I just finished the demo.
At first, I was very impressed. Atmosphere is great, graphics are beautiful, music is just overwhelming.
Then I started reading dialogue... Trite... Boring... Grammatically Incorrect... Spealing Mistakes... Over-Usage of Ellipses... InprOper usagE of Capital Letters.
The dialogue really brings the game down. Also, there are so many mapping errors. I love the unique usage of the pile-o-rock tiles to create cliffs, and the way you mapped the Mines but there are lots of misplaced tiles, height errors, etc.
I may take up the challenge of going through and highlighting them all for you sooner or later but I haven't done it yet.
Also, in regards to the level and map design. The concept of having the Action Highlights is good, but only in concept. There is a trick to Game Design which Brickroad eloquently fleshes out in a tutorial he wrote which can be found
here. Up until the mines, I was under the impression that the JUMP Action Icon would only appear between a gap of two tiles. It was always very obvious, and pretty self explanitory.
It took me about 20-30 minutes to find the last piece of Dynamite in the Caverns. I knew there was an unopened chest on a platform, but by the rules about actions and jumping which I knew up until then, it was impossible to get to. It was by freak luck that I happened to step on the tile and quickly catch the Action Icon appear.
My suggestion? Add a tile, or characterset, which has a graphic similar to the Action Icon, and put it on the places where you can perform actions. Use a View Range script to make it only appear when you are within a few tiles of the action tile. So they are still hidden, and require some thought to find, but they aren't going to be freak accidents all the time.
A quick and rough review of this game:
Story: 55% [Good, because it is making the player question what is going on, but bad because up until now there hasn't even been a hint as to what was going on in the house, and why SOLUS is chasing him. It's bad because from what we've seen, it's fairly Cliche. The scene in the Resistance Hideout made me think AVALANCHE (FF7) like it was going out of style!]
Gameplay: 60% [Puzzles are existent, and usually begin by being completely unintuitive. I had no reason to believe I could pick up the plant pot in that one room to fill it with water. I figured it out, but there was no indication that the plant pot could be picked up. Why couldn't I pick up a Barrel, or anything else to hold water? Why did it have to be that one plant pot? Once you figure out the puzzles, they are very easy.
Combat is boring. The variety of skills is nice, but they are completely unnecessary. Except for Niko's Recover once you get it. Even the boss battle was a simple tank and spank.]
Visuals: 80% [Mapping has many errors, but everything has a very unique style. Atmosphere is well developed, and cosmetic fog (while ugly in some parts) is used skillfully. Character Sets are almost entirely unique, and battle sprites are fairly entertaining. Spell Effects are awesome.]
Music: 75% [Great music, but not enough variety. Also, some songs end before scenes end, and leave huge gaps with no music. Specifically, the scene after Koen is introduced to the Resistance, and Niko wakes him up on the bed.]
Overall: 55 + 60 + 80 + 75 / 400 =
67.5% Above Average.