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ACBS - Atoa Custom Battle System 3.2



when calling the ct battle the troops settings are TOTALLY ignored, what include the events, unless you set the troop ID.
# can_escape = true/false
# enemies = [[event, enemy, permanent]]
# start_pos = [x, y]
# end_pos = [x, y]
# escape_pos = [x, y]
# actors_pos = [[x, y],[x, y],[x, y],[x, y]]
# can_lose = true/false
# troop = enemy troop
# $scene.call_ct_battle(can_escape, enemies, start_pos, end_pos, escape_pos, actors_pos, can_lose, troop)
So you must make an "ghost" troop on the database with all events commands, and add this troop ID to the battle call.

The problem is not the code, but the fact that no event are being processed.

Atoa, I know you've probably got your hands full but I'm using an older copy of the final script, and it's causing a few conflicts, specifically, I'm using a version where the battle-sprites are the in-game sprites
You are mitaken, there's no version of ACBS that supports charsets, the one that uses charsets is the SBS Tankentai, wich has no relationship with this script.
None of the ACBS code will work on tankentai, they're completely different systems.

And even if you are using the ACBS, forget about the older versions, you should replace all the codes and copy the settings values.

The ATB is essentially a CTB it's just the way the turns are viewed that makes it look different on the scripts.
No, it's not like that.
The turn order calculation are tottally different in ATB and CTB. An big part of the code are very alike, but not all of it.



I finally found the bug, it was nothing with the events, but with the 'CAST/', it will be fixed on the next update ;D
Atoa":3gonsu2z said:
I finally found the bug, it was nothing with the events, but with the 'CAST/', it will be fixed on the next update ;D

Great and thanks!

Now my only concern is that when I remove the CAST/ part and fight the same boss, as soon as he uses a power, I get this error:


Did I do something wrong?
Lol, Sorry if I keep bugging you, Atoa.

I just want to ask, remember what I said about the Troops Event Command? The one that supposed to run each turn didn't work with your script?

Like I was saying, if I set an event that runs at each turn like the one in the image below, like (0 + 1X), or (3 + 2X), they only runs once, and this problem keeps bugging me because I need them.

So, I just want to ask, can you fix this problem? Or at least you can test it on your place and see if maybe I was wrong.

I believe this is not an exclusive system, since most people here must have used this kind of event.

Thank you~
Ah right, damn. Okay I got a little confused because I saw you'd helped do the SBS system for XP. All I really want to do is incorporate some of the add-ons, but I figure they're all geared towards the ACBS now and wouldn't work with the SBS as you said.

I think it'd be massively time consuming to either make the add-ons compatible with SBS, make the ACBS compatible with Character Sprites as battlers, or replace all the battlers with new ones designed for the ACBS, so unless you think you can do it Atoa, I won't ask it of you.

This is a great script though, I kinda wish I'd found it instead of the SBS first.
ok heres what i did:




during battle, the event (magus) will not move but only moves after the battle. I'm I doing it all wrong?



I already fixed this issue with "X" turns when you spoke about it.

You got it wrong... like i said, during battle the events are not processed, the battle just igore it. The only event processed is the battle event, that needs the troop id to be specified.
The enemy you see on battle *isn't the event*, it's an normal rmxp enemy placed above the event, and the event is hidden.
The CT battle don't happens in the actual map, is justs use the map spriteset and add the actors and enemies in positions according to the call battle specification.
During the battle forget about the map events, their only porpouse is to decide the battler position.

to move the enemies during battle you need to use the script call:
$scene.battler_custom_base_position($game_troop.enemies[INDEX], X, Y)
the INDEX is the enemy position on the enemy troop. Remember that indexes starts at 0, so position 1 is index 0, position 2 index 1...
And also, remember what i said about the map coordinates, they're NOT considered.
$scene.battler_custom_base_position($game_troop.enemies[0], 35, 8)
won't make the battler move to the tile x35, y8. he will move to the x35, y8 of the *screen*.

it was another error that i also fixed xD

I'm not planning to add charset support for the ACBS. The tankentai already do it, and there's another ones with this support. (like the rye.jp one).
oh i get it... thanks :biggrin:

i was having a blonde moment LoL :box:

i got it though atoa thanks for clarifying that with me :cheers:
Is there anyway to keep the base position of the battler when escaping the battle...?
When I escape or run the battle, the battler base position is not equivalent to the event or player position...

Atoa any idea why HP and SP is maxed from your demo when using eqipment set script?? I don't have an equipment set and it displays the battlers HP and SP 9999
A damn, shame. The reason I ask is your battle system has something like 30-40 add-ons, many of which might be useful to my game. Great job though.



I don't know how many battlers you have, but if you use animated battlers only for actors it woudn't be hard to make tem with the ACBS style. Now if you're using animated battlers for enemies it would be harder.
Atoa, I found another small bug. I was able to fix this one myself.

In the Skills Conditions add-on, the HP and MP percent conditions do not work. Because of rounding errors, any skill set to use an HP rate condition will only work at 100% HP, and any skill set to use an SP rate condition will only work at 100% SP.

If you just change
(self.hp / self.maxhp * 100)
(self.hp * 100 / self.maxhp)
on line 300, and do the same thing for SP on line 313, it seems to work fine.
Well originally the idea was to use animated battlers on both counts, but I can always switch, hell it wasn't too bad when Squaresoft did it. I haven't quite gotten all the mechanics of the game down yet so any way you can point me in the right direction on how to do that if I should decide to make the jump to ACBS?

Also, any idea if it's possible to make two different battle systems available from start up? As in one is your ATB the other is your CTB and the player chooses from the start up of a "New Game" and can't change it afterwards?



to make such option it would need several edits on both systems.

I didn't had such problems with it being able to set conditions like 50%, anyway, i will make this change so ensure that no one will have problems with that.
Would you be able to do it for a fee? Feel free to say you're too busy, or it wouldn't be for a while. I'm just curious, we can talk in PM if you'd rather that.

EDIT: Also where abouts in the script is the place I can edit the battlers animations so it's only the actors who are animated.

EDIT 2: It's okay I think I figured it out now. But out of curiosity is there a way so the enemy battlers don't move when they attack, but the actors do?

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