In fact, it was a system that I originally had drawn up long before I originally released Celestial Requiem (the old name) on the site. I had a few show some interest in scripting it for me but unfortunately that never came to fruition. The CMS was designed at the same time as the Cell Chamber system, hence there was a slot left for it.
Allow me to explain. As Petros said, the Cell Chamber is supposed to be the fundamental part of the story line. It is effectively consists of a surgical operation on a living organism that allows a segregated Chamber within their body. Within this Chamber, new DNA strands could be injected and allow new forms of DNA to grow inside a body that wasn't intended to harness that power or ability. The Chamber itself acts as safety measure and connection between the DNA within it, and the rest of the body's cells. Think of a firewall - not allowing to pass anything through it without being allowed to.
This would effectively allow a new type of skill shop that actually was set up more like a clinic where the players could go and have a DNA Strand (Read: Ability) implanted into the Chamber.
This is how I had originally mocked it up:[/IMG]
The player can buy both different Chambers and Chamber Cells. Various Chambers have 2 benefits. They can have greater capacity to hold more Cells and they can come with added benefits, stat boosts / resists etc. The Chambers capacity is measured in a percentage.[/IMG]
However, I don't think it will be included in the game anymore unfortunately because I can't make it myself, so I'll have to likely scale it down and use abilities from items as if they were TM's from pokemon instead.
@ Speedpaws - The game just follows the story really, I try and create an atmosphere for the player to represent how the player feels at that time. I know the beginning and end are every different but they make sense with context to the story.
If you'd like to talk about the dialogue, feel free. Just because you think your not outstanding or whatever, if you can see somethings wrong feel free to say. That save system is Sephiroth Spawns btw, so credit to him!
@ Lusty - I'm glad you saw the improvements and you are spot on about those effects reducing accuracy. Another casualty of me rushing too much. I just hit that stage where I felt I needed a demo out to keep on going. It's just a silly little mistake, can be changed in seconds.
@ Serenade - Yes, he must be mustn't he. :p