He was brought back from the dead by the Autons, that wasn't Rory as the killing of her suggested. It was a copy, a plastic clone of him using the residual pieces of information gathered from the past (though I don't quite understand how these got left behind, explain moffat, explain). The power of love thing is such a deus ex bullshita, there's no given explaination for it except "Amy is special" How is she fucking special! No rhyme or reason was given, it's the worst kind of overly sentimental crap that RTD used to come with. If they explain it next season sure it'll give answers but they didn't focus on WHY she was special at all, what was SPECIAL about her, hints, clues? Nothing, nope she's just special, and given that this is the 3rd time we've seen her be "special" I would have liked SOMETHING to explain it, just SOMETHING that was said this season otherwise it looks too much like a plant and pay off with no explanation, I mean that's screenwriting 101. They needed to plant something about why she was special, not just what she can do because she's special, and they needed to plant it this season so that we're not left thinking like I was "Oh come on...". They say she's special, but give no indication as to why she's special, not what she can do because she's special. Repeating myself here I know, but it's just a bit, eh.
It reminded me of Bad Wolf - Why the hell does Bad Wolf remind her to go back for the Doctor. Again also the first season for Moffat so these things can be excused. Hopefully next season will be even better, I did love this year, it's better than Season 4 and the Specials, about on par with Season 1 but not as good a Season 2 & 3. One last point is to compare this idea of "human power" to another, let's say, in Last of the Time Lords, the Doctor's Gaining of power. It was done well because the human race used a single thought amplified by a network of satellites all at once whilst the Doctor (who we know has psychic powers) tuned himself into that network and used all that psychic ability to "regenerate" as it were. This time, what just the power of love brings peace and stops bombs. It's not explained, it's not a well written plot device, I hope to god they don't leave it at that and explain WHY she is special next season. Sorry, this is something I had to get off my chest.