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GTBS v1.5.1.4 - A FFT Styled Battle System (5/19/2010)

Thanks for the help.

Also, I am trying to do an event that occurs during battle, but before the battle actually begins. I do a wait command, and then let it scroll around the battlefield before the battle actually starts, but when I try it ingame it just begins the battle automatically.

One solution would be to have the "enemies" and "actors" as events before the battle starts, but I was wondering if I could do it the other way aswell.

Thanks for all the help, and once again, great system.
probpe":2ekrx24b said:
<1> Can I set the sequence of the turn between enemy and actor ? I think the sequence is always random..
<2> Can I set the actor escape from the non-event battle(Just normal field battle) ?
<3> How can I hide the SP , HP of the enemy ??
<4> I don't understand what this script ability..
It saids Exit battle information.. does this means that I can set the position after the battle ?
please tell me about this script and
    when 1; return [false, 1, [16,15], 4]
please explian me the meaning of the numbers,,
I will wait for youyr help ! Thank You !
1. its random, if you want to change that.. look at lines 438-444 in Scene_Battle_TBS.. it should be pretty self explainatory.
2. Not sure I understand the question.. but if you set a "battle event" on a tile with "on player touch" or "event touch" and you end the turn there, you can tell it to abort the battle and transfer out if desired.  This was used in the demo in the Height Test Map (the not so pretty one) on the highest tile. You would find a potion. 
3. Do you want the status screen to display at all?  If not.. then update line 1490 to....        window.update(@selected) unless @windows["detail"].active == true or @selected.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
4. As stated in the help you provided..
  #  Return to calling map and position(True, False),
  #  Goto Map_ID(only used if first if false),
  #  Return to [X, Y] on specified map,
  #  Return direction
  so.. [false, MAP_ID, [x,y],direction(2,4,6,8)] 

Lockheart":2ekrx24b said:
Quick question:
How is EXP counted from using skills and spells? I find it far to easy to level up characters using any skills as they give out like 50 EXP for every use even if they hit nothing at all. Is there somewhere in the scripts this is defined or something in the skills itself that sets the amount of EXP they get. Personally I'd like to remove it from the skills and leave it only to enemies that give out EXP.
Same was as attacks.. just for each enemy.
<1> You mean If i'm gonna hide enemy's HP SP

have to change -Scene_Battle_TBS- 1490 line to [window.update(@selected) unless @windows["detail"].active == true or @selected.is_a?(Game_Enemy)]

this one ? I've tried but didn't worked TT

Oh and another one..

<2> Can I make the battlers can't move , while they are casting magics..(the magic that has delay..)

<3> I saw in the -Module_GTBS-.. RUN_VIEW_RANGE . and it saids.. I can set AI to run away from the enemies.. how can I do that ?

<4> Another one from -Module_GTBS- [Summon ENEMY_ID - List of database enemies that are summons]

does this means the enemy who can use summon ? or what ? can you please explain this ?
Oh, and what is the formula for who turn order? I assume it has to do with agility, but during several test battles of the same battle, I've had drastically different turn orders from the start of battle.
1. I will give an option to hide it in the next release, just hold tight.
2. Depends on type of skill and range actually.  There are many variables that determine whether they should retreat after target or not.  It would be best to leave it as it is, but please provide more detail on what you think it should do.
3. This is the run range.. by this it means that it will RUN from the farthest away character within 9 tiles of their current location.
4. That part is not complete yet, but is the framework so that enemies can summon help as well.

Turn order is like this..
atb = rand(1000)
atb += actor.agi
if atb >= 1000; turn
Let me know if that doesnt make sense.

I would like to get it done in battle, but will have to be some sort of object interaction piece that is a ways off.  That gets pretty darn complex.
Yeah, Just use a large party script of your choice to expand you party, then when the battle is called, if you are using the start positions, just place the number of characters that can be placed, by limiting the locations in which they can be placed.  Does that make sense?  Hopefully it does.  Anyway, good luck with your project.

btw.. off topic.. that baby gif in your sig is awesome!
I was having a problem with the counter feature.

The oponents are countering just fine. But when it comes to the actors, they only counter in the first turn and then stop countering.
They both use the same method to determine counter a counter or not.  Its a random value to determine that counter though.  We could put something in the actor to say what the values are and why it decides not to counter.  That is all I can think to do to help you on this.
Hmm... That's not the problem... I want all the actors and enemys to counter. But, only the enemies are doing it. This problem only happen in TEAM mode, not in ATB mode.

And another strange error that I'm getting is this error message during the gameplay:

undefined method 'paralized?' for nil:NilClass
I have a question.

What would it take to change this from the standard TBS to a Chess game?

The game I am making is listed in my signature, Dragon Chess. I was thinking of using a TBS (probably this one) for the movement of the pieces, but I'm not skilled enough to do edits this major without help.

Any way you could help me?
Hey Gubid, I'm converting my game to your system and I just have a small question regarding defeat/victory events.

Like with the default battle system, is it possible to make "If win... If lose..." events for specific battles? I've tried setting these in the Battle Processing command itself using the "Continue even if Loser" tick but your system ignores this in favour of the defeat/victory Common Events.

Basically, I have several battles in my game where the player is allowed to both win and lose, with different outcomes for either. How would I set up something like this?

Thanks alot, Gubid and thanks for making this script.
Arajabat":39a4k48r said:
Hmm... That's not the problem... I want all the actors and enemys to counter. But, only the enemies are doing it. This problem only happen in TEAM mode, not in ATB mode.

And another strange error that I'm getting is this error message during the gameplay:

undefined method 'paralized?' for nil:NilClass
Well, regarding the counter things, I think I know what is wrong...
Look at line 3043 in Scene_Battle_TBS and change the @target to just target and it should work.  There are a couple lines right below this that need updating as well. 

As for the paralized error, I need some more information.  It might be easier to produce a demo and have me tell you that way.

boltfox20":39a4k48r said:
I have a question.

What would it take to change this from the standard TBS to a Chess game?

The game I am making is listed in my signature, Dragon Chess. I was thinking of using a TBS (probably this one) for the movement of the pieces, but I'm not skilled enough to do edits this major without help.

Any way you could help me?
This is a new battle system that you want.  The existing model would not work for you.  Please PM me.
militantmilo":39a4k48r said:
Hey Gubid, I'm converting my game to your system and I just have a small question regarding defeat/victory events.

Like with the default battle system, is it possible to make "If win... If lose..." events for specific battles? I've tried setting these in the Battle Processing command itself using the "Continue even if Loser" tick but your system ignores this in favour of the defeat/victory Common Events.

Basically, I have several battles in my game where the player is allowed to both win and lose, with different outcomes for either. How would I set up something like this?

Thanks alot, Gubid and thanks for making this script.
You are correct, those methods are currently ignored.  Place whatever victory or failure commands in the victory or failure commands provided with the TBS.  In the future these will be added, but due to lack of time is why they havent been already.
Well, regarding the counter things, I think I know what is wrong...
Look at line 3043 in Scene_Battle_TBS and change the @target to just target and it should work.  There are a couple lines right below this that need updating as well.

As for the paralized error, I need some more information.  It might be easier to produce a demo and have me tell you that way.

I tried what you said, but the counter error still happening, as before, only in TEAM mode.



Great script man, it's breathed some life into RMXP for me. Really amazing. Now for the criticism!

The only real errors I'm getting are in TEAM mode. I'm getting the-

undefined method 'paralized?' for nil:NilClass

-error at Arajabat was getting. It only shows up in Team mode and it seems to come from Aluxes IVY ability. No clue what's up.

Now, for counters. Is there a way to have a messege (or picture) pop up whenever someone counterattacks? Maybe even a sound effect?
I will look into the error..you may have provided me enough to dig it out. 

As for the counters.. yeah that would be quite simple really. Look for this line... if @counter[0].. then add whatever it is you want.  Loop a image display saying counter... or simply sound effect.  Like this
Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/" + "Counter!.wav")



Gubid":rnt55iw1 said:
As for the counters.. yeah that would be quite simple really. Look for this line... if @counter[0].. then add whatever it is you want.  Loop a image display saying counter... or simply sound effect.  Like this
Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/" + "Counter!.wav")

Glad I could help!

To those who are absolute newbs at scripting (like myself), you can add a sound effect to play just before a character counters by placing this

Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/" + "Counter!.wav")

in the -Scene_Battle_TBS- section of the GTBS script. Search (Ctrl + F) for

 if @counter[0]
and paste the Audio code directly underneath the line. Granted, you'll need a sound effect in your SE folder. Mine happens to be called Counter!.wav

Thanks again, Gubid. Best of luck with that Paralyze bug.

I'm also willing to share the counter sound effect (Which is a woman saying "Counter!" from the Marvel vs Capcom series) with you if you'd like. ^^

EDIT!: I think I found a bug. It's possible to counterattack YOURSELF (thus damaging yourself) when you cast a self-heal. Weird.
Urgh, I hate errors.

I'm getting a visible= error whenever one of my battles ends with the EXP_ALL option on. It's in the def end_battle section and it is annoying because all the characters need to gain EXP from battle, otherwise some characters will be smashed into the ground (namely the Arcane Wizard, who starts with 6 HP max, when the boss can deal 10)

Any ideas how to fix it?

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