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GTBS v1.5.1.4 - A FFT Styled Battle System (5/19/2010)

I have a suggestion for the next version:
Being able to cancel the "Move" action, because it is so annoying when you calculate the range of a spell and your movement range to be the farthest as possible from one enemy, and then, you loose your turn because you missed one little block, as far as I know, maybe I'm wrong, it is possible in FFT advance.
Please consider it...thank you.
The line you quoted is placement of the cursor to the first actor in the party.  This means that if it is failing here, you have placed no actor events on the battle map.  Ensure that you are naming them correctly like "actor1" or "actor 1", it will not work if it is "Actor1".  The only difference is capitalization.

I will review this and see what I can find, but it was not included because it removed the ability to attack then move away.  I cannot guarantee anything.
I mean with this request, to:
when you already moved, the range of something didnt reach what you expected,
then, before you attack, or use any skill, immediately after finished moving, you press ESC, and the character go back to where it was before moving, and you perform the movement again.

if still any doubt, check ZTBS, it is able to go back after you moved to the wrong place
But since ZTBS is a crap compared to your system, im definately using yours :P

Can this be possible? thanks

FORGET IT, i understood what you said now :P
thank you
Gubid":1lpm53xx said:
The line you quoted is placement of the cursor to the first actor in the party.  This means that if it is failing here, you have placed no actor events on the battle map.  Ensure that you are naming them correctly like "actor1" or "actor 1", it will not work if it is "Actor1".  The only difference is capitalization.

I will review this and see what I can find, but it was not included because it removed the ability to attack then move away.  I cannot guarantee anything.
But I told you, that happens on random encounters, not a battle I set up, such as a boss.

I think you might be misunderstanding how the system works a bit. Yes, random battles are random, but you still need to place actor and enemy events ANYWHERE that you plan to have battles, which includes maps that have random encounters. That means that if you're walking in a forest where you can encounter enemies, every map of the forest must have actor/place events and enemy events.

There are previous posts asking how you can get transferred to a different map for these if you don't want to fight on the map you get the encounter.
Hey, im just wondering, are you planing on having the mouse involved, so like a point and click type system?
That would be kinda cool...
Actually, won't that make everything confused at all? Because, there will be around 3 or even more actor1, actor2, enemy1, enemy2, etc events at the map...
Alright. I think I fixed it, but now...
Is there a way I can remove completely that monster level script? Oh yes, and now there comes an error pointing to line 72 of Window Status. It pops out when the monster's turn starts.
Thanks tofurkey, I think you finally got across the point I had been trying to make.

The mose system would have to be seriously modded to interact exactly how I want in the battle system, otherwise it will just cause huge problems and mess up map scrolling and more.  The main thing of which, is unless the cursor is above a window, then the cursor positions wont update.  Also that if the mouse if clicked and in a window it shouldnt update.  If the mouse cursor is moved the scrolling wouldnt update unless the most is clicked and if the mouse was clicked in range, then it would move to the specified location and carry out the command associated with it at that point.  It gets quite complicated and I have to figure out some really annoying crap before it can be released.

If you remove the enemy level/class script then you will encounter that error in the status, because it uses it.  One method to resolve the error and not use the class name just add a unless actor.is_a?(Game_Enemy).

Thanks darthvader499, hope you enjoy and please report any bugs that havent already been if you encounter them.
Hey Gubid,

      I have another script I would like to use, but it does not seem to be compatable, and I cannot tell why. It is Leon's Skill Level (found on CA)script. It allows you to increase the level of your skills so that they do more damage. Unfortunately, when I insert it into a project with your script in it as well, I have something weird happening.
      When I try to use a skill, none of them are selectable, even though the character has full SP, more than enough than what is needed for the skill.

I would really like this script to work. Thanks!

Are the skills greyed out or are they just not listed in the skill menu?  I am not familiar with the script so I will have to take a look at it.  My guess is that it simply boost the damage modifier when it has "leveled up".  Anyway, I will take a look at it when I get some free time.  Work has gone back into overdrive.  12 hr days and telling us we need to work on saturday as well.  The good news is that I am hourly, but I get to spend almost no time with my family, so that kinda sucks.  It is going to take some time to get 1.3 out as I have many many things going on in life.  I will try to get it as soon as possible, but I cannot promise anything.
If the skills are greyed out then that means that it doesnt think it is possible to be used.  You will want to review the skill_can_use? method and see if it is being replaced by this other script as it is likely contributing to the problem.  Also ensure that it isnt affecting skill_effect, otherwise, that might also conflict.  You can update those methods with a combined copy of the 2 if you so desire to do so.
gubid im having some trouble with the weapon range,

i set the weapon range to

"when 8; range = [5, 0, false, true, 0]"

so the Weapon of the mech now ranged five boxes north, south, east and west, but every time i point the cursor out of the four places it covers the whole five boxes, and once confirmed an attack or use of skill it damages SIMULTANEOUSLY the enemies within the five boxes, and if i set the "when 8; range = [5, 0, true, false, 0]" the first four blocks in front of the actor is blank (just like skipped) and then it becomes a whole large range of five boxes but the cursor only damages a single box that is covered...the question is, how can i make the range LARGER but doesn't cover the whole box set? like five blocks but not all of them are covered  you can only select one? how do i configure that?
Soulcube,  The second true/false is for line_skill?  If you answer yes it will do it like a line skill.  As for how to increase the range.  [5,1,true, false, 0]  That should do the trick..

I have been messing around with this stuff for quite some time, but here are some images of this in the iso view.  Please dont grip about my bad tileset, its meant to be a base and nothing more for setting up height levels and so on your map.  You can use the template to start and create your own!
Now to the images...
http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc20 ... pleMap.jpg[/img]
http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc20 ... Battle.jpg[/img]
Notice the new battle cursor?!  (only available in ISO view)
http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc20 ... attle2.jpg[/img]

Here is the template for the levels...
http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc20 ... t-Test.png[/img]

Here is the template for height setup.. this must be setup on the child map, but there will be more when it comes..
http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc20 ... t-Base.png[/img]
To use the teleport function I would recommend you set it as a autostate on an armor or something.  Like the "Teleport Robe" or something.  By having an state of teleport, the system will automatically push all movable positions on the map.  Then when you select will run through an algorythem to figure out chance of success based on the distance from origin.
Here is the method. 
  # Can teleport to position?
  def teleport?(battler, new_pos)
    dist = (battler.x - new_pos.x).abs + (battler.y - new_pos.y).abs
    chance = 0
    if dist > 4
      chance = 80 -(dist*rand(5))
      if dist > 6
        chance = 60 -(dist*rand(5))
        if dist > 8
          chance = 40-(dist*rand(5))
          if dist > 10
            chance = 30-(dist*rand(5))
      chance = 100-((dist*rand(2))+5)
    if battler.state?(25) #if teleport2
      chance + 30
    if chance < 0
      return false
      return rand(100) < chance

Also, note that Teleport state has to be state 24, and teleport2 (better chance) has to be state 25 in the database.  Otherwise they will not work.  Anyway let me know if you have any other questions.

EDIT:  Oh yeah, dont forget to set your teleport animation ID in the GTBS MODULE... TELEPORT_ANIM = 2 by default.

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