Venetia":1m6cahue said:It's a double standard, but it's cute when chicks play hard to get, and it's just plain frustrating when men do. Sorry :/
Yeah I guess it is kinda......What the fuck am I talking about it's annoying when you play hard to get. If a girl ever does that to me I do the exact same thing back, and they get pissed XD. I really do that sometimes if a girl that I knew when I was young and wasn't nice to me, so all of a sudden they come up to me and be nice to me I feel like punching them in the face 'till it goes flat, but I don't, so I just play hard to get and WTF am I typing about O_O
The first kiss for me was never hard, just look into their eyes when they are close to your face :tongue: worked everytime. Or you could have one in your hotel room.....But that's a different story and one that I didn't fail at =D