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ACBS - Atoa Custom Battle System 3.2



Odd, i've made exactly the same as the second change you did and it worked perfectly.
(i liked this idea, i will even add this to the next update)

Wich victory window? I tested all the 3 victory add-on and dead actors don't recive exp.

Well this error is odd, an error like this, pointing no line, only happens with syntax erros on script calls. Try removing the event, and see if the crash happens, if it stop, send me the events you used.



I'm having a problem with the new version. There is no error at all. The battle screen comes up and then nothing happens. The animations still play but the command window doesn't come up.

I'm using:
multi slots
new status
equipment with skills
change sp cost
equipment autostate
individual battle commands
window settings
automatic actions
counter attack
battle advantages
show combos
ff7 victory

It also happens in the demo.

EDIT: After disabling some scripts, I found that the error is in the automatic actions.
It's not an issue with the transitions. Once I moved it to where it needed to be, the problem was solved. It's DEFINITELY a problem between the Atoa Battle Engine and the Events in the Troops section.

Here are screen shots of my Troops Database events. Without them, the Boss cannot summon minions, so I need to be able to use it:





EDIT: Forgot to mention, Atoa. The game crashes when the Boss uses Skill #0301, which calls Common Event #003, which sets switch #0042. As you can see, that switch is what makes the out-of-play enemies in-play. The game crashes BEFORE the skill's "user animation" plays on the Boss.



Are you using wich add-ons?
I just copied your event EXCATLY like you did, and they're working perfectly with no add-ons and also with atb.

@ Yin
I noticed some problems with the ATB/CTB + Counter. Test without the counter and tell me if you still having problems.



Just tested it, the counter isn't the problem. It is the automatic actions. When I delete it, it works fine (with counter attack in and all)

Although I haven't thoroughly tested the counter attack addon, so there may be a different error in that too. But for this particular error, it is definitely automatic actions.



I don't have any problems with ATB + Automatic Actions here, even with all add-on you listed. did you use any specific setting?
Atoa":3tvy8n2q said:
Are you using wich add-ons?
I just copied your event EXCATLY like you did, and they're working perfectly with no add-ons and also with atb.

Add | Atoa ATB
Add | New Status
Add | Skill Reflect
Add | Skill Overdrive
Add | Skill Charge
Add | Skill Scan
Add | Atoa Bestiary
Add | Atoa Summon

And then numerous non-Atoa addons.

EDIT: Under your advanced config I ahve this too: Skill_Settings[301] = ["CAST/6","NODAMAGE"]

Does that help?



I'm using the CTB, that's probably why you didn't see it. Try it with the CTB I didn't change any settings in the demo. It originally gives me an error on this line (342):
I fixed it(?) by changing it to this:
battler_turn_autoaction(battler) if $atoa_script['Atoa ATB']
I only put that there because the alias is only if the ATB is on too. When I changed that line, the battle comes on, but nothing happens after that.



Ah! then that's why.
making 'battler_turn_autoaction(battler) if $atoa_script['Atoa ATB']' will exaclty make no turn to start exaclty because this is the method that make the turn start, and you just added an line to make this happen only in the ATB.

Instead, add an:
or $atoa_script['Atoa CTB']
on the line
alias battler_turn_autoaction battler_turn if $atoa_script['Atoa ATB']
This will make everything runs fine
Ah, sorry Atoa, I forgot to ask something...
I need to make so normal attacks won't reset ATB to 0, as I was tampering with your ATB script, I coma across this lines:
  def reset_atb(battler)

    [b]battler.atb = 0 unless battler.passed[/b]

    battler.passed = false

I was planning to add an "or" after the "battler.passed", but I don't know what input is for battler normal attacks.

Sorry I'm keep bugging you
The counter attack doesnt work with atb or ctb? I didnt even realize that it wasnt working LoL... i tried counter attack addon by itself and it works fine but for some reason it doesnt work with atb or ctb... :shock:

another thing...
# Battler Movement.
# $scene.battler_custom_move(battler, pos_x, pos_y)
# - battler: Battler that will be moved
# use $game_party.actors[index] or $game_actors[id] for actors
# use $game_troop.enemies[index] for enemies
# - pos_x: position x
# - pos_y: position y
does this move the battlers randomly while in CT battle? just wondering cuz i never got it to work LoL it would be awesome if it is that though :biggrin:
Atoa":3pgthod3 said:
Odd, i've made exactly the same as the second change you did and it worked perfectly.
(i liked this idea, i will even add this to the next update)

Great! You are right, it works fine in the new version. I made my earlier post before seeing the new version.

However, I noticed that some of the bugs with the CT battle system are still present in the new version. Specifically:

- When you run away from a battle, your actors run to the wrong spots and the game crashes. This happens to me every time I run away.
- When you only have one party member, he walks to the wrong spot at the beginning and end of the battle. This bug can be avoided by making both the first actor position and the end position always be the same tile as the player is standing on when the battle starts.

Maybe you are already aware of these problems, but I wanted to let you know just in case you didn't know about them or forgot. Both of these problems occur in the demo, using only the Chrono Trigger Battle add-on.



Atoa":3hfvwjwv said:
Ah! then that's why.
making 'battler_turn_autoaction(battler) if $atoa_script['Atoa ATB']' will exaclty make no turn to start exaclty because this is the method that make the turn start, and you just added an line to make this happen only in the ATB.

Instead, add an:
or $atoa_script['Atoa CTB']
on the line
alias battler_turn_autoaction battler_turn if $atoa_script['Atoa ATB']
This will make everything runs fine

Oooh ok, it works now with the new fix!
Any idea why my game crashes on that one fight? I've stripped out everything but your engine scripts and it still crashes at that fight. Just asking.

Okay, I think I figured it out! Whenever any enemy uses any skill, that 'Syntax Error' hits and the game crashes. Is there anything that could be causing this? Would I have to upload all the scripts and settings that I am using?



Upload an zip file with the scripts codes on txt files, so i can check everything.

- When you run away from a battle, your actors run to the wrong spots and the game crashes. This happens to me every time I run away.
In my tests, escaping works fine.

The second one really is a problem, i will fix this out.

This one just moves the battler, but it doesn't change their base position, so it won't work. you should use
$scene.battler_custom_base_position(battler, pos_x, pos_y)

This "battler.passed" is only for skip action (pressing Z during comand input) so it won't work.
I replaced the scripts file like you said,I thought it would only reset the scritps.

I have to start all over?
This is.....

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