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GTBS v1.5.1.4 - A FFT Styled Battle System (5/19/2010)

Sorry man, I completely forgot about that system.  The problem is that I dont use that method for gain exp etc, I will send you a PM with the stuff to make it compatible sometime tomorrow.  Sorry it took so long to get back to you.  I didnt have a friendly reminder to tell me how ignorant I was being.
Hey there, I already  implimented this into my game: Oppidan Revolution. But Im wondering what is able to be added in order to make the script work better for a more modern game...

In this i am wondering if different weapons can be used by one unit in a battle, like a soldier having a gun for long range and a knife for close range combat... So far Im wondering if it would be possible to impliment and how...

Also, its it possible to have ally units on the players side that an AI controls?

The third question is, will projectiles be implimented? Ie, when a tank's gun is fired, is there any way to make the shell fly from the tank to the target?

Also, Im have trouble with the downed battlers, I have both the normal and downed character/battlers yet none of the dead units turn into them... instead, they turn into line 1 frame 1 of their normal character set which is standing facing south.

I am also having trouble getting player's character's  faces working... though it  seems to work perfectly fine with the enemies faces... im not sure where im going wrong.

You have me added on msn so ill talk to you when is convienient. Thanks in advance.
HELP!  Every time I win a battle, it comes up with this game-crashing error:

undefined method `font_color=' for # <game_system:0x3c93f08>
Also, I was wondering how you would set it so that you could fight a dummy, i.e. one that didn't move at all, in some sort of training excercise?
@Jonathan-Just make a enemy in the database called "Dummy" or whatever, that has no attacks or anything. Then, in the module, set that enemy to have 0 move, range etc.
Alicix - as I spoke with you earlier..
faces - must be named exactly as your character name appears in the database,  this means that if its Aluxes in the db then the file must also be Aluxes and not aluxes.. Does that make sense?
actor ai controlled... actor.nuetral = true
I am working also on a weapon switcher for in battle, this will allow you to achieve holding both weapons.
Projectiles is still a future planned item and the downed battlers is something I accidentally broke.  I should be able to provide you a fix shortly.

what version of the scripts are you using?  Have you made any modifications to the system?  The reason I ask is because I have tested and retested the winning of a battle over and over and cannot reproduce the problem.  Could you provide a line number as well maybe?

Thanks for the comments.  If you need help with any of the editing I would be happy to offer what assistance I can.

There is no way to do this currently.  People have asked, but I havent had the time to switch it back and forth yet.

Heed the words of the wise SyvarrisX.  His words speak much truth.

Thanks again for helping!
A very good script with a lot of options. I was wondering, where can I configure it so AoE spells only effect enemy targets, if I can do that.

Oh, and how do you hide that cursor thing, that says your x and y position?
Is this script not able to use with UMS (Universal Message System) script ??
I don't know what is the problem but I can find this kind of error when I try to start the battle..

<img src=http://www.op.co.kr/ii/t4/imgd/th200802/25/28/88112280247c2c29b7e4bc.jpg>
please help me

<b>↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ This error was solved.. But I have another probelm...

IF I kill a enemy ...

<img src=http://www.op.co.kr/ii/t4/imgd/th200802/25/55/154460170747c2d6fb64990.jpg>

This error appears..

Help me please !
Oh, and I have one more question -

How can I set the cursor position when the battle begins? Currently, when I do a random battle with this system, it goes in the middle of the map. How can I change this to center on a specific coordinate?
kaze950":12ktje5e said:
Oh, and how do you hide that cursor thing, that says your x and y position?
Find line 6599 of Scene Battle TBS and comment out these lines...
if @cursor_active
      @cur_location.bitmap.font.size = 30
      @cur_location.bitmap.draw_text(0,0,80,40,sprintf("%d, %d", @cursor.x, @cursor.y))
      @cur_location.bitmap.draw_text(0,24,80,40, sprintf("%d h", check_th(@cursor.x, @cursor.y))) if $game_map.iso?

probpe":12ktje5e said:
IF I kill a enemy ...
This error appears..
Help me please !
Sorry, cannot read the error very well, but it looks like, no method list for nil:Nilclass.  If that is the case this is simply because you have only 1 common event.  You need to expand the common events in the database and it will resolve it.
kaze950":12ktje5e said:
How can I set the cursor position when the battle begins? Currently, when I do a random battle with this system, it goes in the middle of the map. How can I change this to center on a specific coordinate?
Unfortunately there is no way to do that currently, but I am looking at a way to do it. 
TREG":12ktje5e said:
Hey Gubid,

I was going to add a rather complex accuracy/skill/movement system... the main issue would be the custom skills, which is stuff like :

Snipe - usable with any rifle. Creates a 3x accuracy modifier and 2x damage modifer on any shots fired with that weapon.

Preternatural Aim - Creates a 5x accuracy modifier on any shots fired with any ranged weapon at an exorbitant skill cost.

Boom Headshot - Aim for the head. Low accuracy but far greater possibility of a Critical Hit.

Shootdodge - Dive 2 squares while firing. Prevents counterattack during that move as well.

Telekinesis - You can pick things up and throw them, but more importantly, utilize your newfound psychic skills to send a brain-scorching blast in one direction that will damage and Stun all enemies in its path.

Loose Cannon - Fire a single, 100% accurate shot at the closest combatant. Mainly useful for sniper rifles, heavy explosives, and energy weapons.

Adrenalize - Your strength and speed increase dramatically for three turns, but there is a chance of getting Stress.

Suppressive Fire - Empty the entire current clip of your weapon at one enemy. Note that this skill is a waste if you have a weapon with a small clip size.


What you have is a nice base and an excellent tactical RPG system, but I need a few things like clip size / number of ammunition in current clip, 'movement points' which regulate how much you can attack or move in a given turn, etc (so instead of 'move and attack', if you have 10 movement points you can move 4 spaces, fire two rifle shots at 2 points each, then use your remaining 2 points to use an item).

There's also a couple of status ailments I was considering that would require some custom coding, like a Panicking status that makes the enemy fire randomly.

Not to impose on you to code such things, just commenting on the types of things that I am trying to implement into my project.

Also, I noticed you listed counterattacks, how does that work?
I think all of those would be easy except for "ShootDodge", "Telekinesis", and "Suppressive Fire".  Although supressive fire probably wouldnt be to bad either.  Just need to define what the clip is and how to use it.  I assume you are using a ammunition script of some sort?  I know someone that would love you for the telekinesis ability.  Need to add some sort of targeting support for events.  Then force the event to fly across the screen once the command is confirmed.  As easy way to do that is to create a command for events called "throw" or something.  That would increase y for a turn or two, then fly to target x,y coord using the default update process.  Which means you need to set the appropriate "speed" and "frequency" for the event as well.  Dont mean to impose, but I have thought about this and this is the best way I can think of right off to make it happen.  I am also looking at a way to make tree's(events) opacity less when you are close to them so that you can see stuff behind them. 
<1> Can I set the sequence of the turn between enemy and actor ? I think the sequence is always random..

<2> Can I set the actor escape from the non-event battle(Just normal field battle) ?

<3> How can I hide the SP , HP of the enemy ??

<4> I don't understand what this script ability..

  # Exit Battle Information
  # This section tells the battle interpreter how and where to return to the map. 
  # This can be useful to know, whether you should return to the position in which
  # you called the battle from or not.  The settings are as follows:
  # [
  #  Return to calling map and position(True, False),
  #  Goto Map_ID(only used if first if false),
  #  Return to [X, Y] on specified map,
  #  Return direction
  # ]
  def self.battle_exit_info(map_id)
    case map_id
    when 1; return [false, 1, [16,15], 4]
    when 3; return [false, 4, [5,14], 8]
    when 8; return [true, 8, [5,14], 8]
    else; return [true, 1, [1,1], 2]

It saids Exit battle information.. does this means that I can set the position after the battle ?

please tell me about this script and

    when 1; return [false, 1, [16,15], 4]

please explian me the meaning of the numbers,,

I will wait for youyr help ! Thank You !
TREG":2znfow3w said:
Hey Gubid,

I was going to add a rather complex accuracy/skill/movement system... the main issue would be the custom skills, which is stuff like :

Snipe - usable with any rifle. Creates a 3x accuracy modifier and 2x damage modifer on any shots fired with that weapon.

Preternatural Aim - Creates a 5x accuracy modifier on any shots fired with any ranged weapon at an exorbitant skill cost.

Boom Headshot - Aim for the head. Low accuracy but far greater possibility of a Critical Hit.

Shootdodge - Dive 2 squares while firing. Prevents counterattack during that move as well.

Telekinesis - You can pick things up and throw them, but more importantly, utilize your newfound psychic skills to send a brain-scorching blast in one direction that will damage and Stun all enemies in its path.

Loose Cannon - Fire a single, 100% accurate shot at the closest combatant. Mainly useful for sniper rifles, heavy explosives, and energy weapons.

Adrenalize - Your strength and speed increase dramatically for three turns, but there is a chance of getting Stress.

Suppressive Fire - Empty the entire current clip of your weapon at one enemy. Note that this skill is a waste if you have a weapon with a small clip size.


What you have is a nice base and an excellent tactical RPG system, but I need a few things like clip size / number of ammunition in current clip, 'movement points' which regulate how much you can attack or move in a given turn, etc (so instead of 'move and attack', if you have 10 movement points you can move 4 spaces, fire two rifle shots at 2 points each, then use your remaining 2 points to use an item).

There's also a couple of status ailments I was considering that would require some custom coding, like a Panicking status that makes the enemy fire randomly.

Not to impose on you to code such things, just commenting on the types of things that I am trying to implement into my project.

Also, I noticed you listed counterattacks, how does that work?

May I also have your ammo script integrated in GTBS? I would like to use it on my File of Mankind game, 'cuz firearms are the major weapons in my game...
Quick question:
How is EXP counted from using skills and spells? I find it far to easy to level up characters using any skills as they give out like 50 EXP for every use even if they hit nothing at all. Is there somewhere in the scripts this is defined or something in the skills itself that sets the amount of EXP they get. Personally I'd like to remove it from the skills and leave it only to enemies that give out EXP.

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