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GTBS v1.5.1.4 - A FFT Styled Battle System (5/19/2010)

Mind if I ask how you disable the move animation on idle characters? I think the move animation is causing a framerate hit in large battles (and personally, I dislike it from an aesthetical point of view).

As far as comments go, it looks like a good script and opens up a lot of windows for hobby game-makers, but the interface itself needs some work. For instance, as a lot of people said, the menu isn't necessary. Also, if a character isn't in attack or skill range, there's no point to being able to attack empty terrain, so it should immediately kill that character's turn in order to speed up the process of moving across the map.

Finally, there should be an option to disable the functionality of direction-sensitive combat. Choosing your character's direction after he makes his turn seems to me like a triviality and an annoyance.
Not exactly sure what you mean disable the move animation?  You saying that you would like them to just appear at the designated spot?  Dont want to see them WALK to the spot? 

The system will auto wait when both an action and a move has been performed and I would imagine more people would dislike it auto ending your turn if you cannot hit someone.  I am planning on providing a AUTO function for the player to have their players all auto move/attack etc on their own unless you disable it on them. 

It was requested by hundreds to make it direction sensitive.  It affects damage amounts when dealt from x direction, but that is all.
Gubid":bpow105w said:
Not exactly sure what you mean disable the move animation?  You saying that you would like them to just appear at the designated spot?  Dont want to see them WALK to the spot? 

The system will auto wait when both an action and a move has been performed and I would imagine more people would dislike it auto ending your turn if you cannot hit someone.  I am planning on providing a AUTO function for the player to have their players all auto move/attack etc on their own unless you disable it on them. 

It was requested by hundreds to make it direction sensitive.  It affects damage amounts when dealt from x direction, but that is all.

I mean how the sprite is in "move animation" mode, so they appear to be moving on the spot when standing still. I know this is supposed to give the impression that they're hustling or feinting/parrying/brawling/etc., but I find it distracting.

I assume this system is supposed to be based mainly on FFT, which is based on providing the player with a full list of combat options, but some people prefer a system more like Fire Emblem or Shining Force where combat goes by quickly and easily, even if it is a bit dumbed down. Anything that forces you to make additional button presses during your turn detracts from this and one of the biggest unneccessary thieves of gameplay speed I feel is picking a direction for your character to face after his turn. (Although, on further reflection, killing a character's turn after he makes a move if he's not in range does seem like poorly-thought out idea, admittedly) I feel it would be a good idea to add in an option to disable the direction-choice phase in the next patch.

I feel like a jerk for stating this so bluntly. It really is a great system, and it's apparant that a lot of work went not only into the script itself, but also into making it well-commented for understanding and modification by users. (I just bought RMXP just a couple of weeks ago, so I haven't really got the chance to figure out the when and where of how to script in it).

Thanks for your time =)
I've encountered a couple problems with v1.3 that nobody seems to have reported thus far:

1. During a playtest, all of the text is invisible, though options process normally. This applies to the title screen, event text, menus, etc., although the editor itself is just fine.

2. When I talk to the ghost on BATTLE TEMPLATE, after the text box, I get the following error:
Script '-Window_Battle-' line 172: RGSSError occurred.

failed to create bitmap
The line is:
self.contents = Bitmap.new(w-32, h-32)

I downloaded the animated version of the demo and haven't changed anything at all with it.
The folder from the zip is in the same place as my own (unscripted, functional) project.
If it matters, I'm running a Windows 98SE operating system.

Thanks in advance for the help, and I'll be happy to sing your praises once these get sorted out.

P.S. This is my first forum post in years, and my first one here. Hope nothing goes boom.
You know that happened to me the first couple times I ran it too - I grabbed it from another site (I think from another site?) and it doesn't even go to the ghost screen- instead the Demo has a whole text segment and stuff....
You can disable the "walking in place" by setting "STOPPED_ANIM" to false.  Although, this is required to be true when in Animated mode, otherwise it just doesnt look as good.  (still works.. ish)

1 - Set the default font in GTBS to something else.. its like line 10 of the GTBS Engine settings.
2 - Interesting.. might just wait for the next update.  I have made some small changes to this section and it might affect it.  I will review whats in 1.3 and see if I can duplicate.  I have seen it before, but I thought I had it licked.  I will let you know what I find.
Gubid im not from USA and from any other english country and i want to traduct the main battle menu window commands (like attack, move etc...). I have been searching where to change them in the scripts but i couldnt found them... can you help me? ^^
Look at Window_Battle for changing the menu commands.  You will also need to update the Scene_Battle_TBS as well around line 2000 with the new commands.  As it uses the name of the command as the key to the battle action. Let m know if that doesnt make sense or you just need more help.
Gubid":1oioj101 said:
Look at Window_Battle for changing the menu commands.  You will also need to update the Scene_Battle_TBS as well around line 2000 with the new commands.  As it uses the name of the command as the key to the battle action. Let m know if that doesnt make sense or you just need more help.
Ty it worked without problem ^^
I was wondering if it possible to have the "extra" events on the battlefield unpassable.

Example; a ring of unpassible fire ignites around you at the start of battle, trapping you in.  The fire would then go away after you win the fight.

If not, I'll just try to manipulate other things to make it work.
In most tactical games, when you are required to "flee" the battle, it is most common to reach x,y or last x turns, rather than actually fleeing.  That would be my recommendation until such command can be added.

Yeah its possible.. although many prefer these to be passable as they are simply an animated flower or something to that effect.  I will likely provide a switch for this in the future. 
Thank you for making this script. Now I can make a Shining Force fan game.
I have one question and I am sorry if this was asked before but, is it possible for flying characters like imps, birdmen, griffins, dragon etc. to fly over object that land (walking) characters are not able to walk over In your TBS?



OK im new to these forums and i wanted to try you system because i love almost every tatic game ive played. i have rpg maker vx and i was wondering if it worked for that, if it does and you have said somthing about that before than im sorry, and if it doesnt thats ok
Is it possible to create an event from a skill? As in I cast the Rune of Warding skill and it creates a circle on the targeted tile, whenever someone moves over the tile they take damage? I'm using your system, just trying to see what areas I can expand on for skills. Only so many fireball AOE's to go around heh



Good Script. I can see myself using this. However, For some reason when I die, I still get items and money. How can I stop this from happening?
Oh, this is the sickest Tactical Battle System ever I am already even using it in one of my projects (just set it up). I just have a couple of questions/suggestions. I would recommend also adding a certain actor movement speed that way there can be cavalry and if there is please tell me. I also would recommend fully adding a defend feature like in the original battle system, except how much damage is taken away depends on the PDEF and MDEF of your equiped sheild (added to the already full suite of armor PDEF and MDEF). That would make this that last mile cooler because you've already covered everything else I can think of without taking forever.

Please tell me if these things are out and if they aren't tell me.
Is it possible to change an "place event" before the battle?

In my game, I'm doing a sneak stage, where you have to get as close to the hostage as you can before you are spotted and the battle starts. I'm trying to make the actor 1 apear in the battle at the same point that he was in the map before it started. I've tried to use a Set Event Place just before the battle, but it just didn't work at all. Is there a way to do such thing?
itoralord":1m5xmuzx said:
I have one question and I am sorry if this was asked before but, is it possible for flying characters like imps, birdmen, griffins, dragon etc. to fly over object that land (walking) characters are not able to walk over In your TBS?
Yes, set a terrain tag of 6 or 7 to the tile then set the GTBS::FlyingID to the state in which is the flying state.  Although, for enemies you will have to add this in the initialize of the scene_battle... under def battle_begin, line 343.. add
enemy.add_state(GTBS::FLYING_ID,true) if enemy.element_set.include?(GTBS::FLYING_ELEM_ID)

This system is not available for rmvx.. YET.  I am working on it.

Sic Jake":1m5xmuzx said:
Is it possible to create an event from a skill? As in I cast the Rune of Warding skill and it creates a circle on the targeted tile, whenever someone moves over the tile they take damage?
Yes it is.  You have to have that skill run a common event and that common event run a script to create a event at x,y location... Although, this would be veryhard using the limited script windows that events give you.  I will see what I can cook up.
Boonzeet":1m5xmuzx said:
Good Script. I can see myself using this. However, For some reason when I die, I still get items and money. How can I stop this from happening?
Because your failure event in the GTBS Module is set to the victory event.  Go in there and ensure that the "failure event" is linked to an ID that will say Game_Over and that should be it.

diablosbud":1m5xmuzx said:
Oh, this is the sickest Tactical Battle System ever I am already even using it in one of my projects (just set it up). I just have a couple of questions/suggestions. I would recommend also adding a certain actor movement speed that way there can be cavalry and if there is please tell me. I also would recommend fully adding a defend feature like in the original battle system, except how much damage is taken away depends on the PDEF and MDEF of your equiped sheild (added to the already full suite of armor PDEF and MDEF). That would make this that last mile cooler because you've already covered everything else I can think of without taking forever.

Please tell me if these things are out and if they aren't tell me.
I am in the process of re-writing the physical/magic system to use FFT standards of attack.  I have already prepared all this by making a FFT menu system, which still needs some work.  Once, all complete I will let you know.

Arajabat":1m5xmuzx said:
Is it possible to change an "place event" before the battle?

In my game, I'm doing a sneak stage, where you have to get as close to the hostage as you can before you are spotted and the battle starts. I'm trying to make the actor 1 apear in the battle at the same point that he was in the map before it started. I've tried to use a Set Event Place just before the battle, but it just didn't work at all. Is there a way to do such thing?
Unfortunately not.  I was going to recommend the Set Event Place, but sounds like it didnt work.  Set a parallel map event that occurs once on turn 0 and have it move "character1" to desired Game_Player x,y.  I would do it like this:
pl = $game_player
$game_actors[$game_party.actors[0]].moveto(pl.x, pl.y)

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