some reason I just can't seem to find it...

Thanks for the awesome script, your making my Warhammer game possible.

Also, I'm attempting to script in a way for the player to choose from a few pre-made character lists prior to combat.

Example: as combat starts they will get a menu screen or option screen with several options like:

Black Mage, White Mage, Hunter, Warrior, Dragoon or 2x Black Mage, 2x Warrior, White Mage. Etc... Except they wouldn't be traditional RPG classes, future sci-fi, well anyway, if anyone knows any ways to script that I may need some help later, but I want to try to pull it off on my own first.

Oh and **PLEASE** include ranged weapon cover in a later release. I mean if I put down a wall thats 2 high it would be nice if I could hide behind it and use it for cover. Maybe a wall with a height of 1 or a half wall would cover the space directly behind it. I mean, if my archer is becide a tree, he shouldn't be able to shoot though it and it would be great to have the game to reflect that physic. Please consider it, thank you again for a great combat system.
Lockheart":3amhq0pb said:
Quick question about your new animation system, will it be required or optional for those who can get the animations required? As in can it be turned on and off?
The new animation system, as of 1.3, is always turned on but only "animates" the character if their name has "ANIM" somewhere in it.  This way you can mix and match.  If you dont want to create all new enemy sprites you only need to animated what you want, and the rest get the default method.  Same goes for ISO views.. Must include "ISO" in the name.

SoManyQuestions":3amhq0pb said:
Ok tinkering around alittle more, I notice that enemy charsets are NOT derived from the enemy name. I can't find anything about where these charsets are being pulled from, and what indicates which charset to use. So my problem (and this is starting to feel like a real noob problem, i'm sure it's easier than im making it) is that I want to use custom enemies, and can not figure out how to set them up. I'm using your standard charsets, just like you would for an actor and would just like to know how to set that up. I checked the help and tutorials and found nothing.

Sorry if this is a complete noob question, because something this simple should have an answer as simple, but for some reason I just can't seem to find it...

Thanks for the awesome script, your making my Warhammer game possible.

Also, I'm attempting to script in a way for the player to choose from a few pre-made character lists prior to combat.

Example: as combat starts they will get a menu screen or option screen with several options like:

Black Mage, White Mage, Hunter, Warrior, Dragoon or 2x Black Mage, 2x Warrior, White Mage. Etc... Except they wouldn't be traditional RPG classes, future sci-fi, well anyway, if anyone knows any ways to script that I may need some help later, but I want to try to pull it off on my own first.

Oh and **PLEASE** include ranged weapon cover in a later release. I mean if I put down a wall thats 2 high it would be nice if I could hide behind it and use it for cover. Maybe a wall with a height of 1 or a half wall would cover the space directly behind it. I mean, if my archer is becide a tree, he shouldn't be able to shoot though it and it would be great to have the game to reflect that physic. Please consider it, thank you again for a great combat system.
1. if you update the def add_actor, you can then use the event command to add the additional actors you need, that should work fine. 
2. if you want to use custom graphics with the battlers, copy the battler in both characters and battlers folders.  Why, because the script uses the "Battler Name" to search the Characters folder for graphic to use. 
3. Regarding the add pre-made class people... just make them actors and make those actors part of the party, then use the PLACE events on the map to only allow X number to be added for the battle.

As for the rangled cover... That is something I am working on with the ISO view, but it is only going to be available there.  My method is yet a little flawed, but I am working on that.  It already "kinda" works, but not really. Anywho, thanks!
Thats disappointing (the cover in the iso thing) I don't intend to use the isometric view, the available resources for it are too small for me to pull off the game I'm designing. But I may have to, because I need my tyranids (think zerg from starcraft) to be able to survive Tau (think protoss from starcraft) gunfire long enough to get into close combat, but unfortunately at the moment theres nothing stopping the Tau from raining down obscene amounts of fire on my poor little aliens lol.
I keep thinking of things after I post, but have you ever considered making this a two player thing? I mean instead of your traditional story driven TRPG, I can easily set up events so that a player can pick his army now, it would be kinda fun to make it team based for turns and have it two player.
Ok, well I wrote a few events a few different ways, I told it to add actor 5 and added a text display to make sure it worked. Well I get the text but no character. If someone could please give me an event that will make this work it would be welcome. Thank you.

It's been about 6 months since I've toyed with RMXP, my trial ran out and I just recently bothered to purchase the full version. Thanks for all your help.
Ok... first use the edit button if you want to add something to your previous post unless its days later and no other responses have come in.

There is no way to figure height easily in 2d, but in 2.5d(iso) then its is much easier.  That is the main reason why it wont be included for 2d. 

I havent thought of this for a 2 player setup, although it wouldnt be hard.  Problem is I am guessing you want them to be at another machine.  Being as I dont know net+ and so on, I dont see that being done any time soon.  If its not over the network and you want to do it in a "hot seat" style, you simply need to remove the call to the AI and update how you assign enemies and actors.

Not sure what you are trying to do exactly.  Can you be a little more descriptive on your problem?
All I can say is exceptional job Gubid, especially the Isometric and Gravity portions.

Could you elaborate more on making it 2 player? "hot seat" is good, and it wouldn't be extremely hard to make another set of controls for p2 (at least for me). Hmm, come to think of it, make another neutral team and you got 4 players...
God this is one mighty script. There are a few things however that I have to point:
1) When changing from diagonal to regular map scrolling, there are a few frames that are skipped. Dunno where that came from.
2) This script isn't compatible with the SDK. Make it likewise, and we have a winner.
3) This is more of a personal request. If this was compatible with the Pixelmovement script (not yours, the other one), that would rule big time. That, or add functions to yours (which isn't really yours, just the one you use on the pixelmovement script), like more frames per direction, and the jump and dash functions (each with their own sprites, say you press dash, and the sprite changes to sprite_dash, or sprite_jump acordingly).

If you resolve these three issues, I'll be your slave. Until then, you're just my hero!
First... it is compatible with SDK, but must be placed BELOW the SDK, otherwise the SDK rewrites my methods.

1. I didnt notice the frame skips, but that is basic eventing, so I am not sure what happened there.
2. Look above..
3. To be honest I didnt test the full use of the pixel movement script for iso or regular, simply because those methods were redefined.  I can make them capatable in about 5 min or less I am sure.  Just need to make a new method that uses the old default method instead of the pixel movement method for movement.

I guess I will have to look into Net+ and see what I can find.  It would be cool to make it 2 player capable, but that is quite a ways down the road. 

I am going to set the TBS asside for a little while and work on my other projects, but I will return to it, so be sure to leave some good suggestions and report anything that doesnt seem to work. 

Thanks again everyone for your comments.  Please report any problems you encounter and of course, comments are always welcome.
What I meant regarding the first point was the following. Suppose your pixelmovement script is activated. When I am walking right, and then walk right/up, there is a slight frame skip, or so it seems. Try it yourself to see if it does that. At least, it seemed to happen that way for me. If you can add those functions to the pixelmovement script, you rock. By the way, when I'm in iso maps, and the 8-dir is activated, I would like to press up and go up, not press up and go right/up (if you know what I mean). And since I'm requesting so much things, I'll add another one... the passability zmaps. Because, with pixelmovement activated, there are some tiles where you are supposed to go around a tree, but you have to go fully around the square (even if you don't see the square, it's there, right?). So, that is a little thing I also require for te pixelmovement function... I would probably do these things myself, but I'm too bloody n00b. If you can do these things to me, great. If not, well, it's your call. Anyway, if you can incorporate all of this, and script activation and deactivation of functions through events, I'm pretty sure even more people will use your script. I guess... xD

Oh, and as for the SDK thingy, it works as a whistle. Thanks!

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