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I don't have DNA...I have FAIL...

Short version: I lost my shoes and my phone.

Long version: I was walking a (sort of) girlfriend home from work, and she invites me in for a drink. We get to talking, and one thing led to another, and she kissed me. Due to my horrid luck, right as she kissed me, her dad comes home. She unceremoniously shoves me under the sink. Thankfully, at this point, her dad notices nothing amiss. He goes upstairs, and I'm able to crawl out from my cramped hidey-hole. A friend of mine suddenly decides to send me a text message, causing my phone to emit a loud beep. Her dad comes downstairs, notices my shoes and catches me trying to sneak out the backdoor. After demanding to know who I am and what I'm doing, my unfortunate first response is to babble into my phone "Can you hear me now?". He literally threw me out the door, and I landed on my knee. He slams and locks the door, then starts yelling at her about me. I'm forced to limp about half a mile to my apartment with socks on.
Venetia":2v3tupky said:
I love failblog.org, but I'm looking for fails done by YOU (the members)

Awww... but I've run out of fails... I think.

Well, actually, there was the time that my brothers convinced me that if I sat on a pile of baseballs, they would hatch... :x
They also told me that it was ok to milk the dog.

I was like 3-4 years old, so...
Shiroun, don't you do martial arts or something?
I mean from that "fight" it looked like you could be beat up by a little girl.

My fail:
Not much of a fail, my girlfriend left early this morning to look at houses with her parents (they're moving) and I slept in until 4:30pm when I got a phonecall which woke me up (since I finished work and university for the summer I tend not to set my alarm anymore...probably not the best idea)
I missed most of the day :(
iceplosion":si9lasmj said:
My fail:
Not much of a fail, my girlfriend left early this morning to look at houses with her parents (they're moving) and I slept in until 4:30pm when I got a phonecall which woke me up (since I finished work and university for the summer I tend not to set my alarm anymore...probably not the best idea)
I missed most of the day :(

I fail to see how this is a fail... :/



Well, see, he had promised an international crime family that he would meet with the senior members for lunch... Now that he's snubbed the Don and his close friends, he had better keep his eyes open, capice?
Chimmy Ray":3j0nee7e said:
Well, see, he had promised an international crime family that he would meet with the senior members for lunch... Now that he's snubbed the Don and his close friends, he had better keep his eyes open, capice?

Ah, that makes much more sense. :)

Seriously, sleeping in until 4:30 is WIN in my book.

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