Before i give, what could be, my best critique that i've ever done... let me go on to say...
I didn't know you changed your name to berrybliss... but then again... could be the fact that i've left RMXP for a moment...
WARNING! THE STATEMENT BELOW IS OPINION! *stares at people with pitchforks and "Wumpi for President" signs* lol
OK... Your spritework has to be some of the best spritework i've seen next to pixeltown (it's a hightly detailed town created purely of small pixels...). Now, besides the countless spriting resources, I have nothing to say on that behalf.
your coloring has reached a level that surpasses my own, currently. However, some of your drawing do lack a certain "dynamic" sometimes that prevent them from becoming an Awe-Inspiring wow. It seems i've come to this thread a bit late, as it seems you're well on your way to correcting the foot problem. There are minor issues with proportion that i've seen in a couple of pictures that prevent me from seeing this character in full 3-D. Also I see some of your pictures suffer from anatomic issues also. Occasionally, they'll suffer from the issue where their one leg seems shorter than the other. Nevertheless, your brilliant usage of colors often supplements for the lack of the aforementioned perspective and anatomic issues. I'd say that you're developing quite an interesting style, and your attention to detail is also at a level that far surpasses my own. I would hope that you still keep the part of your style where they have nubs for feet... I actually like that...
I hope this was most beneficial to you, i picked up some coloring tips looking at your artwork... so before anything happens... thanks for the tips...