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GTBS v1.5.1.4 - A FFT Styled Battle System (5/19/2010)

Sorry, i should have explained it better...
okay so, *takes deep breath* (im using your "BATTLE TEMPLATE" map as an example) you talk to the ghost, and a battle begins. then the view (what you can see on the screen) starts out at the top left corner of the map, and then scrolls or pans or moves your view over to the characters/enemies and you begin the fight.

Now when using the "BATTLE TEMPLATE" map it works great because your view reaches the players fast and easily, but when you use a rather large map, it takes a long time to pan its view over to the area at which the characters and enemies are located.

Get what i mean?

now it would work with large maps if you could just skip the whole panning/scrolling process and just start out with the view already over the characters (exp. Actor1)

the reason i didn't want to turn off the whole scrolling process is because it jumps around the field to character and enemies and just looks bad.

So point being, it would be cool if you gave an option (in -Module_GTBS-) to turn off the panning at the beginning and start off at the view of the characters/enemies but still pan from player to enemy or enemy to player. without taking a long time to get in view of the characters in the begining of the fight or jumping all around the screen each turn.

Okay i think that makes since *wipes sweat off four head* :-P
@GubiD-Well, I would, but there is no error. The game comes up with a 'this program is not responding' error. It just closes, or freezes. I have no idea why.

@Tylord_lol-I thought about doing the same thing for my game. However, if it is a large map, the player will be anywhere on it, and they will always fight in the exact same place? After fighting there for awhile, it could get boring, or easy, if you find a tactic that makes for a really easy win. Gubid helped me make a little script add-on that allows me to define what map the battle takes place on in the event. It will be very helpful, especially since my maps span over large areas.

Have fun!
SyvarrisX":3n6mbr53 said:
@Tylord_lol-I thought about doing the same thing for my game. However, if it is a large map, the player will be anywhere on it, and they will always fight in the exact same place? After fighting there for awhile, it could get boring, or easy, if you find a tactic that makes for a really easy win. Gubid helped me make a little script add-on that allows me to define what map the battle takes place on in the event. It will be very helpful, especially since my maps span over large areas.

Have fun!
Oh cool! that would work, mind if i use the script?
Ill tell you if the map connections script works better if i can find the right one =]



Awesome Bro

thank you for your help! and yes of course I'll feature your name on the project!

1.Upload blank battler with name.png or whatever
2.name the sprite the same thing
Gubid":anr7f8od said:
Thanks for the resources! I will get you an update as soon as I have time to do it.

Lestat.. I thought I had that problem fixed... You probably noticed that they werent only walking faster, but they went more often as well.  Its because they were duplicated in the tactics_actors array.  I will add something quick to see if they are already there and to not duplicate to resolve that.    As for the other problem I need a little more information.  Was the skill greyed out in the skill window or would it just play the miss animation when it shouldnt?  I have been trying to track this one down, but its quick tricky. 

I will try to get those fixed quickly and get 1.3 out soon, but some of the other features might hold me back for a bit.  I will let you know. 

Thanks again everyone else for you support of this script. 

Yes, they actually were more often. About the other bug, it was strange, like I couldn't take a stationary screenshot, I would have needed to take a video. Do this: run your script as it is in the demo, not animated. In the last battle, after Hilda's death, I used a Tonic and revived her. I think she died again I actually dont remember...  I just know that after her one or two deaths, I would use the Fire or Glythyr (I wouldn't have any active Glythyr), and it would sound like alright, she might have started casting, but the animation wouldn't appear, and either would anything happen, the batlle would keep on with her not doing anything at all.
- She was walking very faster
- She had already died like 2 times
- I tried using both skills several times
- It'd show no Miss animation or anything
- She had already used a bunch of skill-items
- Running the Not Animated demo in the second battle
In my project I have been doing only graphical features because I am waiting for some features to be ready, but there is no problem right? if I've got a bug, I overwrite the old scripts with new versions and I won't loose any progress, will I? (Just because I hope the Module script won't change as versions go on)

Thank you the script is so great I'm your fan! :P
You know with these scripts you do you are earning lots of fans...
Syv, why dont you give them that and since I didnt write it down so that I can put it in as a feature and update it a bit to make it work with an override and stuff, so you dont have to always set it before hand. 
Lestat, I believe I found the problem and a fix will be coming in 1.3.  I am not deleting the character from the tactics_actors array in the new version, but in 1.2 I was delting them but not adding them back.. (all sorts of backwords. Sorry:))    Anyway, thanks everyone else.

Black Shadow, is it doing that for both downloads or just one?  Is anyone else also getting that?  What zip software are you using.. it shouldnt be passworded.
Soulcube.. The reason you would generally encounter any errors in that section of code is because the events you "didn't" place on the map.  This is generally because you either skipped a number when placing events or that they dont exist on the map.  Use the demo template, and try again. 
Injury, I have seen that too, but very randomly.  I havent seen it in very long time because it happens so randomly.  I figured it was something on my computer because if I play it on any other computer, I dont encounter it.  If you come down to some steps to duplicate I can see what may be triggering it.  Maybe.


Awesome Bro

ok, I was trying to do that last night and I've only come up with this:

If you are making choices to fast, I think a memory problem or something comes up. It only happened when I tried to change around battlers to get the sprites called.

oh, and I think it could've been brought on by having all the actors as the same class.

The battlers can be blank or real battlers to call the sprite, right?
Gubid":w642bupp said:
Syv, why dont you give them that and since I didnt write it down so that I can put it in as a feature and update it a bit to make it work with an override and stuff, so you dont have to always set it before hand. 
Lestat, I believe I found the problem and a fix will be coming in 1.3.  I am not deleting the character from the tactics_actors array in the new version, but in 1.2 I was delting them but not adding them back.. (all sorts of backwords. Sorry:))    Anyway, thanks everyone else.

Black Shadow, is it doing that for both downloads or just one?  Is anyone else also getting that?  What zip software are you using.. it shouldnt be passworded.

It's just for the animated v1.2. But, I got it unziped by using WINrar.
@Gubid-I will post the battle map choosing through the event.

@Tylord_lol-I will post the addon soon. Just let me get it off the project. Have you requested a visual map links script?

I will post the script in a few. Seeya!

Here ya go. This is what gubid wrote for me. Thanks again buddy.

class Game_Temp
  attr_accessor :exit_to_calling, :exit_map_id, :exit_pos, :exit_dir, :next_battle_map

  alias syv_gtbs_temp_init initialize
  def initialize
    @exit_to_calling = true
    @exit_pos = []
    @exit_dir = 0
    @next_battle_map = nil


class Interpreter
  def set_battle_exit_info(calling=true, id=1, pos=[0,0], dir=0)
    $game_temp.exit_to_calling = calling
    $game_temp.exit_map_id = pos
    $game_temp.exit_pos = pos
    $game_temp.exit_dir = dir

class Interpreter
  def set_battle_map(id=nil)
    $game_temp.next_battle_map = id

Also, you need to edit line 53 of Scene_Battle

    @map_id = $game_temp.next_battle_map
to that.

I think thats it. If you need help, just ask again.

Alright, thanks, hey i do have one question, what Scene_Battle do you put it under?
theres scene_battle 1 through 4
and theres scene-battle_tbs?

Oh and how again do you make this work?

thanks a bunch,
Oh right. Place in its own script somewhere above main. I put mine right above scene_battle_tbs.

To define the battlemap, simply say $game_temp.next_battle_map = 3 in a script command in an event.

Have fun!

Alright sounds very easy to use, instead of that 10 tile buffer...lol Xp
so i put

@map_id = $game_temp.next_battle_map

under scene_battle_tbs in its own script?
I thought i had to edit line 53 of Scene_Battle?
Oops i meant what Scene_battle do i put the code in?
Sorry about that mix up =p
Ah, I see what you are asking, sorry, I did not have the script in front of me. In Scene_Battle_TBS, where it says @mapid=

Hope that helps.


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