I already fixed this issue with "X" turns when you spoke about it.
You got it wrong... like i said, during battle the
events are not processed, the battle just igore it. The only event processed is the battle event, that needs the troop id to be specified.
The enemy you see on battle
*isn't the event*, it's an normal rmxp enemy placed above the event, and the event is hidden.
The CT battle don't happens in the actual map, is justs use the map spriteset and add the actors and enemies in positions according to the call battle specification.
During the battle forget about the map events, their only porpouse is to decide the battler position.
to move the enemies during battle you need to use the script call:
$scene.battler_custom_base_position($game_troop.enemies[INDEX], X, Y)
the INDEX is the enemy position on the enemy troop. Remember that indexes starts at 0, so position 1 is index 0, position 2 index 1...
And also, remember what i said about the map coordinates, they're
NOT considered.
$scene.battler_custom_base_position($game_troop.enemies[0], 35, 8)
won't make the battler move to the tile x35, y8. he will move to the x35, y8 of the
it was another error that i also fixed xD
I'm not planning to add charset support for the ACBS. The tankentai already do it, and there's another ones with this support. (like the rye.jp one).