Clizzz":zkhs9m3t said:
@Venetia: All those ailments at 23? Best be setting up a good hospital room for the Middle Ages ... it's gonna get worse as you progress. Feel sorry about the spinal cord though ... That's just horrible. And you have sexual fail's because of these ailments? I can just imagine where the back thing would come in (Shivers) ...
Yeah ... Apparently, it's not too uncommon for people my age to be afflicated with rheumatoid though. Like 3 mid-twenties girls at my husband's work have varying cases of it, too.
--And no, my back has never caused me a sexual-type fail, I was just trying to think of a FAIL that wasn't sexually related and my mind fell on my back XP. I'm not crippled or anything, I just have to avoid high-impact stuff like running and shouldn't lift anything heavier than 10lbs. But yeah, definitely not looking forward to old age.
Oh, here's a sorta funny one. My first kiss was at school ... I can't remember how young I was, probably 11? Anyway, the boy tried to slip in some tongue and I was so freaked out I bit the shit out of my lip, and nipped his tongue a little. What a thing to fail, your first kiss!
Anyway he dumped me a little while later. But it was like 5th or 6th grade so it doesn't really count as a dump, anyway XD. Geez, I can't even remember his face ... Funny how time fucks with your memories.
And I'm telling you, my sexy fails are WAYY too rated NC-17 for this forum XD