That guy in fail 6 is an asshole.
A couple painful fails.
My family had had this cat, Otis, since i was a baby. When I was about 8 my parents bought my sister a dog (Max). My cat was first introduced to Max as I was holding him and Max came bounding out through the door (I was outside). Otis leaped up, onto my head, and dug his claws in. Max saw him and barked, and Otis went nuts. It took several minutes for my dad to come out and take Max inside, and meanwhile Otis was busy tearing off my scalp. Still got a couple scars on my forehead, the rest are hidden in my hair.
In year 6 (5th grade) I went to a new school. My classroom was awesome, it had a small second level (About 2-3m wide and the length of the class, almost) where there was art supplies and stuff. The staircase down was a slowly declining set of steps, then a little landing, then more steps to the left. Anyway, I was up on the second floor and I decided to take the quick way down - jumping. I leaped onto the landing from the top, and landed it perfectly, no problem. Then I jumped the remaining steps (I think I yelled 'Freedom' or something), and my head slammed perfectly into the sharp edge of a low overhang that was there to support the second floor. I blacked out for a few minutes, when I woke up there was blood all over the carpet and my head hurt like hell. I had to get it glued up (A fancy version of getting stitches where the cut is literally glued shut) and I had a few days off school 'cause of concussion or some such.
Little things...
Playing tennis, I pulled my racquet(sp?) up to stop the ball from hitting me in the face - instead my racquet did, almost broke my nose (A small piece of it broke or something).
I was trying to bike on a grind rail (flat, obviously) when I pitched to the side and fell off, landing on my front but also on the back of my hand - It was bent over, and when I fell on it, My wrist got torn up, sprained and everything (It was dislocated if wrists can be dislocated, there was mass bruising)
Swimming in a watering hole that was made by a 's' in a river, my bike helmet fell in and floated downstream. Being an idiot, I swum after it, and got caught in the current and taken downstream. The river took me about... 3km before it was shallow enough for me to stand on the bottom and walk out. I didn't get hurt, but the fail is having to walk over rough ground (Lots of rocks and prickle-bushes) all the way back to my bike in bare feet.
That's enough for now.