Thanks for getting back to me! Shame that shields aren't supported with duel wielding. =( Will it be in a future update?
Anyhow, about the bug I ran into. I can simply describe it since it only happened at a specific point. When I had the Two Hands script in the demo (I was trying to figure out another bug, which I believed to be compatibility issues), it would give me an error whenever Tunico got a critical hit and state that there was an unidentified variable, saying it was on line 255 of the two hands script.
I've commented out what I believe the problem was. When I changed
weapon_critical_damage_twohands the following, it worked just fine. and allowed critical hits after that.
# * Get weapon crital damage
alias weapon_critical_damage_twohands weapon_critical_damage
def weapon_critical_damage
if self.multi_attack and (self.now_action.is_a?(RPG::Weapon) or
(self.now_action.is_a?(RPG::Skill) and self.now_action.double_hit? and
n = self.current_weapon.dmg
for item in armors.compact do n += item.dmg end
return n
return weapon_critical_damage_twohands #weapon_critical_twohands_damage
If what I did was incorrect, feel free to lemme know. I'm not much of a coder, but this seemed logical since
weapon_critical_twohands_damage wasn't the same as the first line in there (
weapon_critical_damage_twohands). >.>
I do currently have another problem, but I'm pretty sure it's from compatibility issues since I had the demo working fine. =( Does the ACBS use any switches or variables in game?
EDIT: Seems I was wrong about the compatibility thing... Since, in the demo, there was
something acting up script-wise. I'll see if I can replicate it again in a fresh project and send a demo of the issue. My quick-fix was to remove some of the add-ons since they were causing said error. =\ Narrowing down the problem shouldn't be too hard.