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ACBS - Atoa Custom Battle System 3.2


I take it that there are no hot-fixes or changes to that line I can make to continue testing my game, and that I must wait for the next update?



You should take an good look on the advanced settings, i know, the guide is HUGE, but to acheive a good result, some work is needed xD
Put the "NOMOVE" for enemies and "STEPFOWARD" for actors and you will have the traditional FF move style =P
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "LOCKMOVE/**" : Set an permanent movement type.
# This value ignore all values of "MOVETYPE" from other actions
# So all actions will have this type of movement, no matter of their settings
# ** must be equal one of the following values:
# - NOMOVE : No movement.
# - STEPFOWARD : One step foward.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

You could make the skill that calls the common event to be self targeted with the "NODAMAGE" setting. Also, without the "CAST/**" setting
Atoa, is there a way to make slash skills effect like chrono's skill "slash" from chrono trigger? Basically, it's a projectile skill that will hit enemies events if the enemies events are in line of the projectile sight... It's kinda complicated too explain but I hope u get it? =)



currently there's no kind of custom area skills.
Some custom area skills are on my plans, but i still have to do some things.
I totally love this script! But there's only one thing I'm having problems with, and it was the same deal with the older version I had -- configuring the Two Hands script and other things to have a desired effect. I might be doing something wrong, but then I dunno if what I want is implemented in this script. =\

The thing is, I can make a character equip a two-handed weapon or knives no problem. The problem is, I can't have someone who equips two knives also equip a knife and a shield. It's like I can have one or the other, which defeats the purpose of what I want done. =(

Any ideas or suggestions? Will I need to post a snippet of script? Any help is appreciated!

EDIT: I found a bug in the Two Hands script with the critical damage variables when I was doing some testing (however, it did not fix the problem listed above!). I think it was a typo, since when I changed it, it was fixed. Dunno if this problem was mentioned before. ^^;



Currently character with dual wielding can't use shields.

And what problem you've found with the Two Hands + Critical?
Thanks for getting back to me! Shame that shields aren't supported with duel wielding. =( Will it be in a future update?

Anyhow, about the bug I ran into. I can simply describe it since it only happened at a specific point. When I had the Two Hands script in the demo (I was trying to figure out another bug, which I believed to be compatibility issues), it would give me an error whenever Tunico got a critical hit and state that there was an unidentified variable, saying it was on line 255 of the two hands script.

I've commented out what I believe the problem was. When I changed weapon_critical_damage_twohands the following, it worked just fine. and allowed critical hits after that.


  # * Get weapon crital damage


  alias weapon_critical_damage_twohands weapon_critical_damage

  def weapon_critical_damage

    if self.multi_attack and (self.now_action.is_a?(RPG::Weapon) or 

       (self.now_action.is_a?(RPG::Skill) and self.now_action.double_hit? and


      n = self.current_weapon.dmg

      for item in armors.compact do n += item.dmg end

      return n


       return weapon_critical_damage_twohands #weapon_critical_twohands_damage



If what I did was incorrect, feel free to lemme know. I'm not much of a coder, but this seemed logical since weapon_critical_twohands_damage wasn't the same as the first line in there (weapon_critical_damage_twohands). >.>

I do currently have another problem, but I'm pretty sure it's from compatibility issues since I had the demo working fine. =( Does the ACBS use any switches or variables in game?

EDIT: Seems I was wrong about the compatibility thing... Since, in the demo, there was something acting up script-wise. I'll see if I can replicate it again in a fresh project and send a demo of the issue. My quick-fix was to remove some of the add-ons since they were causing said error. =\ Narrowing down the problem shouldn't be too hard.
Atoa":w0irop72 said:
You could make the skill that calls the common event to be self targeted with the "NODAMAGE" setting. Also, without the "CAST/**" setting

Unfortunately that doesn't work. For that Boss, I needed to remove ALL skills from its Enemy Database entry. It's just him, though. Other bosses who have combo hit skills are fine. So, the issues I am having with the Darkside Boss powers will be resolved in a future update, eh? ;)
Alright I ran into this problem.

Script 'Add | Atoa Bestiary' line 301: NameError occurred.

uninitialized constant Sprite_Battler_Bestiary::Bestiary_Battler_Direction

and I was able to fix it by doing this:
Atoa Bestiary


300 #  def default_battler_direction

301 #    @battler.direction = Bestiary_Battler_Direction

302 # end


I do not know what this is intended for, but it seems to not be implemented yet sooo ya lol.
For some reason when I show animation on an event outside of battle I get this error and I am using the latest English version.

Script'ACBS|RPG::Sprite' line 348 NoMethodError occured
undfined method '[]' for nil:NilClass]

I am not even using the chorono trigger addon. Please help me I need to show animation outside of battle on events sometimes.
For some reason when I show animation on an event outside of battle I get this error and I am using the latest English version.

Script'ACBS|RPG::Sprite' line 348 NoMethodError occured
undfined method '[]' for nil:NilClass]

I am not even using the chorono trigger addon. Please help me I need to show animation outside of battle on events sometimes.

i just tried atoas latest eng demo with and without CT battle inc ATB and it worked fine for me.... it displayed animation for both event and player and i had no problem... i hope u aint got the illegal version?



His problems is probably with screen targeted animations. in fact they don't work neither on battle or outside of them. Above, Center and Bellow targeted animations works fine.




Thanks for the great script Atoa.

I've come up with an error while using the Add | Two Hands script.
I can use normal attacks just fine, but when I try to use any skill with the character that can dual wield, I get the following error:


I don't have much experience with scripting, so I'm not sure what to do. I tried to see if someone else had the same problem before me, but didn't notice.

Any help would be really great!




Love the script. Just updated to the most recent version and am noticing a few issues.

1. Someone that casts a spell or uses an item on himself doesn't show sprite animation.

2. Animations seem to be showing up much lower than than usual, particularly when using the bottom alignment.

3. CTB script is missing Escape_Text string, causing an error if you fail to escape.

Checked with the demo I just downloaded and the problems exist there as well, so it's not an issue of me updating incorrectly.
Atoa, Is the CTB standalone? I would like to use it but I can't really make use out of too much else for the game I am making, maybe the bestiary also.
updated script YAAY!!! HAIL ATOA THE GREAT!!! :box:

Is it possible in CT battle call to use variable for X and Y positions for start_pos, end_pos, escape_pos, and actors_pos instead of having to preplan the battle? :cheers: :thumb:



Don't worry trying to fix these things, they're bugs on the system so simply wait that i will fix it on the next update. and thanks for the report.

2. Animations seem to be showing up much lower than than usual, particularly when using the bottom alignment.
As stated before, the damn RMXP don't use the actual bottom of the battlers for animations, what makes the animations appear on different places on sprites with different heights. To fix that, and ensure that an buttom animation will appear on the bottom of any sprite, regardless to it's height, i had to make changes. And these changes aren't reflected on the database.

1 and 3. Thanks for the report.

No, there's no way to make the postion selection automatic. Each battle must have it's own settings.

Almost all add-ons works only for the ACBS

EDIT: an small update to fix the bug reported now.
Alright, I dont know much about battle systems in RMXP in general yet but here goes.

Are there actual "slots" for where the actor stands, I basically want to make this using CTB

There are 5 different slots for monsters in battle, boss monsters take up more than one slot, the big bosses take up all 5 slots. Depending on WHERE the monsters appear they may benefit from each other, such as a tank type monster beside an attacker type monster will A) give the tank type an attack boost from the attacker and B) give the attacker a defense boost from the tank type.

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