I was at a family reunion (with family members that do not exist in real life). After my parents had left, I was stuck with my sister, brother, and grandmother. After we packed our things, we left the building to get into the car.
The brother drove.
As we continued our journey toward our parents, we stopped at a gas station where granny started yapping to peoople she knew. We then drive off without her.
It started raining, but not just any rain, acid-like rain. Cars were everywhere, but mostly abandoned. There were many strange creatures wondering the streets. Brother tried to dodge them, and we had to turn around to get granny.
After getting her we continued driving and dodging the monsters (they were LARGE monsters too). Then we found a really tall building. The street was heavily flooded now. We had to get from the car to the building. I went first and made it into the doorway.
Granny, brother, and sister got crushed by a monster. Freaking out I ran into the building where I found a circular room with an egg in the middle. I was then told I could bring them back by my parents. At first I thought I needed to wish them back with the egg, but they told me I was some sort of goddess that could just use my powers to bring them back.
So I did, and now I am wearing an elaborate outfit.