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GTBS v1.5.1.4 - A FFT Styled Battle System (5/19/2010)

'Encounter Positions, cannot pass enemy unless you walk all the way around them(not touching them)'
If I'm thinking right, it doesn't allow you to walk past enemies in battle, you have to fight them if in range. If so, could this be edited to allow you to walk past, but the enemy has a free attack? If so, then I can use it to act as an 'Attack of Oppurtunity' style thing!
Encounter positions are like this.  You are standing in front of the enemy, you have 4 move.  This would normally allow you to walk to the enemies back side (assuming they are right next to you, and you are at their front), but with encounter positions, if you walk to a location next to the enemy, then you cannot proceed any further.  This makes it extremely hard to get to the enemies back side and will require more stategy.  In other words, if you touch an enemy you cannot proceed further your route to an enemies back side in the above stated situation would require 6 move because you would have to take one additional step to not touch them as you pass them.  Does that make sense? 

Hungry, I will look at just adding an option for this, so you dont have to worry about it.
Dung Beetle":12nuldae said:
Is this feasible? Because I would like to pull off more than 1 objectives on one of my maps in the game and here are the preconditions:

Eliminate all enemies
Reach the Ion Cannon controller area (this is an REACH x,y objective)

If Gloria dies
If it reached Turn 20 where the enemy's cannon will be fired.

If I am to code this on common events, how would this be?
It would require 1 common event is all.  That is for the death of gloria. 

Set no victory conditions but say during whatever event at the beginning to reach x,y.  That way victory is set to eliminate all enemies.
Then set a event on the x,y and call it battle_event and set it to player touch.  Insert your event to bail on battle and return to the map with a small victory scene.

Set failure to tbs_failure("holdout", 20)
then set a individual death event on gloria for that map to run etc common event that will FAIL the mission or whatever.
I have to test it before i can give a full opinion, but seeing your first post, Gubid, i'd say that it's awesome  :smile:

And i'd to give you an idea: How about make other version or make this similar to Fire Emblem's battle system? Or something like Shining Force.

Nice work!
Gubid":35kapaj3 said:
hungry, I assume that worked?

hi122neo, yes its is extremely annoying to get, but once you understand it, man its awesome.  I am designing a set of fully original ISO tilesets and Characters for my game which will obviously use my GTBS and FFTMenu system.  When complete(maybe 4 months away.. maybe more) it will be awesome, at least I hope so.  I need some help developing my story more though.  Anyone out there want to critique it and give me useful help? This is NOT an invite to simply ask more about it, just those that are interested in helping bring it to pass! 

Sorry, I will step off my soap box now.  Anyway, here is what you should look forward to in the next update..

Hide skill attack area on move if desired
Drain Skills (Absorb % of dealt damage)
Control summons based on ID
Manually select summon doom time instead of random
Encounter Positions, cannot pass enemy unless you walk all the way around them(not touching them)
Specify damage amount when poisen instead of % per state(must be marked slip damage)
Decide AI for enemies individually
Projectiles (this may only be partially implemented)
Equipment modifies move range max and height jump abilities (this will partially be part of the CMS)
Tiles Terrain tag, increase def etc
You should expect at least another 3 weeks of waiting.  (sorry if I got any other hopes up)

Also, if you have any immediate desires for this system that are small or large, please quote your request and I will try to get it or tell you how dumb I think it is ;).  Either way you get your voice heard. 
Right, and can't you make it in a way people won't have to do it like you are doing in your game?
Registered on this forum just to reply. Amazing script. I was planning on using MMF2 to make a tactics game, had this small idea running in my head for awhile now. It's such a huge undertaking starting from scratch with an RPG tho. I had glossed over RPGMaker because the battle system wasn't what I needed. However here we go, you've created EXACTLY what I've been looking for.

Even the AI too, super sweet script.

Two questions, is it possible to port this to RPGMaker VX? As well is it possible to make the grid squares larger? Basically the game I'm making has a much more limited and smaller grid, same sized sprites and what not, just looking for the grid squares to be larger, 4 of the current squares equalling 1?
Cannot get it to VX yet, I still need to redo it for that.  Well, more retro fit it.  As for the larger grid squares.. Yes it could be done, but as that is the basis for the map and that is all engine based, there isnt much I can do to help you there.  The best recommendation would be to get a map zoom script to get more close up to the action and make your sprites a little smaller.  In order to reset the square size you will have change practically everything about the system.  I unfortunately dont have that kind of time on my hands.
Ah well, XP has more resources out there anyway heh. As for the larger squares, I'll just expand on their movement and ranges to fit. Either way works. Thanks for your time and again thank you for a great battle system script.



First off - awesome script, thanks GubiD!

I've read this thread over a few times and I've seen the exact same problem but I didn't really understand the solution, as it may not be applicable to 1.3, so I apologize if I'm just not understanding the answer...

I'm trying to have it launch battles on a separate map.  The help file included seems like it might be for previous versions, either that or I just don't understand enough about coding.  I have no coding experience whatsoever, so forgive my ignorance.

Basically, I want my level to be a much larger map, with encounters to occur on a smaller map.

If anyone could help, I'd really appreciate it.  I'm in a video game design class, and theres no coders this semester :(

Thanks in advance.

Ok for clarification to everyone.

There is no way to call more than one map from any given map for a battle.... UNLESS you use the script I made for Syvvarris to set the next battle map id using event. 



Ok I think I'm a bit dense, but what do you mean by more than 1 map?

I just want to have my normal world, run around, and have random and event battles launch in a separate smaller map and when battles over, return me to my normal world map.

Is that script that Syv posted what I need for that then?

again, sorry for the ignorance, and thank you so much for taking the time to help.

Xakari":2woy8f3q said:
Ok I think I'm a bit dense, but what do you mean by more than 1 map?

I just want to have my normal world, run around, and have random and event battles launch in a separate smaller map and when battles over, return me to my normal world map.

Is that script that Syv posted what I need for that then?

again, sorry for the ignorance, and thank you so much for taking the time to help.

OK, sorry for not being more clear.

When you are on MAP A, you can... CALL MAP B or stay on MAP A for the battle, but if you want to transfer from MAP A to MAP B this time and from MAP A to MAP C later you cannot do that without the script provided to Syv a ways back. 

The Battle Open/Exit can only return 1 map ID to transfer to for battle and return to 1 map when returning.  ALTHOUGH, I am thinking of providing an array of maps to possibily fight on and it would then be RANDOM as to which map was fought on.. based on calling map. 

This will eventually be part of this in the future.

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