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ACBS - Atoa Custom Battle System 3.2

Ergh, wait, I'm already aware of "GW Animated Battleback", but this patch stated that:
The battleback script must be added bellow the battle main code, and above the Battle Camera, the patch must be bellow the Battle Camera

The thing is, all I can find were only this patch and Battle Camera, and there's no such thing as a "Battleback Script" in the add-ons scrpts.
Am I missing something or what? Maybe I should redownload all of the files?...

Sorry I'm keep bugging you, thanks



you should notice that this is an patch. So it's only compatibilize an existing script (that wasn't provided on the demo), so you must get the original script and follow the instructions, the link for the original script is on the script header. If you're not using the zoom you wouldn't even need the patch, just get the battleback script.



more errors...i think

This one may not have much to do with your script but i wil say everything worked find on your 2.0 script.
but now it now when i choose to view the status of any character from the in game menu i get this error, on for my messaging script.

here is what the those lines in the hermes script look like

and once again I am using these script add ons

Also on Line 429 in the Ultility | Victory Window FF7 script the code should read...

$game_system.se_play(RPG::AudioFile.new(Learn_SE, 80, 100)) if Learn_SE != nil

you were missing the L which made an error. just thought it would help others.
Okay, I understand, I've already get the Battle Back Script, but there's still some problem in my hand.

First, the script seems to always crash when the animated battleback is turned "On" on the second time.
Meaning after I turned it on in some battle, and at that same battle I turned it off for a while, and after that, I turned it On again, it crashes.

Second, the last time the thread where this script is from was updated was last year, and I don't know if it's okay for me to suddenly post there without permission (not mentioning that I doubt that I'll get an answer)

And lastly, I can't speak Portugal (ouch)

And that is the reason why I report here...
Okay, I figured out how to edit the scripts so I can use add-ons but now I have a new problem: I keep getting script errors. I tried to use Two Hands and when I used the Lloyd summon I got an error on line 252. I got an error for auto-life as soon as a character died. I got an error for counter attack as soon as I attacked someone.

Now, this is really cool. I really want to use it for my game but I can't because most of the add-ons get me script errors. Can you think of any reason why this would be happening?




When describing an error, for an add-on, Post a screenie of the error you receive like this....

Also I received this reflect add-on error. right before and enemy attacks while using the reflection state

Also list all the add-ons you are using.
Not a problem. Also, the Battle Camera sometimes starts zoomed in too far and too low but not always.

Battle Camera
Equipment Multi Slots
Two Hands (the problem with this one is critical hits which I know was a problem before)
States Graphic
New Status
Advanced Weapons
Equipment Auto States
Equipment for Skills
Combo Display
Equipment Sprite
Atoa Summon (might remove)
Atoa Bestiary
Equipment Set
Equipment With Skills
Counter Attack






I wish I could help you but I'm not familiar with none of the add-ons you received errors on. And I don't think atoa knows the site's back up from being under maintenance.



OK I'll try....

For the Two Hands add-on the error maybe in the coding.
goto line 252 on the two hands script, you'll see that the line reads "return weapon_critical_twohands_damage"

I have two possible solutions. Change the line to make it read either "return weapon_critical_damage" or "return weapon_critical_damage_twohands"

Not sure what the problem could be with the auto-life add-on. Maybe try changing the settings to "true" instead of "false" to make it so the battler is only revived at the turn's end. Or visa versa if you already have it that way. But I think the first way could be the problem since you are not using the atb or ctb.

As for the Counter attack add-on. This is a new addition so I am even less familiar with it than the others however because this is a newer add-on I am pretty sure any errors made may be on your part. I'm sure atoa tested this add-on to no end to ensure little error so maybe the mistake is in your settings. You make have missed a comma or Parenthesis somewhere. Happens to me all the time. So go over the script again and make sure you didn't miss anything anywhere.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help but do let me know how that goes for you. PM me though, so we don't spam this thread.
Thanks for your works in this giant script.

There is a new version, no?

I modify a lot of things(for some original scripts) of your original 3.0 so im asking for some guides here. Have you changued any internal script structure? Methods, classe snames,etc, or code or logic in general?

Or is only a bugfixing?

You have corrected the double hand weapons bug and the bug that make the enemies sprites dont disappear when they are killed(this in frontal + old sprites using $)?

You finally comented the code?

'pd: you have any changuelog?



To make it simple: the bugs are errors that (hopefully) will be solved when i update the script. Simple like that. There's nothing you can do now unless you have some skill in scripting.

From version 3.0 to 3.2 there was several aditions, from 3.2 to 3.2.3 (the current version) there was only bug fixes.
You can see (almost all) the changes on the version history on the script or on the text file.
Ah. I'll probably end up using an older version that No ID gave me until the bug fixes then (assuming I get to the point where I need it before then. I have a lot of resource gathering to do).
Atoa what do you think to release your script in the spanish rpgmaker scene? I can do it, but it can take time to traduce it. I have traduced the New Status addon for testing and i needed 10 minutes:

# New Status

# By Atoa


# Este script añade nuevos estado para la equipacion. Ratio de impactar, ratio 

# critico, daño del critico, resitencia de ratio de critico y resistencia del daño

# del critico



module Atoa

  #  No quites esta linea

  Speacial_Status = {}


  # Aqui configuras los valores a cambiar del menu de equipo y de estado.

  # Este script no sera compatible con todos los scripts complejos de este tipo 

  # por lo que usa este addon para personalizar estas dos entradas del menu.


  # Estilo de exibicion del equipo en el menu

  Equip_Menu_Syle = 0

  # 0 = Default, muestra atk, pdef, mdef

  # 1 = Default, muestra atk, pdef, mdef, str, dex, int, agi

  # 2 = Default, muestra str, dex, int, agi

  # 3 and 4 = personalizado, muestra todos los estados(incluyendo los nuevos)


  # Opacidad de la ventana

  Equip_Window_Opacity = 255


  # Mostrar el mapa de fondo? 

  Show_Map_Equip_Menu = false


  # Usar una imagende fondo?

  Equip_Menu_Back = nil

  # Si quieres usar tu propia imagen de fondo, añade el nombre del fichero qui.

  # el grafico ha de estar en la carpeta Windowskin

  # si el valor es nil, no se vera nada

  # Recuerda recudir la transparencia de la ventana



  # Define aqui que simbolos o letras van a ser usados para mostrar la alteracion

  # de estado

  # Aqui abajo veras algunos ejemplos a usar como guia

  Stat_Nil  = '>' # '■' '↔' '±' '=' '>'

  Stat_Up   = '>' # '▲' '↑' '»' '+' '>'

  Stat_Down = '>' # '▼' '↓' '«' '-' '>'


  # Exhibichion de los estados extra

  Extra_Status = [7,8,9]

  # 7 = Evasion

  # 8 = Ratio de impactar

  # 9 = Ratio de critico

  # 10 = Daño del critico

  # 11 = Resistencia al critico

  # 12 = Resistencia al daño de critico


  # Nombre de los nuevos estados 

  Stat_Eva = 'Evasion'

  Stat_Hit = 'Punteria'

  Stat_Crt = 'Critico'

  Stat_Dmg = 'Daño critico'

  Stat_Res_Crt = 'Resis. critico'

  Stat_Res_Dmg = 'Resis. al daño del critico'


  # Mostrar el mapa de fondo?

  Show_Map_Equip_Menu = false



  # Speacial_Status = Nuevos estados basasdos en tu arma o armadura equipada

  # puedes definir como los mejorara cada arma o armadura


  # Speacial_Status[Arma/Armadura] = { ID de arma o armadura => {Estado => Valor}} 

  # Los codigos estan en ingles o acortados por eso: 

  # Arma: Weapon, Armadura: Armor

  #   Estado, puede ser igual a:

  #     'hit' = Ratio de impactar

  #     'crt' = Ratio de critico

  #     'dmg' = Daño del critico(modifica el daño causado por los criticos)

  #     'rcrt' = Resistencia del critico(rebaja el ratio de criticos)

  #     'rdmg' = Resistencia del daño del critico(rebaja el daño causado por los criticos)

  Speacial_Status['Weapon'] = {35 => {'hit' => -20,'crt' => 20}, 36 => {'dmg' => 200}}


  Speacial_Status['Armor'] = {35 => {'rcrt' => 20, 'rdmg' => -50}, 

    36 => {'hit' =>20,'crt' => 25,'dmg' => 50}}





I can take a while traducing it or i release it now? What do you think?



If you willing to translate it, go ahead. I rally dislike when people post the script without autorization, but i don't see an problem if peopla ask and tell where they going to post it.

But translate everything first, it would be better.
Every time I enter battle and a battle animation is triggered, the game crashes and gives me this error:


This also happens when I attempt to use battle animations outside of battle.
Your help is greatly appreciated.

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