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ACBS - Atoa Custom Battle System 3.2

Atoa":1ogxgn4v said:
It's not an error on the code, it was just something i've made for a test and forgot to remove, just go to the Database and remove the common event call from the skill Fire.
Wait, so you're telling me that the battler movement can be executed using an event command?
Care to elaborate how to please? Is it as simple as paste a [MOVEPOSITION] line from the script?

And one more thing, is it possible to change the settings for ACBS and ATB using event command while the game is running?



  # Enemy_Custom_Status[Enemy_ID] => {Status => Value}

  #   Enemy_ID = Enemy ID

  #   Status = Status changed, you don't need to add all status here, only the 

  #     ones that you wish to change, the database values will be used for 

  #     the status that wasn't added here

  #     These are the status that can be changed:

  #      'maxhp' = Max Hp

  #      'maxsp' = Max Sp
The setting on the Advanced settings use 'maxhp' not 'hp'

Odd, i was sure that i fixed this one, about the other error, i didn't had it here, can you give me more detail on that, i would like to know what happened, because adding an fix without knowing the cause may bring other glitches.

Yes it can .-. there's an whole section on the READ-ME explaining events commands to move the battler.

About the settings, most of them are constants and can't be changed, some others can be changed, like the battlers custom positions.
# Enemy_Custom_Status[Enemy_ID] => {Status => Value}
# Enemy_ID = Enemy ID
# Status = Status changed, you don't need to add all status here, only the
# ones that you wish to change, the database values will be used for
# the status that wasn't added here
# These are the status that can be changed:
# 'maxhp' = Max Hp
# 'maxsp' = Max Sp
Expand to see the code.

The setting on the Advanced settings use 'maxhp' not 'hp'

right, it changes the max hp not hp... but how do i fix the error:

Owh, sorry Atoa, I hadn't the time to take a second look to your script due to Mid-Term Tests.
Really sorry, I'll make sure this won't happen again.
Atoa":3rwjrghn said:
Odd, i was sure that i fixed this one, about the other error, i didn't had it here, can you give me more detail on that, i would like to know what happened, because adding an fix without knowing the cause may bring other glitches.

Here's exactly how to reproduce the error.

- Open up the demo.
- Move the "Individual Battle Commands" script above Main.
- Create a new skill named "Chakra" that targets the user and heals HP.

- Give this skill to the Designer class.
- Open the Individual Battle Commands script and add the following data:
Usable_Command['Chakra'] = 163
Custom_Command_Order[2] = ['Item','Attack','Chakra','Defend','Magic','Techs','Skill','Summon']
- Fix only the first error I mentioned above.
- Start playing and use Chakra in battle.

With the first error fixed, you will not get the cursor error any more. Instead you will get the following error:
Script 'ACBS | Scene Battle 4' line 1354: NoMethod Error occured
undefined method `animation1_id' for nil:NilClass

This error occurs because battler.current_skill is nil on line 1354. A few lines above, on line 1341, you call the line battler.current_skill = $data_skills[battler.current_action.skill_id]. However, this line is setting battler.current_skill to nil. The reason it's setting battler.current_skill to nil is because battler.current_action.skill_id is nil. To solve this problem, I made my second bugfix, which sets battler.current_action.skill_id to the proper value.

If this is still unclear, let me know. I am using your demo version 3.2.2.
I have a few curious questions. I recognize that the ACBS is it's own battle system with it's own set of rules. I admire this system a lot and would most likely use it as my standard battle system. But due to the time (and money) I've investing getting custom made sprites. I'm likely to stick with the SBS if there's not a character-sprite-as-battler compatibility in there. Given that I know that this doesn't work. Is it possible to get certain Add-on scripts from the ACBS to work in the SBS.

Specifically (for now):
Individual Battle Commands
Custom Window Settings
Skill Scan
Custom Damage
Victory Window FF7

If this isn't possible right now Atoa, I completely understand, I'll look into alternatives but as it's your script, I figure you'd obviously know best.



Thanks for the details, i will take a look on this.

I'm no longer supporting the SBS. And it would be kinda a pain to convert some of them, since they use the custom algorithm methods i've made for the ACBS.
Okay, thanks for the heads up Atoa. From a scripting perspective, so if I either attempt it myself or hire someone else to do it, what custom algorithms would have to be changed?



It would be hard to explain, because i totally rewrited some methods. And the tankentai itself have a lot of rewrites. And since the tankentai wasn't originally made by me, there's still a lot of things that i never got into.
Alright, thanks for the help Atoa, it's a really great battle system you've got here, really customizable but I think I'm too far along to use it at this point. Kinda wish I hadn't settled. Anyways, I'll keep checking back here because even if I'm not using it, I love playing around with this script.



Quick question:
Is there a way to use the normal characters like in your previous battle system instead of the minkoff? Since i technically have everything set up in the other system only problem is that a bunch of errors came up that i can't fix and since your not updating it anymore i was just wondering if this system had that samething with the battlers. Sorry if it sounds stupid, i just don't like using minkoff thats all espically, i like the orignial characters fighting instead with the different weapons and all that. Everything else in this script is 100x better however. Hopefully this makes since.



No. This battle system is suited only for sprites, but you can use an large variety of custom sprites (not only minkoff).
You could create battlers based on the charsets, since you can make their pattern totally customized. the only problem is the "weapon icon" thing that isn't available, instead this system uses an sort of visual equip for battle that allows to make custom sprites based on equips. It wouldn't be really hard, i did something like it for the Final Fantasy Essence (since the battlers are basically chars with an few custom poses, even the attack pose is just the walk anim).



So your saying i can still use the original charsets, just without the "weapon icons" but with the visual equip. If that's so then i'll experiment with that, just how would u change the enemies and battlers into charsets.



No you CAN'T use charsets. What you can do is make an battler graphic using the charset.

Something like this:

And then make the settings on the script:
Idle_Pose = 1 # Wait pose (Recomended never change, because it can cause funtion losses)
Hurt_Pose = 1 # Pose when Taking Damage(Recomended never change, because it can cause funtion losses)
Danger_Pose = 1 # Idle pose when HP is low
Defense_Pose = 6 # Idle pose when guarding
Advance_Pose = 2 # Moving foward
Return_Pose = 3 # Return move pose
Attack_Pose = 4 # Pose when attacking
Skill_Pose = 4 # Pose when using Physical Skills
Magic_Pose = 5 # Pose when using Magical Skills
Item_Pose = 5 # Pose when using Items
Dead_Pose = 8 # Dead Idle pose

# Extra poses
# These poses aren't 100% vital for the system. if you wish to not use some
# of them, leave the value = nil
Intro_Pose = nil # Pose used in the begin of battle
Victory_Pose = 7 # Battle Victory pose
Evade_Pose = 6 # Pose when evade an attack
Escape_Pose = 3 # Pose when escaping from battle
then make the individual setting for the graphic:
Pose_Sprite['Ash_Battler'] = {'Base' => [4,8,100,false],
1 => [1,4,false], 2 => [4,4,true], 3 => [4,4,true], 4 => [2,8,false],
5 => [2,8,false], 6 => [1,4,false], 7 => [1,4,false], 8 => [1,4,false]}

OR if most battlers follows the same pattern, change the default setting to:
Base_Sprite_Settings = {'Base' => [4,8,200,false],
1 => [1,4,false], 2 => [4,4,true], 3 => [4,4,true], 4 => [2,8,false],
5 => [2,8,false], 6 => [1,4,false], 7 => [1,4,false], 8 => [1,4,false]}

Also i added the "sword" sprite to the Bronze Sword with the Equipment Sprite.
Equipment_Sprite['Weapon'][1] = ['_Sword', false]

I did this in about 15 minutes (including the settings, that should be done only once), i only edited the first attack and casting (removed the arm so simulate an animation like the old FFs) and fliping the dead pose and changing the eye pose so it's not that hard.

Here an image of the ACBS using the "char battler". It will need some work, but well, the ACBS isn't for people who don't want to do some hard work.



Seems like a lot more work then normal, but i'll experiment with it for now since there's nothing really i can do with the other battle system.

Last question is are all the action sequences done in the "Config 2 - Advanced" script like in the Tankentai "SBS Config" script. Because i have a bunch of skills that require multi-damage and other things that i had going on in the other system.

Otherwise thanks for the infomation on the charsets and i'll get to working this.



As you can see on the demo, there's plenty of ways of doing muilti hit skills and custom animations for actions. it does things differently, but you can acheive the same results (if not better) with proper settings.



uh I don't know if you notice but some scripts have directions are still in Portugues
-Add | Equipment Auto States
-Add | Automatic Actions
-Patch | Megalukes Interactive Rotational

Not really a big deal and probably can just be left alone, but just saying it looks weird especially if some people don't speak Portugues.

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