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heh...Ariel Underpants...I love that...That's gonna be a character in my book series.
Fits right along with Barry Bladder and Won Queasy! >;P
Hey, Venny, it's okay, at least you only lost your socks, and not those precious Ariel underpants.

Maybe I should be more careful of what I say, now that you've created that chainsaw smiley? Or this might happen > :brain:
Sheesh people I was like 8 or 9 ... Tons of girls wore Little Mermaid underwear when they were in 2nd/3rd grade! I just was unfortunate enough to be pantsed :(

C'mon, no one's ever really hurt themselves or anything? I'm in the mood to read something gorey ...
I once had a nail go through the bottom of my foot and out the other side. I still have a scar on the top of my foot (not one on the bottom though which is odd).
Okay, okay.... Let's see... Aha! It's not on the same level as any of your, Venetia, but it'll do.

Once, when I was around, oh, eight years-old, I was playing with my best friend(who is a girl) in my back yard. To be more specific, we were playing on top of this... Well, I don't know any words to explain it. It looked like a tent, but it had steel supports, and such.. anyway, it was fun to play on top of. But back to the FAIL. As I said, we were playing, and then, being the big ol' klutz I am, I fell off. But... in a bad way. When I fell, I did a splits onto the ground, and ripped up my shorts. Of course, I wasn't so much worried about my shorts, as the searing pain that lay beyond those shorts! Or, in a less theatrical wording, I killed my junk.

So, I had to go inside, and keep an icepack on my... stuff, and wear a robe with only underpants on. And my mother, being the saint that she was, invited my friend inside. So, I was sitting next a girl, with only underpants, and a robe on, with freezing-cold junk. Terrific.

Was that FAIL enough?

Oh, and yes, the damage wasn't long-term.  :tongue:
G-Gubbageh?! That's... Hilarious!  :lol:

I'd put in some more laughing, but I dun wanna get banneded.  :sad:

Ummm, it happens to every man at one time, or another?... Except for the real men.

I'm just kidding, man! You can take a joke, right?
Despain":1j94wxse said:
Oh yeah here's one for you Venetia.

there was one time when I couldn't get it up

It sucks when that happens, usually when you're half way up the staircase as well, so you can't really turn back (especially carrying the damn sofa). That's what you meant, right?  :cheers:
Holy shit, you people.

@ Des: Ouch about the foot, and about the other extremity, they have creams and pills for that. I recommend clicking on any and all of those links in the messages in your Junk Mail box. Also have you tried gay bars? Just saying, if you're having trouble with women ...

@ Lum: XD, ouch. Don't have kids for a few more years.
Venetia":3keru7eb said:
Sheesh people I was like 8 or 9 ... Tons of girls wore Little Mermaid underwear when they were in 2nd/3rd grade! I just was unfortunate enough to be pantsed :(

C'mon, no one's ever really hurt themselves or anything? I'm in the mood to read something gorey ...

Alright, when I was twelve I was climbing a wall for no specific reason and fell down and my leg was impaled on a spiked gate, I had to get taken to hospital via ambulance, had emergency surgery and then more surgery for the next few months, I was on crutches for about six months and had a limp for about eight months, I had to give up my place on the rugby team for two years.
I'd call it more of a painful accident than a fail but...it was pretty damn gorey, I lost a ton of blood and nearly died.  :crazy:
Gorey enough?
iceplosion":1ebsruwo said:
It went right into the muscle in my leg and I can still remember the sound it made.  :dead:

No more please  :crazy:

As for my FAIL moment... Well, when I was about six or seven my family took me to the circus. Apparently, I thought the people balancing were cool, so I thought I could balance on a simple ball. Well, I found out I was wrong the hard way. I slipped off the ball and fell on my arm, breaking both bones in my forearm.

To make things worse, it was a pretty bad break and the hospital had to perform surgery to reset the bones. I still have a large scar and stitch marks on my left arm from it.
Not really gorey, but still "oh god ow pain".

I used to have a lot of trouble with the nail on my big toes, to the point where I had to have open toe surgery to literally take off the sides of each nail so they would grow right.  Well, when I finally got the first one done, I got to take off of school for a week (Yay!), but when I went back, I still had a massive bandage on my foot.  I could still play in gym and everything, but I had to take it easy.

Now, allow me to introduce an individual named Kyle.  This special individual would torment me to the point where my parents almost took legal action because he would not stop and his parents were under the delusion that their son was an angel.  Kids, what can I say.

Anyway, pretty much everyone knew that I had a problem.  I mean, I had to walk around on my heal instead of my whole foot.  So, Kyle, brilliant person that he was, decided to come up to me in gym and stomp on my bad foot.  Words could not describe the utter pain I was in, not to mention how pissed off the teacher was.

That put me out of gym for a couple days, and I almost missed more school because the searing pain would not stop.  When it finally did, I was tentatively allowed to participate, where Kyle attempted to do the same thing.  His jaw encountered my fist instead.  The teacher just laughed at him.

More saga with the fixed toe: when I had the surgery, the doctor informed me that the numbing agent he used may cause unusual ridges in the nail as it grew.  So, near the end of the year, when I found an odd dip in my nail, I didn't think anything of it.

Fast forward to the fifth grade end of the year trip to Sandy Hook.  We got to go swimming in the ocean, and while I was doing so, I started to get a stinging feeling in my toe.  I ignored it, until it got worse, and I was forced to get out.  By that time, we were starting to gather and go home anyway, so I just hobbled with a teacher's help back to the bus.

As soon as we get back to the school, I go straight to the nurse.  She gives me a tissue soaked in some stuff, I don't remember what it was, and tells me to rub that on my toe.  So, I went into the bathroom to do just that, starting with my nail... all of a sudden... *POP*, nail pulls right off.

I just kind of stared at it in my hand, before sticking my head out and asking the nurse, "What the heck did you give me!?"

It turned out that the drug the doctor used to numb my toe caused a NEW nail to grow under the old one, which in turn caused the old nail to slowly come separated from the skin underneath.  The salt in the water and the current just hastened the process.
Gross, but pretty funny. Nice, Atemu! Does your toenail grow normally now? I mean, you went through all that trouble, it may as well have been for something, right?

Also, nice stories @ Ygg & Ice. Especially Ice--damn, that had to hurt. Quite an emergency to be impaled through the thigh. Really anything involving gore & the thigh is the highest-level of alert to 9-1-1 dispatchers (my husband is one). A lot of people don't live through trauma involving that region, or they become grossly crippled somehow; you're lucky you were young.

Here's another story, and this one has a moral! You know that sign that says "No running around the pool"? Pay attention to it.

When I was 13, I was trying to flirt with a couple of "older boys" (woo hoo, they were 15! How scandalous lullz), while I was in the pool at my Aunt's house. It was the first time I'd ever worn a bikini so of course I was all trying to show off like the little ho I was.

Anyway, I got out of the pool to go run somewhere, and, of course, I slipped and fell. The first thing to connect was the back of my head with the cement lip around the edge of the pool, and I was out.

Woke up a minute or so later, to some douche yelling, "I know CPR!", and the boys I was trying to impress were laughing hysterically. I was too embarrassed to get any sort of medical attention, so I just got up and woozily limped back home before the ambulance could arrive (I heard them pull up as I went around the corner). Got a softball-sized bump where I'd landed, and a nasty scab, but it was the 90's and big hair was "in", so I was able to cover it well enough, even though it hurt like a bitch.

Luckily, I never saw those 15-year-olds again :D

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