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Fall of the Living: First Outbreak (Full Game Thread)

don't worry guys, he's probably just out living life for a little bit. Besides, if you look back through the topic, it's not that uncommon for him to leave for long times.... or something.....
Xephyr":2ikqztw5 said:
ambrosepro":2ikqztw5 said:
when is this game out?

who knows? he said there would be a demo a while ago but that didn't happen.

Well there is no offical release date. as I said I rather work and finish when it's due instead of limited time. Anyway sorry for the lack of updates but I just been a little busy with my life. No this doesnt mean the game is cancelled or stopped working on. I am still working on the game but its been a slower pace lately because like I said I have been kind of busy. But just hang tight and I will have some juicy updates.

Zwark0":2ikqztw5 said:
don't worry guys, he's probably just out living life for a little bit. Besides, if you look back through the topic, it's not that uncommon for him to leave for long times.... or something.....
It's not purpose that I leave for long times. It's just I like to update the forum with updates and answer questions ; ] but life has been getting in the way lately xD

NamT":2ikqztw5 said:
It's been 18 days since he updated. I'm getting kind of worried.

No reason to get worried, like I said this game will be finished.

TheUn4giv3n":2ikqztw5 said:
where did you get the shooting game script
It's original.

I havent had internet lately but i have been working like crazy on the game on my laptop without internet.
I have finished the following.

-Running controls changed: Hold S to run, tap S to sprint. You will get tired and have to catch your breath.

-You can now carry around health and stanima recovery items.

-Each weapon now has random muzzle flash animations each time you fire.

-Headshot chances tweeked.

-3 new zombie styles added.

-random zombie death sounds

-over 100 new tileset textures

-grenades now fully functional: press and hold the shoot button to remove the safety pin. You can cook the grenade the longer you hold it. The thrown grenade will bounce off walls using terrain tag coding.

Official trailer will be posted march 1st
006":1immge2r said:
Are you planning on changing the graphics? They're very gradient shaded, inconsistent and do not tile well.

No I don't plan on changing the graphics at all, besides the place holders that arent finished. But I think you're wrong. They mix well, it's a unique style.
Phew! Sorry for being away for so long gang. Just been having a really stressful week. Anyway I have no new screenshots to show right now because I'm changing the shooting engine up some. There will have 5 game difficulties each having little changes.

Easy Mode - There will be an autoaim feature for easy mode ONLY. zombies can be killed by shots hitting anywhere on them. Same number of zombies as normal mode, zombies killed with less shots.

Medium Mode - no autoaim feature, zombies cam be killed by body or headshots. (think of COD4 for damage to zombie for an example)

Hard Mode - zombies can only be killed by headshots, body shots do not do damge, but they can be knocked back. more zombies than previous modes. Zombies do more damage.

Extreme mode - Optional running zombies. Headshot only, high damage, almost never ending horde. Exposed to tougher zombies at the begining of the game.

Left 2 Die (already explained this.

Anyway the things I am changing is making it so you can reload while moving. But I am leaving it how I left before (you cannot aim or shoot or reload while sprinting only walking)

I am also working on cool little countering moves. Such as when a zombie goes to bite you, you press 2 buttons righht before he grabs you and you can do some cool little throw or something. I been a little busy lately so no new graphics. But this game has been in constant tweeking lately. New shit soon.
I bet you thought I cancelled it!
Anyway I just been keeping some things under wraps.

I also created all new battle animations. I want to make it so it uses that rgss shadow script, so when the muzzle flash fires you can see a shadow more clearly behind the main character or something.
Ignore the weapons hud for now, this map isnt complete anyway.


And recently I have bought a new car. And I love it so much that I decided the hero should have it as his main veichle in the game. Being able to fix it up in garages when damaged.

1971 Oldsmobile Cutlass (game will use real life cars including muscle cars, junker cars, and newer models IE the game takes place in later years.)


lol Looks like you're never gonna finish this game. Just keep adding features and upgrades.

Nice car. Not sure cars are the best thing for a zombie game, though. I would think petrol would be scarce.
mtgmaster":j4ntl0z1 said:
lol Looks like you're never gonna finish this game. Just keep adding features and upgrades.

Nice car. Not sure cars are the best thing for a zombie game, though. I would think petrol would be scarce.

Cars where already a feature in the game. I dont see your point. And its a video game, have to make room for fun.
Well first of, if he did have some kind of car, it'd be an armoured truck of some sort. Something with guns and caged up windows, not a car that looks like it's from Starsky and Hutch.

I'n not saying features are a bad thing, but too many will make it complicated and bloated. You'll probably keep adding them too and never be happy with a fully finished game.

At least you're actually adding them I suppose. Unlike most people who plan loads but never actually do anything.

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