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GTBS v1.5.1.4 - A FFT Styled Battle System (5/19/2010)

Note for a Moderator from GubiD:     :cry:What is wrong with this post...?  Everytime I try to fix it, it adds a code tag above it and messes it up?
I'm sorry for my low comprehensive faculty..

Everything was done , but moving the battlers and the enemy death events were failed..

<b><1></b> Moving battlers

The script you told me was..

[code]actor = $game_actors[ID] actor.run_route([2,4,6,8]) #where each instance of 2 is down, 4 is left, 
#6 is right, and 8 is up and move s the character using that defined route.

but I still couldn't understand how to use this ;;

what is the number inside [    ] ??  Can you please make a example ?

<b><2></b> Enemy death event

You told me
  # Check Death Action
  # This section allows you to identify common events upon death for what map 
  # you are fighting on by the id of the actor/enemy
  def self.check_death_action(map_id, type = 0)
    case map_id
    when 1
      return {1=>6} if type == 0 #actors
      return {} #enemy death
    when 3
      return {1=>7} if type == 0 #actors
      return {36=>8}
      return {} if type == 0 #actors
      return {} #enemies
( I checked the map ID and common event. there was no problem but it still didn't worked..;;)

this script to make an enemy death event. But in your tutorial I didn't see that script anywhere but there was a enemy death event like death of leo and ibors. How did you do that without that script above??

<b><3></b> Animated Battlerset

I saw the animated battler tutorial and it was great..

I want to make some animated battler set. I have lots of animated battler motion

but I don't know how to change it for GTBS.

Do I have to paste the charset to the sample frog charset ?

and Thanks for your many replies..
1. OK... [2,2,2,2] would move the character down 4 times, while [2,4,2,4,4] would move the character down, left, down, left left. in that order.  If the move cannot be completed I think it should already skip it, but if not just let me know.
2. As the code I quoted you, you can see.
when 3  #This is the map ID for the Nazhul city battle
      return {1=>7} if type == 0 #This says that when actor1(aluxes) dies then run common event 7
      return {36=>8}
  #This says that when enemy36(Ibros) dies then run common event 8
Now for the first battle I didnt set a death event for Leo, but what I did set was a victory event.  The battle calling event has a line right before the battle is called that states... tbs_victory("boss",34,3), which means... when enemy 34 is dead that the victory routine should be executed, but before doing so, Common event 3 should be run.  You will see a similar setting for failure event in that one.. tbs_failure("death",50,4).. This means that when actor50(Gloria) dies then the Failure routine should be run, but before that is done, run event 4.  If you dont want to run a common event it could been just tbs_failure("death",50) and it would have worked just as good. 

3. If you would like to create some animated battlers, look in the tutorials section around like 257 where I go into detail on how to create your sprite.  Effectively you will need to make sure that each frame is a set size.. (you determine that size) then it should be 6 frames across and 1 for each direction for EACH pose.  which there are 11.  If you dont think that that POSE will be used, simply dont create it, but still place the empty frames there, otherwise the system will auto size incorrectly the frames.  I hope that made since, but either way, please review the tutorials section for animated battlers.

Larynni, yep its what I thought... do it like this instead and it should work.
      draw_actor_hp(actor, x, y+24) unless actor.is_a?(Game_Enemy)

Seems you found a bug.  Dont know how I missed it, but whatever... Replace line 82 with this..
for sprite in @battler_sprites
As for the formation screen, yeah, that is a menu request and I plan to do that eventually but just havent had the time yet.  Also for the time until knockout.. I am planning on doing that, but again havent had the time to figure out to implement it.  I would think that we would pull the items on victory or define that differently and do the check when they actually "die" at which then create a bag script or something.  Anyway, that is down the line and is a planned feature, so dont fret, it will be there some day.

can you give me any more information on that?

And thank you for trying the script out.  It has taken a long time to develope this script and I like to see that it is generally accepted amongst the masses.
Hey one more quick question, love the system by the way!

Whenever I kill a enemy, the window stops scrolling during battle. And remians in one place but the cursor still works ect.
Thanks. Works now.
By the way, now there's an error when random encounters hit me.
Script Scene_Battle_TBS line 958: NoMethodError occurred.
Undefined method `level' for # <GameEnemy:0x41f5400>
EDIT: Also happens after attacking an enemy and clicking Wait after you do it.
Oh thanks again.. But I have a simple question..

The enemy ID you told ..

Do you mean the enemy ID at the top ?? or the event name Like 'enemy2' ??

what ID do I have to use in the script ?
probpe, The enemy ID from the database

Larynni, put the enemy and class script back in.  It is fowling up many places I am sure based on that.  Especially exp gain.  It would be easier to define a level but not use it, and if you use EXP_ALL and not PER_HIT, it uses the database exp. 
<img src=http://www.op.co.kr/ii/t4/imgd/th200801/25/14/189722517547993802eda98.jpg>

Is there somthing wrong in the picture??? I was trying to move the battler ;; But still didn't worked..

( I'm using korean version beacuse I'm Korean.. Im adding a script in the picture)
Works fine for me...
Here is exactly what I put into the event..
  I tried it with different numbers and each time it followed exactly what I thought it would do.

Let me know if you continue having trouble.
Thanks ! Moving battlers has worked !!

But the death event still doesnt work ;;

<img src=http://www.op.co.kr/ii/t4/imgd/th200801/25/15/12975651704799c4eecf0c7.jpg>

33 is moster's database ID and the event number is same as Ibros death event.

But when I killed the 33 monster nothing happened..

Is there something wrong with the script ??


can I hide the HP , SP of enemy ??

and I don't want battler having EXP during the battle..ex) I attacked emeny with skill , level was up.

Can I change it to (earn EXP only after battle) ?


in the battle what does AP mean ??

what is the function that AP affects to battle ?

And what does the direction affects to the battle??

And Is the sequence of the turn random??

I'll wait for your help again.
1. Sounds like I will need to take a look at your project to figure out why it isnt working.  As you have it there, it should be running common event 8 when enemy 33 from the database is killed on the TBS battle field.  Please send me a PM with a link to the project.
2. If you want to hide the hp/sp, just find these lines in the Window_Status section and replace them as follows.. 
draw_actor_hp(actor, x, y+24) unless actor.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
draw_actor_sp(actor, x, y+48) unless actor.is_a?(Game_Enemy)

As for the level thing, there is no option currently to delay exp to end of battle, but that should be pretty easy to do.  I cannot guarantee 1.3, but it will be there eventually.

3. Where are you finding those referrences for AP?  Because the system this was integrated with before used AP for learning skills and it might be left over and not actually used. 
The Directions of the battler affects damage calculations slightly.  I will put that in the help so you know how it is figured.
The team turn sequence is random for the first round, but once selected it goes back and forth.  If you would like to fix it to always be actor first or something, you can search for the word "roulette" in the scene_battle code and just change it to be which ever you always want to start.
New error for me, I keep thinking I'm not putting something on the map that I should be..

Script '-Scene_Battle_TBS-' line 1046: NoMethodError occured.
undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass

Again, happening within the first battle.
I will look at the demo and see what I find. 

Have you made some modifictions to the exp system, because if that is the line I am thinking it belongs to the exp system.  Its a delete command.. in other words to remove date from the @exp_gained array.  But the actual line you pointed to is a 'end' in 1.2... so what version are you using?  That might help more.
Looks like i'm using 1.1, I thought I had downloaded 1.2, think that could be my problem?
Downloading 1.2 now to see if I can get it to work for me. (Man, I really wish I knew more about scripting so I didn't have to bug ya with this.)

Downloaded 1.2, that seems to have fixed my issue. Thank you a ton for the time you took to aid me! =)
And sorry the solution was something as minor as this, lol.
probpe, Your problem is simple.  The code snippet I gave you already existed in the system.. you were supposed to find it and update it with the actions.  As you added yours as a new section, and you didnt make it part of the GTBS module, it didnt work.  If you copy the little snippet you have updated and put that in the Module GTBS section, then it will resolve this... OR you can add module GTBS as the top of your snippet and a end at the bottom it will also resolve it. 

If you have trouble with that, I can re-upload your project with the changes in it.
Hey everything is running smoothly, and thanks so much for putting out such an awesome script, this changed the dull rmxp battles into something interesting, and unlike most cbs, it dosen't feel clunky or awkward. Thanks a ton! But when are you going to be releasing enemy that take up more then one square, can't wait for that. No rush tho! ^^
Wow , thanks ! Now it works..!
Thankyou for helping me with these complicated script
and now I'm gonna be your fan !!

I wish you can help me next time again !
Oh sorry I just have another question ^^;;


Can the actor escape from the normal battle ?


I saw the [Setup_Victory/Fail_Conditions] section

and there was a condition to win.

And there was a condition called 'reach' [x,y]

I tried in the battle and in the first screen it showed like

Battle Start
  (reach x,y)

can I change coordinates into normal name ?

or can't I just type the winning conditions ?   


Can I set the enemy or actor quit the battle ??

for example one of the actor runs away from the battle, and we can't control him any more.

and boss of the enemy has to do another thing so he quit the battle.

can I make this in the battle ??
1. Yes, but you must use some sort of common event to do this currently.  This will be easier with battle event touch methods.
2. Currently no.  You can modify the method if you would like... its "def battle_start" that does the drawing of the battle conditions.  You could also just search "reach" (with the quotes) in the script editor and it should be pretty easy to find.  I will enhance this for 1.3, as it kinda bugged me also.
3. I assume this is leading back to question 1.. that would simply be a reach method with a common event to do as you like.  Like I said, the event touch methods will make this easier when released in 1.3.

Thanks Itapthat741,  Large units will be a ways off yet, but I hope to be getting projectiles into the next version though, so after I release 1.3, that is the next major update... I hope!

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