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Smoked weed with Pitbull, got caught by my deceased grandfather, then had a "come at me" moment towards everyone who tried to get me to stop.

Don't know if my dreams are telling me to avoid drugs or use them.



So there's this Chinese restaurant next door to the job site I'm working at right now. One of the girls that run the counter is super hot and if I had a vehicle or free time or any space of my own I'd totally ask her out.

Whatever. Had a dream in which this girl came over to my site, super seductively, and asked me to step into the kitchen with her for a while. Totally expecting a hot fling in the back room, I accepted. We head back to the office, she's all over me, and instead of sex she cons me on Runescape with a drop scam. Ffffffuuuuucccck.

Best part is, it's not even a scam I'd seen before. Do a dance emote at Draynor bank, drop all your items including armor, and teleport to Varrok and go pray at the chapel for a secret cosmetic hat. My brain invented a scam specifically to cockblock me in my dreams.
I was sitting on a bus/plane next to Princess Amy, who looked like Karen Gillan of course. There's so many odd details I can't even make a story out of it. Somehow I went from walking a dog at night to that setting. I think we were going to Egypt maybe? I remember looking at a brochure with a 3 headed sphinx wearing a pyramid hat. And there was an annoying guy from highschool that wanted to talk to me from 4 rows away. Like it was a field trip? When everyone stood-up to unload I started struggling with my shirt and took it off for some reason. And then I was in my parents bedroom avoiding a dummy-version of me that wanted to see what the real him looked like naked.
I'm laughing at how bizarre that sounds.

I might have been having 2 dreams at once. Or switching between the 2. I was rolling around a lot in bed, kinda seems like every time I switched sides I'd be changing the dream channel.
*randomly types dream for fun*

Live with family. Brothers always have friends over. One of my friends hangs out with them more than me. I am mostly alone except for the appearance of a lovely (busty) girl with long strawberry-blonde hair who kisses me deeply, telling me she'll see me tomorrow. While I wait I confront my friend. He says he's not allowed to hang out with me because I'm a girl. He regrets it, though I visit him by stopping outside of his house. We communicate by simply waving. I tell him of my new female/girl friend and he grows interested.

((This friend is sadly based on a RL friend...))
Took a nap this afternoon and had a stress dream that I was back at my old restaurant job pushing stuff through the dishwasher. But the dishes were stacking up faster than I could clean them. and I was running out of space. and I'm scrambling to sort everything. And it's hard to move because I'm getting soaked with spray. And the trashcans are overflowing with garbage but people keep piling it on. :cry: I'll never escape that place.
I wasn't tried but I tried forcing myself to sleep a few more hours to get back on day time hours. It got uncomfortable and I would drift into this weird fleshy imagery like I was shrunk down inside a body or inside an organic alien spaceship. There were tentacles and neural networks all being built up at first but then it all started to decay in different ways: withering, melting, turning hard and then crumbling into dust.

Earlier that day I had something of day dream steaming from an episode of Star Trek: Voyager about "fluidic space" it was like Borg space but everything was assimilated through biology instead of technology. I'm guessing that's what brought it on.
Tried looking up some dream meanings of stuff that happens regularly.
I've heard the "teeth falling out" dream means you're stressed about money.

I can't find anything about "jumping" dreams. Where I start jumping in place, higher and higher, and I get so far up I'm scared I go out into space or hurt myself on the way down. And as soon as I touch the ground I impulsively jump again.

I also tend to glide around when I feel good in my dreams. I just lean forward on my tip-toes and move forward. Sometimes I'm able to pick up my feet up off the ground, but I'll always be moving forward, I can't hover in place.
I think this comes from rollerblading a lot as a kid. It's a similar kind of momentum.



So this one was actually a good bit different than usual.

I was sitting in the driver's seat of my car in a parking lot of some shopping center, waiting for my parents to get done in one of the stores. Just browsing on my phone, mostly, not really keeping track of what was going on. Two guys come up to my car; one gets in the front passenger seat nonchalantly while the other comes to my rolled-down window. They do that obviously-trouble-but-friendly kind of chit chat for a few minutes before demanding that I get out of the vehicle and hand over the keys to the man at the window. I refuse and they persist, not yet violent but clearly getting there. I begin to make a call to someone on my phone -- not the police, but I'm not sure who -- when driver's side reached through the window and tries to take my phone. I struggle for a second or two, then straight punch the guy in the face. He recoils back, I start the car, whip it into reverse, and basically whip the car around so the guy gets hit by my back bumper. Other guy who is in the car is pissed and tries to pull a knife or something, but I whip the car around again and he drops it in the floorboard.

An interesting thing about this dream is that I actually had a conversation that felt real. Most dreams in which I'm talking to someone it's like I'm just recalling the words like they'd been said before. This time around I was clearly speaking and hearing words in the moment. The very elaborate conversation in it's entirety:

Thug: "What the fuck did you do?"
Me: "Get the fuck out of my car."

At which point I drive onto a curb at 86MpH, go airborne, and kick this guy out of the car (literally) in midair. I land on the highway and immediately slide into a cop car, which I thought was a good thing since I almost got mugged. Unfortunately, the cop was just pissed off, because he gave me a five star wanted level and then I was pissed off because I figured out I was inside Grand Theft Auto and then I was more pissed off after I woke up because the dream ended with me driving off another fucking bridge!

Can I please have a dream that doesn't end with me driving off a cliff or a bridge it's been like two years now.


☆ Biggest Ego ☆


I had a fun scary dream about the Xenomorph Queen. It was trying to kill me, but I kept outsmarting it. It was sort of a repeating lucid dream, like a video game or something.

Act one: The Queen Alien chased me and got ambushed by an AT-AT from Star Wars. LOL.

Act two: The Queen Alien chased me and got stuck in a ditch. I shot it up with lasers. She couldn't move for some reason.

Act three: The Queen Alien closed in on me fast and wrapped her tail around me. Preparing for the 'impale, rip you in half' signature move from the movie 'Aliens'. I woke up before I got killed. So 2 wins 1 lost... Well I disconnected really, so 2 wins 1 DC.

That's one lucid dream I never wanna have again. It was strange how it kept restarting. Dreams don't normally do that. I dream about Xenomorphs a lot... Third one this year.
When I was a kid I had a nightmare about a demon that came out of my reflection in the shower. I stabbed it in the stomach with a fork and chocolate fudge came out.

It sounds funny, but I couldn't face that wall in the shower for a while.


☆ Biggest Ego ☆

I had dream some old guy wanted me to clear out his junky house for $65. Dude kept complaining the whole time. I wanted to sock him in da mouth. :box:

Now I dislike old people even more. :mad:
Also $65... LOL WTF do I look like? It was because I'm black I'm sure. $65. Why the hell did I accept with that? Funny dream.
It started as an innocent day at a prestigious school; an after hours event in a ballroom-sized cafeteria. There were performers on the stage and a balcony that overlooked the entire area. Only important staff members could sit up there.

One of our friends were caught, being abused and tortured by a staff member. He should no remorse for the things he did to her.

When the event was over, a voice over the speakers told us all to gather in groups and be prepared for anything. Something was coming. Something dangerous. My group at first consisted of my boyfriend and a mutual friend. We weren't allowed to roam on our own yet. Our group was too weak.

I tried to persuade two strong, skilled males to join us. They only would if they could have sex with me. Of course I refused due to being taken. Still, I begged them as I was scared that we were to be left behind. Eventually they agreed - with a warning that can go out of "control" sometimes.

All of us began marching, but each group made individual decisions. Across the street the mutual friend taught a crowd of children, heavily distracted by the lessen. We had to go. Each time I tried to stand up to get her attention, I fell right down. Even the kind girl next to me could not help.

We had to keep marching. Halfway to our destination we stopped to rest in a small room with a few beds. The recruited males each tried to spoon me while my boyfriend was out doing something. I made them stop. The next morning they told me they had to rub on something or they couldn't function. Their pants fell to their ankles, and elongated, exaggerated manbits were hanging about. I told them to deal with whatever on their own and left the room, feeling scarred.

The latter half of that day was focused on trying to halt a massive horde of terrifying monsters. We succeeded, at the cost of some lives.

The evening was focused on trying to flood them out - as our destination was the top of a riverbed. There appeared to be ruins of sorts with sections of perfectly intact jail-like cells. Each group had to take a section and go into one cell. Our group was almost ready, yet my boyfriend could not go as he was needed elsewhere. I hugged him, crying, telling him I was scared.

Yet nothing could be done.

One person held a master key to all doors and told us the real plan: we were flood everything we could, hoping to lessen the monsters' ranks, and that the sections of cells were actually detachable. We were to surf down the water one by one and kill as many monsters as we could. On the way down I activated my holy/blessed forcefield to instantly destroy any undead monsters.

The plan seemed to be working.

And that's all I remember.
Dare I try to explain this dream? It's barely coherent.

In a parking lot somewhere. Suddenly Zombies. Squeeze into a tool box in the back of the nearest truck to hide with another guy. How? Why? Don't ask, it was a dream. So I'm laying on top of some stranger and this tool box is suddenly a cushion-fort on an old couch in my family's basement. But zombies are still around so we stick tight. Then some scientists show up. One of them being a writer/director liz friedman, I only know from watching Xena DVD commentaries. Big glasses, nasally voice, I guess I picture her as a man hater 'cause she makes this comment to herself "..whenever it's guys, you can always count on one of them to be covered in semen" like her job was to collect samples and acts like men are pigs, just faucets of jizz under pressure at any given moment. The position I was in didn't help.

So then they extract a zombie lobster out of the ceiling tiles. Makes zero sense. I ask them to do something about the blob fish above the stairs, it's harmless and not a zombie but it's still uncomfortable to walk under. (Why is there marine life in my ceiling?)

boo, Pick a plotline
That was out of nowhere, and so I had one of those moments where I had to "remember" seeing it. Because I'm a visual thinker I guess. Screws up dreams - manufacturing a string of events that just happened that doesn't match up with what we were just doing. Like my brain is trying to cover up a big continuity error since I didn't walk down the stairs, we were in a tool box a moment ago. Ahhhh, Fuck it. Time to wake up.
I went to mars. It was dim and kinda cold, but habitable. There were evergreen trees and a type of grass for making oxygen. There was a colony. Anyone could set up a home on the surface, they all connect to an underground community shelter thing, which looked a lot like the inside of a movie theater.

It was kinda sad. I had gone there to visit an old friend, but she didn't really acknowledge me. I felt like an outsider. They, the colony, were busy celebrating her daughter's birthday by doing this mock alien hunt that ended with an alien pinata.
I met her husband who made me feel awkward for visiting. He said something like "I guess that makes us friends-in-law" but he was unsure how welcoming he needed to be. I lived a world away, so being there was really uncalled for. I was feeling foolish to think I needed to be a part of my old friends lives when they probably forgot I existed.

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