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ACBS - Atoa Custom Battle System 3.2



Drain doesn't seem to work. I have it set up, but it works like a regular skill and just does damage.

And I got an uninitialized constant in back attack: Back_Attack_Magic when I tried to use a skill during a back attack. I added the constant and it seems to work. There's also a typo which makes it think that the battle dimensions constant does not exist too.

When skipping someone in CTB mode, an error comes up.
wrong number of arguments 1 for 2 on line 1518 of the CTB.

This is hilarious. The previous issues are fixed, but I am STILL getting double EXP for my characters. At the end of a battle, for example, it says I've gained 3 EXP, but when I look at the status, I've actually gained 6 EXP. I can't seem to hunt this down.



This is odd since in it don't happens here, i none of the setups i've made. If that don't happens on the demo, it's surely incompatibility.

thanks for the reports
Atoa":28706zf8 said:
This is odd since in it don't happens here, i none of the setups i've made. If that don't happens on the demo, it's surely incompatibility.

With what, I wonder? What methods does your script use to compute EXP?

Also, Bestiary still gives me this:

In the words of Anise from Tales of the Abyss: "Boo." :P
hi atoa! :thumb:

quickyyy question... i was reading the demo and couldnt find an answer to my question...

basically, im trying to create an enemy that can be hit and targeted if the correct weapon is equipped otherwise the enemy cannot be hit with a close melee attacks and cannot be targeted. for example:

a battler with a weapon of bow and arrow would only be the only battler to hit a bird type of enemy. If other battlers have a melee weapon, then those battler cannot execute an attack action (close range melee attacks) but can instead use magic or projectile skills to that bird type of enemy. Can this be done?
i thought so well it was worth asking :biggrin:

is it something that you already have in mind for the future update or not even thinking about it? :kiss:



this answer was to susanM, bestiary is just an missing constant, just add "Bestiary_Battler_Direction = X" x can be 2,4,6 or 8 on the module Atoa.
But i'm sure i fixed this on the last update, so it's most likely you're using the old Bestiary, as stated on the version history, you must add this line on the module, just replacing the code bellow the module won't fix that.



Hey Atoa,

Glad to hear you're still working on this. I just had one quick question I was hoping you could clear up.

Is there any way to edit the script so that you can have separate sprite sheets for battlers facing left and right?

For example you would have something like `Crono_left' and `Crono_right' in addition to 'Crono_up' and 'Crono_down' when using the Chrono Trigger add on.

Some of my characters are asymmetrical so it looks weird when you mirror their battler.
Hey atoa,I have a new PC now...(windows 7 64 bit,luckily I still had the RMXP activation code in my mail....)
Remember how I said blitz+Atb didn't work? It still doesn't xP.
No error or anything,just nothing happens.



Sorry to bother you again so soon. I just wanted to let you know about a bug I encountered when testing out the most recent version of your script.

I get the following error message when I try to use a "Usable Command" that I created with the "Individual Battle Commands" add-on.


I was using the following add-ons when the error occurred:

Atoa ATB
Chrono Trigger Battle
Individual Battle Commands
Enemy Name Window
Combo Display
Victory Window FF7

Hey ATOA!!! :biggrin: *wave* wow... does anyone even care of stopping by to say hi to the great ATOA? geeeeeweeez :kiss:
Hrmh.... No new updates here Atoa? Well, might as well post a request if you don't mind.

Can you make an add ons which can change the battle back in the middle of battle?
And while we're at it, can you make an option for an animated battle back?
(Both commands are preferably can be called via event command)

Thanks in advance.
Oh, and if this is not general enough, just say it, and state the price or your demands, I'll think about it.



Hey Atoa, long time no speak! Love the updates and new additions, so far I only have a few bugs to report on.

1. I get this error when I use one of my custom items that triggers that gradually restores hp. Maybe im missing something simple here. but I just copied the slip states and everything from the older version of the cbs.

2. The overdrive bar doesn't show up at all. I haven't tested to see if its still active or not but I know it doesn't show.

3. When you use a blitz skill with the atb if that skill has a wait time, and you set the "Blitz_Aftercast = true" then it make you input the keys after you select the skill and after the wait time. Also for moves that are sequenced i.e. "SEQUENCE/**" if you set skill cancel if unsuccessful to be false you get an error after the execution of the first skill in the sequence.

4. I also was wondering if there was a way to add a state to the defend command pose. i.e. hp or sp regen. that way the command isn't completely useless. I've tried to mess around with the Custom_Command_Order in the individual battle commands add-on but i kept receiving a stack level to deep error and it would show two defends and never show the escape command. Maybe you have a better way to accomplish this.

Here is a list of the add-ons I am using

All I have for now thanks!

EDIT: If the images dont show for you just right-click on them and select open in new tab or window.
And i fixed the second photo



You can change battlebacks with event commands, also there's already an patch for an existing Animated Battleback script.

@No ID
i will check these



OK SO I figuered out the what the exact error is for number 1.

Items that have the "Scope" set to the user, get the stack error.



Hey Atoa I wanted to know if you were translating your Skill Steal from the Tankentai Sideview Battle System to this system in your next update, since it seems to be vacant in this one.



No ID":1h6lzkls said:
OK SO I figuered out the what the exact error is for number 1.

Items that have the "Scope" set to the user, get the stack error.

This goes the same for skills that have the scope or target set for user. Prohibiting me from assigning skills that increase/decrease attributes among other things.

Also I received this reflect add-on error. right before and enemy attacks while using the reflection state

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