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ACBS - Atoa Custom Battle System 3.2

I'm using Victory Window 2 by KGC Modified by you Atoa, to work with your ACBS
Never mind, i think i figured out whats wrong, i'm using an older version of the victory window.. going to try a newer one.
I just got to looking at them, i think i see the problem.

And i just realized why i have not been using your newer version of the KGC victory window, it was giving me an error constantly.

I can't take screen shots, so bare with me.
I get an error that says.
????? 'Victory Window KGC' ? 87 ??? TypeError ????????
no implicit conversion from nil to integer
I'm not sure what that's about, but it refers to line 87 self.contents.font.size = $fontsize

I think i might know the problem though... i'm going to see if i can fix it myself... hope i can..

-edit again-
Okay i fixed that, i just basically took that line of code out, and it stop giving me the error, and on top of that, i can see the victory screen now, but if a player is dead, they are still given XP, i'm not sure what is causing it.

-Okay.. last edit-
Okay, it's working right in the demo, so why it's not in the game i'm working on is beyond me, i moved the scripts over, i have not done anything to effect the main scripts that would effect EXP given, so.. why it is not working right, is beyond me.
*sighs deeply* okay i gotta try and move things over... AGAIN, and see where i went wrong. :mad:
For me,blitz still isn't working.

Doesn't matter where I add the blitz add on,when I use skill 7(fire) NOTHING HAPPENS!
And on skill 7 I have: Blitz_Skill[7] = [[UP,DOWN], true, 50, 4]

It's always been like that.... :(
And THe only other add ons I have over there are Atoa ATB and easylvlupnotifier....

But the status menu glitch is fixed :D,but the battlesystem stopped being compatible with CCOA UMS :( oh well xD.
The new version of the Individual Battle Commands script crashes if you create a Usable_Command that targets the user. For example, a self-healing skill.

The exact error varies, as it is a stack too deep recursion error. It has to do with the cursor over the user's head, I think.

The previous version of the Individual Battle Commands script from August did not have this error. (I think that was version 3.0.) However, the old version of this script doesn't work with the new version of the main scripts, so I can't use it. (It doesn't crash, but it has some weird problems with targetting.)



From the READ-ME:
# To update the « Battle Scriptsa » just replace all their codes
# To update the add-ons copy and replace the code bellow the line
# ** Atoa Module
# It may be needed to add or remove constants from the settings,
# if that is needed, it will be listed on the version history
And it's quite obvious that, if you made some changes in the settings you can't simple replace the scripts and expect the settings changed to still be there.

And i noticed that blitz (again) stoped working with the atb u.u
What is odd since i didn't edit the part that caused this issue.

Unless you're using an modified version or old version of it, this error can't be returned from the line 87. This is the line 87 of the add-on:
self.contents.font.color = system_color
And if it's working on the demo and not on your project 2 things may be the cause:
1 - you didn't update the scripts properly
2 - incompatibility

In any case, why you don't move the custom script and edited settings to the demo and then copy the Scripts.rxdata from the demo into your project?

I noticed this problem also, i will fix it. it just an small typo.

Man i really don't know what is happening. i tested the scripts you sent and got no error. So i think you will need to send an demo for me. '-'
Atoa":kb7a5pfx said:
Man i really don't know what is happening. i tested the scripts you sent and got no error. So i think you will need to send an demo for me. '-'

No problem. It's huge, so I'm putting it on megaupload. Will PM you the link. Just reply back to PM when you get it.

That error came up in your demo dude, i had to take that line out totally! O_o
When using the last demo, i tried to use that results add on, and it kept giving me that error, so the only way to fix it was to take out that line.
And it's the last version of the system actually, not the latest one.. though i suppose i should download the latest on and look through it as well, but the part in the script, or rather.. the line that has to do with the font size, is what is giving that error, i removed it, and it works fine now... i'm not sure why it's giving me that error to be honest, maybe i'm using a bad version of RMXP.. i have a few versions, but i'm using a legit one making this game.. so i'm not sure what the deal is :/

I will work through it though.
This "battler.passed" is only for skip action (pressing Z during comand input) so it won't work.
Lol, aren't there any solution you can provide? I just need the ATB to not drop to 0 when the battlers attacks normally (not skills, items, defend, etc)

If it's to hard, like maybe the scripts needs to be largely edited, then tell me so, I won't bug you anymore about this, but if you can provide any solution I'll be grateful :P

Thanks in advance :D



the code to check if battler is attacking is "battler.attack?" and there's an method named "def reset_atb(battler)" (or it is "def atb_reset(battler), not with the maker here now to check).

But i'm talking about the CURRENT version, forget about the older ones. They're totally useless now.
Thanks Atoa, I managed to edit the script. :D

But, like always, a new problem always occur... Maybe I can't really do this alone without proper scripter on my side hha...

Just in case, my idea was:
-Set the ATB turn to very low value. (like 20 frames/turn)
-Set a "Force Action = Normal Attack" event that runs each turn (0 + 1X), so the battlers are going to attack each turn
-When the ATB is full, the battlers can use their skills

Well, I want to make a TD-RPG game like that, but there's 2 problem:
1. Events that supposed to runs each turn only work for one turn (ex; 0 + 1X events only runs at the 1st turn)

2. When the ATB is full, the battlers didn't stop attacking, which make skill commands window inaccessible...
how do you move a battler while in CT battle? I tryed the demo and only used CT battle script as add on and called script:
$scene.battler_custom_move($game_actors[1], 5, 2)
and i also tryed this:
$scene.battler_custom_move($game_party.actors[1], 5, 2)

I tryed both and nothing happens.... Was the line script called wrong?



As i said before:
This one just moves the battler, but it doesn't change their base position, so it won't work. you should use
$scene.battler_custom_base_position(battler, pos_x, pos_y)
the simple custom move will not work during the turns, since the script is set to always return to the base position if the battler isn't active. So you must change the base position instead.
so forget about battler_custom_move you must use battler_custom_base_position

Since this is an "exclusive" system...
Atoa":2vgnls6t said:
Exclusive Systems:
I also will be accepting request for exclusive systems, but not for free.

- I will aks fo some type of "payment"
- This payment can be an "Talent Swap" (you do something for me and i make the system), or cash (yes, i'm an mercenary, so what?)
- It's me the one who judge how much i will want, but that can be negotiated.
- If the system needs special graphics, *you* must provide them to me.
- If you don't like my terms... it's your problem.
Ouch, payment huh....
Okay, since I'm not really have to make this game now, maybe I'll put this one on hold...

But when I do really need this system, I'll be sure to pay.

Talent? I don't really have one... Well, maybe I can draw or sprite, but that's all, and it's not that good.
Okay, i just tested it with your latest version, i used the Victory Window 2, i let everyone but 1 player die, he was left standing, everyone still got XP.
I would take a screen capture and show you, but sadly i'm on a connection that is too slow for me to upload things right now.
Ok I tried calling this on the demo with only atb and ct battle script and nothing happens...
$scene.battler_custom_base_position($game_actors[1], 5, 2)

How much u charge to make new script such as mode 7 script compatible with ur Battle system



I would stay here arguing with you but this images took right now from the demo talk by themselves.



By the way, did you remove the "Can't get Exp" from the dead state? There's no glitch with the exp distribuction, at last on the demo with no Non-ACBS scripts.

I just tested it and works perfectly.

how did you call this?
Remember that you must add the troop ID on the battle call if you want to use the events of the troop.

Also you should note that the battler coordinates are not based on tiles.
It's the actual screen_x and screen_y coordinates.

About making the battle compatible with Mode7... it would be REALLY hard. So it wouldn't be cheap .-.
atoa...i dont understand what you mean... can u give me an example of call script if you were to make enemy ID 14 magus move in ct battle... im not understanding what you are implying... im sorry :|:

so far i tried doing a script call on the ct battle event that calls the battle by adding a script call on that event with
$scene.battler_custom_base_position($game_actors[1], 5, 2)

and nothing happens
i even tried putting $scene.battler_custom_base_position($game_troop.enemies[24,14], 35, 8) and still nothing happens... PLEASE, can you write down an example for me? thank you
Atoa, I know you've probably got your hands full but I'm using an older copy of the final script, and it's causing a few conflicts, specifically, I'm using a version where the battle-sprites are the in-game sprites, I found it helps save massive amounts of time in development. Is this still available to use in the current script, and is there any way to make it compatible again with my current project because a lot of the old code doesn't seem to be compatible with new code and new add-on scripts.

As an addendum The ATB is essentially a CTB it's just the way the turns are viewed that makes it look different on the scripts. Just wondering if there's a way you can set in the menu or perhaps at the start of the game whether or not you want to use the ATB or the CTB as an option.

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